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The Rejected Queens

The Rejected Queens



Lily Blue, a teenager, eager for her 18th birthday which is not even a week far, excitedly travelled to New York, to celebrate her birthday with him. Her only family, left after the death of her parents. Little did she knew what fate had in its store for her.

Chapter 1 Surprise Visit

lily's pov:

Airports! Ah!!!!

I hate them with a passion. It's hard! Damn hard taking the bustling people around me. Thank goodness I have Kia by my side. Else, it wouldn't be a matter of seconds that I go hell mad and crazy with the hustle and bustle around. I asked kia to join me to the Airport.

I am planning a surprise visit to my brother. He is a soldier. I wanted to spend some time with my brother since my academic year ended early and now we have holidays.

Initially, I wanted to get back to nana, my granny, but decided to surprise my brother.

" Don't you want to inform even your nana?"

I was brought out of my trans by kia. Her eyes scrutinizing mine for a positive answer. She kept quite and continued walking. I follow her quietly without a word. she turn her head to peek without stopping. I gave her a small smile to which she shakes her head with a smile on her face.

we look around the stalls and shops before heading towards security check-in. I groan at the queue ahead waiting for the security process.

"you sure this is a good idea? I think it would be better if we inform your brother beforehand." says kia worrying over my idea.

"how in the world would it be a surprise if I inform him beforehand?" I huff a little frustrated. kia tilted her head and crossed her hands firmly against her chest.

"but you've never been to your brother's city before?"

" Come on girl! I have his address and base details. what could go wrong?" i walk towards the security check in.

As soon as I pass through it, the alarm beeps loudly, making me blush in embarrassment. the security guards back up. The women waits patiently as I check to see anything I forgot to secure in my luggage that isn't allowed worn during flight, to find my amulet still on.

face palming, i take it off and secure it properly.

"Idiot" kia rolls her eyes with a grin standing behind me. We start making our way towards our terminal.

"Don't forget to put your amulet back on as soon as you can" kia reminds me. I nod with a smile. My brother got me that amulet when I was still young. He wouldn't let me take it off no matter what. I remember him going mad all over whenever I removed it in the past. I have my birthday coming up in 3 days. I am going to be 18, an adult officially, and seriously I can't wait for it.

How nice is it to be an adult, no more rules, no restrictions, no more calling me child especially. I want to spend this special occasion with my brother, Andrew, my only direct family left after my parents died.

we reached the waiting area in no time. with a smile on my face, I look out at the large window where our plane is being cleaned and checked, getting ready for the next journey.


HA! Finally, it feels so good being in the same city my brother is! NEW YORK !! The sleepless city! I've switched my mobile on to find a pile of messages from Kia. oh God I can't believe she thinks of me still as a five year old who would get lost in a blink of eye. i was about to reply her that I've received another message from her. I huff and give her a call right away.

kia's pov:

shit! I shouldn't have let her travel alone, right ?

Ah! why is she so stubborn? she should have let me tag along. whom should I contact for her now ?

I hope she landed there safe. why do my call not get connected? all my WhatsApp messages show one tick mark meaning she didn't receive them yet.

Its been thirty minutes past her designed time for landing. 'call me asap' I've clicked the send button. I think these past thirty minutes are the longest ever in my life. it feels like my heart would jump out of my body any time soon.

RING RING. my mobile rang and relief flooded me at the name displayed on the screen. finally, lily called.

"Hello! did you land safe? you're fine, right? Did you collect your luggage? You informed your brother right? Is He with you?...."

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" I hear loud scream on the other side of the line.

My world stilled for a moment. I felt my heart pick it's pace again. "one question at a time damnit!!" Lily cursed. I could sense the irritation in her voice. oh! ok! I got it.

"Did you land safe dear?" i enquired with a cheeky smile.

" Yes, of course mommy" she answered. I roll my eyes at her sarcasm. Here I was at the verge of panic attack and this girl has the nerve to joke around ?

"Then did you inform your bro?" I try to sound a little sweeter hoping a positive answer.

"NNNooooooOOH!" she was singing a tune. I sigh loudly.

"Is my mommy tired?" lily's says trying to fake sadness in her voice.

"fine! fine! enough now! get to your bro and give me your message. you have one hour most" I huff at her and ended the call.

This girl really has some nerve. I mean who does these stupid things of all? of course she only wanted to surprise her brother a visit, but she could at least inform her nana about it right?

but Lily being Lily didn't even bother to do that. No matter how many times I try to persuade her. The worst part to the story is that neither nana nor her brother knew about our preponed academic schedule. HA! I'm sure they must be thinking that Lily must be currently busy studying. Else there is no logical explanation that neither of them called her since a week.

Can a person be ever more reckless than my stupid bestie? she never visited New York before in the past nine years, and now she went to an unknown place for what? surprising her brother!! I hope he doesn't lash out on her for her carelessness.

she is his darling sister ever since their parent's death. It's been nine years since Lily's parents died. Her brother was 18 back then and she was only 9. Her granny took care of Lily since then here in UK.

Her brother would never miss a chance to shower his love for his baby sister. Not even a chance goes by without his gifts. Hell, our whole college thought she had a rich Boyfriend, her sugar daddy to keep showering her with gifts. Hell! she doesn't give a damn over what other's think.

Sometimes, I envy her. How nice would that be to have someone in my life who would shower me with love, attention and care.

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