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Chapter 5 This is NOT my home!

Word Count: 1578    |    Released on: 03/08/2023



ho saw it. My mom once explained that it was because of who my father was, but I didn't even know him! I never saw him. Belinda walked over with her arms crossed and was probably about to say something or do something really cruel when the nun walked

. I knew by now not to cross her! Why did I even open my damn mouth? Because she was wrong! The beasts betrayed the ancient and that wa

d of me. We weren't allowed to fight. At least, not until we were in dhampir

f Fla

ng something different. Different styles, colours, and fabrics. At the castle, you had to wear the uniform of your department. The only ones I knew of that could wear whatever they wanted were the actual royals and from what I saw in the books and what I heard. Royal clothing could be pretty extravagant. Their buildings were all built out of wood, whereas at the castle everything w

crossing my arms t

ndfather make us out to be." He sighed and walked off. Yet, another thing, if he thought his words would make me feel guilty for my private thoughts,

e now holding me here as a prisoner! I would gladly go back!" My arms were waving about and I probably looked like a crazy person, b

n his face as he mumbled. "That sure as hell sounded like a princess to me." But I didn't have


ong life. Believe it or not, there was a time when we as vampires were seen as beasts. The monsters who killed loved ones. A time before, my ancestors created a kingdom where we could safely be who we were with people wh

ded to see her for myself! If she wasn't th


. Then she made me think of a spoiled little princess. Either way, I couldn't stop looking at her and it was taking everything inside me not to grab her and make her mine. I didn't even know if she would

f they had a son, my mate would die! I couldn't imagine doing that to someone you loved. That was yet another question I had. Did they even love? Did they know what it was to lo

repeat itself and I was fast running the

house. "He is here." I sighed. I had hoped that if we came to an agreement with

er protesting that she was not a princess, but after both her f


iscussions would take place. That I knew for sure. I had to find out who he was rushing off to see each time! If it was my people, I might be able to go back h

beast bit you, that was it! You would turn into one of them and never be able to return. Never be able to become part of their little group. Doomed to walk the world alone

t, I would be happy even if they sent me to the convent as long as I didn't have to stay there! I can't picture spending the rest of my life in this dum

at he believed dhampir drank blood. I never tasted a drop, except for the odd injury, and couldn't actually imagine drinking the stuff, b

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1 Chapter 1 Born a lady2 Chapter 2 Outside the walls3 Chapter 3 A Royal or not 4 Chapter 4 A gentleman's agreement5 Chapter 5 This is NOT my home!6 Chapter 6 A father's love.7 Chapter 7 It's all lies!!8 Chapter 8 The truth!9 Chapter 9 Where is home really 10 Chapter 10 Could we have a future 11 Chapter 11 Mates and Love.12 Chapter 12 My father's message!13 Chapter 13 Ancient history14 Chapter 14 Forbidden love.15 Chapter 15 Love.16 Chapter 16 What did I say 17 Chapter 17 How did life go on from here 18 Chapter 18 What ifs can drive you mad.19 Chapter 19 Going back home.20 Chapter 20 The life of an instructor not a guardian.21 Chapter 21 Untouched.22 Chapter 22 The convent! Seriously!23 Chapter 23 Escape!24 Chapter 24 A change in the guard.25 Chapter 25 Wearing the tiara ...26 Chapter 26 Living as a princess.27 Chapter 27 Life as we know it 28 Chapter 28 The crown princess.29 Chapter 29 Standing my ground.30 Chapter 30 More Lies!31 Chapter 31 The beast is her mate!32 Chapter 32 So not falling in love!33 Chapter 33 Hidden messages.34 Chapter 34 Is that really that 35 Chapter 35 Rejected 36 Chapter 36 How do we move on from here 37 Chapter 37 The first rejection.38 Chapter 38 Make it stop!39 Chapter 39 Accepting the rejection.40 Chapter 40 Coming of age.41 Chapter 41 Different paths.42 Chapter 42 Wanting what isn't possible.43 Chapter 43 I can't love her anymore.44 Chapter 44 We have to say goodbye one last time.45 Chapter 45 Misunderstandings can be fatal.46 Chapter 46 Finding answers!47 Chapter 47 Nobody really wins a war.48 Chapter 48 There is no Ffffing way!49 Chapter 49 Taking the chance.50 Chapter 50 Mated and married.51 Chapter 51 Finding our groove.52 Chapter 52 Killing the ancient - Part 153 Chapter 53 I am a day walker.54 Chapter 54 We are having a baby!55 Chapter 55 Friedrich is born.56 Chapter 56 The ancient is turned into ash.57 Chapter 57 Another three years lost!58 Chapter 58 A new king and queen.59 Chapter 59 Friedrich's wolf.60 Chapter 60 A new king is revealed.61 Chapter 61 Mind link overload.62 Chapter 62 Finding love.63 Chapter 63 Catching up after my nap.64 Chapter 64 Questions about the future.65 Chapter 65 Freya.66 Chapter 66 The grimoire of the first.67 Chapter 67 Unlinked.68 Chapter 68 A growing family.69 Chapter 69 Finding balance!70 Chapter 70 A strange new world.71 Chapter 71 A human life ...72 Chapter 72 The attack.73 Chapter 73 A happy family - The end.