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Cinderella and the Horny priest

Cinderella and the Horny priest



Fat, chubby and bullied Illegitimate daughter, Cinderella is betrayed by her Fiance, and stepsister. Escaping a life threatening situation after her nudes is forcefully taken, Cinderella encounters an extremely gorgeous and arrogant black Angel who is as mysterious as he could be. Who is this Mysterious black Angel? What happens when Cinderella falls pregnant and gets dragged into a deadly war between an Angel and his Shadow?

Chapter 1 Abandoned, sleeping with an Angel

On the cold rainy night of Valentine, Bullied, fat and chubby tomboy, Cinderella is betrayed by her step sister, rejected by her fiance, and sleeps with a wounded Angel mistakenly.

" You are fat, ugly and you do not behave like a woman. " Cinderella was pushed to the cold and rocky ground by her vicious Fiance. A loud thud echoed underneath her bruised butt like a big bag of cement.

Cinderella adjusted the broken round rimmed glasses on her face, and bit back the hot tears streaming down her cheeks.

She swallowed nothing, and raised her head to the condescendingly snort from her cheating Fiance and step sister.

She clenched her fist and snatched her glance away from the rough bed. Today was Valentine and she had really wanted to finally give her virginity to Antonio.

Cinderella had purposely worn a red revealing dress tonight. Antonio had been pestering her nonstop for Séx, and she had planned to give everything away to him.

But, Instead of a Romantic Séx night, Antonio had been in bed, banging her step sister. Loud smouldering Moans, and grunts escaped from the room.

A faint blush reddened Cinderella's face, she knew what Móans were, and was very curious to peep into the keyhole.

Antonio had her stepsister's sexy pale legs on his shoulder. He had his lips against hers, and his head buried against her neck. The bed was creaking loudly, and her fiance was thrusting deeply, like a wounded lion.

They had been cheating behind her back.

Cinderella bit her lips and froze to the ground. It took a long while, but she finally stormed in to the room, yanked her fiance off her whore of a sister and confronted them.

Instead of an explanation, A slap was thrown against Cinderella's face. The culprit raised up their chins proudly and pushed her to the wet ground.

" Look at that ugly little Scar on your face. " Antonio held the waist of his cheating partner and Mocked the petite little woman sitting on the floor.

His pale handsome face had extreme lines of disgust on it, like he was looking at the most dirtiest human being in the world.

" You are so ugly, and you behave like a Man. "

" How on earth did you ever think I would get married to such a vile woman like you? "

He sneered vulgarly. He had never liked such a ugly looking Fiancee. She wasn't his taste for a woman, and she was also fat and tomboyish.

A snort escaped his lips. Cinderella was like a Man. She had no sense, and sexy elegance of a woman.

Antonio swung around, and spat disdainfully.

" I don't want this relationship anymore. " He was very blunt, lowering a trashful gaze at the woman on the floor.

" You are so ugly, I'm afraid If I get married to you, I'd die of nightmares. "

A soft mocking laughter filled up the confined space. Cinderella was ridiculed and humiliated. She sniffed sourly and could still vaguely hear their nauseating Moans in her head. A painful growl rumbled in her tummy. Once again they had snatched what belonged to her.

Cinderella trembled, and raised a hateful glare at her step sister. She swallowed, and wanted to tear her apart. They had made her ugly. All these evil people had poured acid on one side of her face, and made her ugly.

A proud arrogant smirk adorned Ciara's cheeks She narrowed her eyes back at Cinderella, and haughtily reached out to Antonio's chest. She threw herself coquettishly on him, and softly bit her lips.

" Antonio, Do you think I am better in bed? "

She shamelessly made it very loud, and clear. An action that burnt Cinderella's eyes. The big devil chuckled warmly, and patted her hair.

" Ofcourse, you are better in bed. "

Antonio reeled in disgust, and sneered.

" She is so ugly. How can I ever stoop so low to touch her? "

He recklessly picked up a glass of tequila, and flicked the rim with his ringed fingers. He had forgotten so soon, and would never accept he had once begged Cinderella for Séx, but she had refused.

" She is so shameless. " He continued. He took a swoon over Cinderella's curled up figure and poked her cheeks harshly.

" She tried to climb into my bed many times! " He lied through his teeth and In turn the teary Cinderella raised up her head, and fought his hands off her cheeks.

" Get your filthy hands off me! You bàstard. "

" Keep quiet, you ugly whóre! " He snapped at her. He held the glass of tequila, and lazily he dropped a cocaine pill into it.

Antonio stared at her ample chest, and gulped hungrily. The glint in his eyes shone extremely mischievously . He pressed down her chin, and was tempted to force the alcohol down her throat.

" Cinderella, do you want Alcohol? " He teased at, shaking the glass before Cinderella's eyes. He sinisterly held her chin, and forced it open.

" Let go of me. " Cinderella cried, sweeping her head roughly to each side. Antonio frowned a fit, and signaled to Ciara. The latter was swift. She took no time in pressing Cinderella down, and caging her like a wild beast.

" Let me go. Leave me alone, you Animals. "

" Keep your mouth shut! "

The burning liquor was poured into her mouth, and forced down her throat. Cinderella rasped and threw her hands numbly into the air. The devil and his advocate bullied her, and yet still weren't satisfied.

Antonio heightened again, and snarled harshly at Cinderella's clothes. He brought out his big phone, and swiped the camera open. A certain little Slut had been so protective of her body, and had refused to climb into his bed.

Fine then! He wanted to see whatever she was hiding. And ofcourse he would show it to the whole world as well.

" Take off her clothes, and take her nudés! "

Cinderella felt lightheaded. The liquor made a very flushed Cinderella dizzy. She fought very strongly to keep her eyes open, while her step sister gradually began to peel off her buttons.

They were really going to picture her nakéd.

Cinderella cried, and struggled. She pleadingly held onto the hands of the devil, and fought a little too weak. With the little strength, she had left she pushed Ciara off, and dragged her body ruggedly through the ground.

Cinderella crawled flimsily on the cold ground. She chose an escape route, but Antonio sped after her, clasped his hands around her ankles and dragged her back Mercilessly.

One after the other, he began tearing off the pieces of her clothing. He was extremely rude, and viólent so much Cinderella was púshed in to an helpless abyss.

" Let go! Let go! Let go! "

Cinderella had grown extremely weak. She was attacked and couldn't fight back. Antonio kept on squeezing her néck, ripping off everything she had, and taking a picture.

Antonio snickered cunningly and enjoyed each and every bit of humiliating the ugly little slút before him. He wanted to bully her to déath because she was extremely ugly.

He bit his lips, and rolled his tongue hungrily, at her fleshy ßréasts. She had smooth skin, as porcelain as jade. Only her face was ugly.

He suddenly had the hunger to sqúeeze one in his hands. Cinderella was in a vulnerable state, and he could do whatever he wanted.

He took big steps towards her, but Cinderella inadvertently dragged her butt, and picked up an empty bottle of vodka.

She smashed it on the ground, and pointed at him. Cinderella felt uncomfortable, A burning heat enveloped her body. The cocaine Antonio had forced her to drink was burning her body.


She needed a Man, she really needed a Man.

" Stay away, or I would really stab you! "

" Oh really! "

The tussle had gone extremely violent. There were loud crashes, and crumbles against the table. Even Ciara had gone through worse.

She bit her lips, and curled up her feet. She knew she was also going to be in of trouble, if things escalated.

" Antonio, let go of her! "

" Go away! " Antonio growled, and pushed her off. Ciara tumbled against the table. A large surging pain enveloped her painfully. Ciara let out a Painful growl, and threw all restrictions into the wind.

No one dared to push her, not even the devil.

Everyone knew Ciara had mental issues and so it wasn't very surprising that she wasted little time, picking up another bottle of vodka, and smashing it hard against Antonio's head.


He tumbled off Cinderella's weak figure, and a hand palmed his bleeding head. Antonio cried, and turned angrily to Ciara. He seethed in rage and rapidly transferred violent aggression to the same woman he had been banging earlier.

Cinderella took advantage, and picked herself up. She gathered her torn red dress, and sped off drunkenly through the hallway.

She could barely see a thing. She was heavily bespectacled and Antonio had broken her Med glasses. She adjusted the broken glasses, and silently prayed she saw through it. or else she was just as good as blind.

She roamed her hands on the wall, and moved along with whatever she felt. She led her cold barefeet on the strangely silent hallway, and could vaguely hear soft running water amid an approaching footstep.

" Cinderella! " Antonio chose chasing the little ugly bunny to bickering with Ciara. He cocked a gun and followed her Scent.

" Come out right now, Don't tempt me! "

Cinderella whimpered softly and increased her pace. Antonio had always been a violent Man, and even though she was a fierce tomboy, she was at a disadvantage tonight. He had fed her cocaine, and her brain had been distorted.

" Cinderella! I have a gun. "

He threatened and Cinderella recklessly polled away. She held onto the wall, and roamed her hands, until she got to a dead end.

" Cinderella! Can you hear me? "

Cinderella was trapped. She leaned against the door, and bit her lips. She could feel him very close, and he was with a gun too.

Cinderella fidgeted, and closed her eyes. Her body was set on fire, the Cocaine was making her virgin body react so strangely. She had so many people call it horny.

Yes she was feeling hórny, at the wrong time. Come on, she was going to die. Was she really going to die a virgin?

Such a painful, and uséless way to die.

" Cinderella! If you don't come out right now."

" Don't blame me for posting your nudés to the Internet! "

Antonio had finally stood at a distance before her. He could see her lean tiredly against the door, and his lips raised into a Possessive grin.

He finally found her.

Antonio snarled. " I finally found you. " He bit his lips, and craned his neck. Cinderella fought to keep her eyes open. It was doubling.

" Would you come over, or I should come get you myself? "

" Come if you dare, you fúcking bàstard! " The woman on the door bit her lips and dared. The big dévil took the dare. Antonio cocked his big gun, and ran crazily towards her.

Cinderella waited for him. His big hard boots hammered messily on the ground. A big hard lump got stuck in her throat. He was going to really kill her, he was definitely going to tear her Into píeces.

Time seemed to stop, but just at that Moment, the door Cinderella leaned against was pushed open. Heavy black feathers swerved through a flung door, and was hard slammed against the big bad wolf.

Antonio was pushed violently against the wall, very far away from Cinderella. He fell onto the ground. Almost at the same time a possessive hand reached out and protectively pulled her into the room.

And the door was slammed shut.

Cinderella was cradled against a hot masculine Chest. She fell hard on him, and a soft painful growl could be heard. He clasped his hands on her waist, and leaned against the wall.

Cinderella heard the Painful Moan, and her big eyes flew open. The room was very dark, and a strong stench of his cologne wafted into her nostrils. He was definitely a Man.

Cinderella frowned. Was he groaning because she was too fat, and heavy for him?

Such a rude Man. Hmph!

" I'm sorry if I'm too fat. " She withdrew from him with an unhappy pout.

" I won't be fat anymore, I would go to the gym and I won't eat too many sharwamas any more. "

The Man's brows pinched softly, and he hissed softly. What was she even saying? And she was not scared of him? Could she really not see him?

Cinderella lowered her head, and seemed like a Mad woman. She was blabbing to herself all thanks to the drugs, that was making her feel hórny and weird.

" When I get slimmer, No one would bully me anymore. " She sniffed, and a certain someone moved his fingers.

" They won't call me ugly anymore. "

" And yes! " Her face beamed. " I can get to be with plenty Men not just that stúpid Antonio."

Cinderella trailed her eyes mischievously on a certain body she leaned on. She didn't know why but she wanted to bully him because he was quiet, and she couldn't see his face.

He was probably Dead.

" Aigoo! Look you have lots of Six packs. "

" One, two three. " Cinderella poked his chest, and counted with an impressed expression on her face. She buried her head, and sniffed his cologne. There was a faint metallic stench of bloód hanging, but she wasn't suspicious.

" You smell so nice! "

" Are you also a virgin like me? "

" Listen, My body is on fire, sleep with me I'd pay you. " She blabbed, and tugged at his shirt rocking his lifeless bódy, back and forth.

" My step Mummy has lots of Money. I would not cheat you. Do you know how to do it? "

The Man was displeased. He was hurt, and he needed atleast his peace and quiet. What kind of human being was this?

He had a throbbing headache and it grew very worse, when she began unbuckling his belt.

Wait! Was she going to rapé him?

Royalty's eyes fluttered, and he finally moved his lips.

" Are you that shameless to rapé me? "

" If you want to sleep with me, do it properly."

Cinderella was shocked. She flinched and fell onto the ground. He was alive!

" Ouch! My bumbum! "

" How can you say bumbum Infront of a Man?"

" Do you want me to rub it for you? "

" Yes! " She sniffed and nodded. " It's sore. "

A charming laughter escaped his lips. He had such a charming laughter, she couldn't see his face yet but she gave that to him.

Not until he held her chin again.

" I could sleep with you for free, and I could give you something too. "

Cinderella paled. " Something? "

" Yes anything! "

" Then can you make me beautiful, and evil? "

A sly chuckle seeped in. " What if I can? "

" It's easy for me to do that but..." He paused and came into the light.

" Once we touch, If I die-" He thumbed her big cheeks warmly.

" If I die, You die. "

The Confused expression on Cinderella's face assaulted him greatly. She didn't know why he had protected this woman earlier but she had strangely called out to him.

He needed Answers, and finally got one. When he swooned in and captured her lips in a soft kiss.

Royalty's eyes flew open.

She was the one.

The woman who would kíll him.

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