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Born Lady Viktoria, I am the daughter of the playboy prince Victor of house Ezorona. My father is second in line to the throne after his brother, but since I was born a dhampir, I will never be a part of their royal world. I am a half-blood. Half-vampire, half-human with no real power in our kingdom. That is until I am kidnapped by the werewolf Alpha Fynn, the saints intervene and my entire world is turned upside down.

Chapter 1 Born a lady

Helena's screams echoed throughout the passages of the castle while Victor paced up and down outside the door. He prayed to the saints that the baby survived this time. He no longer cared if it was a boy or a girl. They had already lost three offspring so far and, after his dear wife died, he took Helena as his only concubine with the promise to his late wife that he wouldn't take another. He would be faithful to his concubine even if it was against the law for them to marry. He was the second in line to the throne after all. It wouldn't make any difference whether he had a boy or a girl.

They would never rule the kingdom.

Dimitri's sons would one day become the heirs to the throne of Ezorona. His brother had yet to find his vampire wife, but he had six concubines, which meant that one of them would probably soon be pregnant with a son. If Helena had a boy, she would not survive the birth. If it was a girl, they would both immediately be taken back to the convent where his daughter would grow up to face the dhampir trials one day. At least, he had a child then. He pulled his fingers through his hair. Their traditions had always seemed so barbaric to him, but since he was never born into the ultimate position of power, he would never be able to change any of them.

Silence fell and two seconds later he heard the cries of his child. He waited patiently for the doors to open and his heart broke the moment the midwife opened them and shook her head.

"It's a female." Her words were barely audible in the passage. Victor closed his eyes for a moment before turning to look at the waiting court and his parents.

"Lady Viktoria of Ezorona has been born." He sighed. He knew that he couldn't really call her Lady since she was a dhampir, but he hoped that he wouldn't be punished for doing this just this once. His father scowled before storming away. His mother patted the sides of his arms and whispered that there was always the next time, but Victor knew there wouldn't be. This was the only chance the saints had given him.

Viktoria's POV


I loved my mother and she loved me. Our days at the convent consisted of prayers in the mornings after breakfast. Some time outside in the gardens in the mornings. Prayers again after lunch and then my mother had evening chores while I spent my time studying with the other children living there. I was a bit of an outcast and I never truly understood why until the night before my tenth birthday.

"My darling daughter," My mother had tears in her eyes as she took my face in her hands. "I wish I could have given you a different life. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, momma." I wiped her cheek and she surprised me with an apple for my birthday. She told me the story of my father for the first time. How he declared me to be "Lady Viktoria" and how proud he was of me, but that he was not allowed to acknowledge me according to dhampir law. Until that night, I had never heard of the world outside of the convent. I didn't know anything about the dhampir guards, the concubines, or even the vampires. Her gift was the truth, and the apple. She asked me to be strong. For her and for my father, whom I had never met. She asked me to do my best to become a dhampir warrior and not end up in the convent. To make my father proud and do well at school. I didn't understand any of it and cried when they took me away in the early hours of the morning on my tenth birthday.

End of flashback

I put every spare second into my training. Into perfecting every battle move. From the first day I arrived, I decided I would do what I promised my mother. I would be the best dhampir warrior ever.

"Tomorrow will be your last day here. Whether you pass your tests and become guards or fail and become concubines." Our leader announced, but this time she almost seemed sad. She never seemed sad in all the years I had known her. It took us eight years to complete our training and there was just the last day left. After we were dismissed, I made my way to my room to pack the last of my things, not that I had much. We wouldn't even be allowed back into the building after our trials. I looked around and sighed. This had been my home since that fateful day they took me away from my mother. It was a simple room, just like the ones in the convent. I didn't have many friends, but I had a couple and I would miss them dearly if they failed, but if the trials proved they weren't strong enough, that was it. I had done what my mother asked and was sure I had made both my parents very proud, even if I hadn't met my father. I was at the top of my class. I received only the highest scores on all my theoretical tests and I was number one on the leaderboard for all our practical tests. It was the first step in ensuring I didn't go to the convent. That was it. There was nothing more I could do to prepare for the final day of judgment that would decide the rest of my life.

"Hey, Lady Viktoria!" I turned around to find my three friends hanging around my door, laughing and joking. What was originally meant to be an insult over the years became a pet name my friends called me. "Don't tell me you are staying here tonight!" They were clearly drunk! They must have gotten into the secret stash our leader kept in her office! "Come on! We are celebrating!" They tried to get me to leave and party with them, but tonight was too important. I needed my rest if I was to win the trials. I was hoping if I won, I would be stationed in the castle. Not that new guards ever got a position in the castle, but I had only one dream in my entire life. I wanted to meet my father. For my friends, it was just about becoming guards instead of concubines, and I sometimes wondered if they actually cared about any of it. For me, however, it was more than that. If I could win, I might actually see my father. They finally gave up and left so I could get ready for bed. None of them ever cared about their fathers. If they were truly worried about becoming warriors and guards. Life as a concubine didn't look that bad, did it? I fall asleep with the memory of my mother hugging me on the last day I saw her.

As I suspected, my friends were awfully hung over in the morning and I felt sorry for them as we took up our places in front of the stage. This would probably be the last time I would see the sunrise as it slowly turned into day. Once I became a dhampir guard, I would spend my days sleeping and my nights protecting a vampire. In the distance, I could hear our leader explain the trials one last time, but my eyes were scanning the grounds in the hopes that I would see my father. It was a silly hope since the vampires never came out during the day, but I still hoped. I wondered for a moment if it wouldn't be better for me to lose. Then I could see my mother again.

The trials consisted of a couple of challenges. Weapons skills, tactical knowledge, and finally, there was hand-to-hand combat. First up, we had to prove our skills as archers and I watched a girl cry as she was led away after the first round was over, but I had to shake it off quickly. I couldn't lose focus this early. There was still an entire day's worth of fighting left to do. The second was sword fighting, and I could feel the strain my arms took, but since that was my only weakness, I knew it would also be my only low score. We went through all the weapons one by one and our group got smaller and smaller after each test. I almost breathed a sigh of relief when we were done and I looked up to find my friends still there. Our tactical knowledge was tested with a verbal example of an old battle our people had lost and, as usual, I was the last one to be called forward. The aim was to give them a solution that would have allowed us to win the battle, and since history was one of my many favourite subjects, I was prepared for any scenario they could give me. It didn't take the council more than a couple of seconds to release my score and I fought back the urge to shout with glee.

Last up was hand-to-hand combat that would decide our ranks in the dhampir order. If you lost your fight, you could still be sent to the convent, but if you won, you would definitely be placed within the order. The day had gone by so fast that I didn't even notice the sun slowly starting to set. Just as we were about to start, the perimeter alarms sounded and people were running in all directions. Our leader was ferociously giving orders and as soon as she saw me, she shouted my name. I was to go to the wall with the highest-ranked guards and defend our land as one of them!

Since we had an agreement with the humans to stay behind our walls, there was only one enemy that I knew of that would attack us. The beasts! Horrible, malformed wolves that were created by the first of the ancients. The first king. They were once the protectors of our kingdom. In the days before the new laws, In the days before, humans and vampires existed in peace. Long before the kingdom was built or the walls went up. Before the first dhampir on record was born. Werewolves! I didn't have any more time to dwell on our history when one of them came flying over the wall, barring his canines. His feet hardly touched the ground before he stormed one of my friends. Within seconds, more came over the wall and I heard their howls as our warriors took their lives. There was the odd scream from a dhampir when a wolf actually killed one of us. I fought my way past a couple of them and was just in time to see the larger-than-life wolf come over the wall. He was larger than the rest and his aura was filled with power. Our eyes met and I froze in place as an electrical shock ran right through my entire body. My split-second hesitation was enough for him to close the gap between us, and as his powerful hands gripped my throat, I wondered if this was it. Was this to be the last day of my life? Would my life really be snuffed out by a beast? After all that training? My training kicked in and I fought back, but he was stronger than anyone I knew.

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Chapter 1 Born a lady



Chapter 2 Outside the walls



Chapter 3 A Royal or not



Chapter 4 A gentleman's agreement



Chapter 5 This is NOT my home!



Chapter 6 A father's love.



Chapter 7 It's all lies!!



Chapter 8 The truth!



Chapter 9 Where is home really



Chapter 10 Could we have a future



Chapter 11 Mates and Love.



Chapter 12 My father's message!



Chapter 13 Ancient history



Chapter 14 Forbidden love.



Chapter 15 Love.



Chapter 16 What did I say



Chapter 17 How did life go on from here



Chapter 18 What ifs can drive you mad.



Chapter 19 Going back home.



Chapter 20 The life of an instructor not a guardian.



Chapter 21 Untouched.



Chapter 22 The convent! Seriously!



Chapter 23 Escape!



Chapter 24 A change in the guard.



Chapter 25 Wearing the tiara ...



Chapter 26 Living as a princess.



Chapter 27 Life as we know it



Chapter 28 The crown princess.



Chapter 29 Standing my ground.



Chapter 30 More Lies!



Chapter 31 The beast is her mate!



Chapter 32 So not falling in love!



Chapter 33 Hidden messages.



Chapter 34 Is that really that



Chapter 35 Rejected



Chapter 36 How do we move on from here



Chapter 37 The first rejection.



Chapter 38 Make it stop!



Chapter 39 Accepting the rejection.



Chapter 40 Coming of age.
