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Miss Billionaire (blazing emotions)

Miss Billionaire (blazing emotions)



Jemima Andrade-Kings is a third-generation heiress who was born with a sparkling golden spoon into the Andrade-Kings family, the richest and the most influential in France. Her competence made her father handover the company to her at the age of 23. She became the CEO under the envious eyes of her stepmom and stepsister. Skyline Cooperations skyrocketed overnight after she took over, and that earned her the title of the richest lady in France, but even the rich has commas... Jemima's ego could probably build a tower, she's egocentric, and she's got a crazy obsession with herself. Her staffs hide at the sight of her, she fires them like crackers, she's the only perfect person existing, no one can ever be like her_According to her . She's a single mother though, she has a daughter whom she birthed when she was 18, and for an unknown reason, she hates her daughter. •• "Gentle face deceives" this phrase best describes Maxwell Milla, a fresh college graduate who's a talented swimmer. His dream is to win the France swimming tournament one day and get himself the needed followers to join the world of celebrities. He lives with his granny who runs a bar, and his crazy tomboy sister who works as an attendant in a jewelry store. His family is neither rich nor poor, they're just middle-class, living comfortably. Despite being from a middle-class family, Maxwell's ego reaches the sky just like Jemima's. "I know I'm not rich, but i'm a limited edition" is his daily watchword. He'd rather die than ask the rich for help. What happens when these two people with same personality meet? How'd they meet? When two metals clash, one bends for one as the saying goes... Who'd bend for who? Who'd tame who? Find out in this interesting piece.




Immediately 7am strike the dot, the sound of a ringing alarm took over the biggest room in the mansion.

Jemima's lashes parted ways in bed, and as the ringing penetrated into her ears, she squeezed her face and eventually sat up in bed.

She slammed her palm on the alarm to shut it up before sweeping her hair back.

She was about to get down from the bed when she noticed Landon is still beside her.

"Get up @sshole!" She yelled, and his eyes flew open. He sat up in bed immediately.

"What the f**k are you still doing here?" Jemima glared, her eyes holding not the slightest speck of friendliness.

"Baby!" Landon smiled and tried kissing her, but she pushed him, and he fell down from the bed.

"Ouch! Jemima!" He groaned.

"Your time is over immediately the day broke, so get the hell out of this mansion!" Jemima said flatly, coming down from the bed.

"Don't be like this, Jemima we can actually click...

"In your f**king dreams !" She cut him off, throwing his shirt and pants on him.

He caught them to his chest, and she began pushing him out of the room in just his underpants.

"Jemima listen, I love you and...

"And you're mad!" She shot, finally pushing him out of the room.

She closed the door and flipped her hair before slipping her sleeping robe down her slim but curvy body.

Her uniquely enchanting shape is one of the many things that made her popular besides her face and company, she's really beautifully carved.

She put on her bathrobe and smirked. "Love after a nightstand?, men are jokes" she muttered and entered the bathroom.

She came out an hour later, and as expected, Dolores lay her dress on the bed already.

Dolores is the housemaid, and at the same time, her daughter's nanny.

Jemima took her time dressing up, and when she was done, she stood in front of the mirror and smiled at her perfection.

Beauty, curves, brains and tallness, what else could she ask for? Absolutely nothing, she's the most perfect person living.

She walked out of the room, the smell of her cologne following her till she got downstairs.

"Mum!" Francesca waved to her from the dinning room. Her ten years old daughter.

Merely looking at her reminds her of someone, and that reminder made her lose her appetite. Her mood changed immediately.

"Mum, breakfast is...

"Just shut up and eat! Don't say another word" Jemima snapped, and Francesca bit her lip as she walked out of the house.

Tears ran down Francesca's eyes, and Dolores rushed out of the kitchen. She's a middle-aged woman.

"Francesca!" She gasped when she saw her crying again.

"She hates me" Francesca sniffed tearfully.

Dolores pulled her head to her tummy, stroking her hair.

"Stop crying, madam will come around one day"

"It doesn't look like it at all...she hates seeing me, Dolores are you sure?" Francesca looked up at her.

"Trust me baby, now eat and don't be late for school, nanny loves you yunno" she smiled, wiping her tears.

"I love you too nanny" she said and hugged her tightly.


Granny Suzy was already placing breakfast on the dinning table when Maxwell came out, all dressed to go for his morning swimming practice.

"Goodmorning baby Suzy" he smiled, giving her a peck before sitting.

"Mon tresor (my treasure)" she smiled, stroking his hair.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Sure baby" he nodded.

Cypress ran out immediately, buttoning up her red shirt hastily. She's wearing it on green joggers, then extra big black sneakers.

"Red shirt on blue joggers? Your sense of dressing is lame sis, I wonder why you haven't been fired at the store" Maxwell rolled eyes.

"I'll give you the reply to that when I come back, I'm f**king late already, I have to go" Cypress replied when she finished buttoning up

"You're not taking breakfast?" Granny Suzy blinked.

"You want me to get fired?" Cypress pouted.

"Then just one potato" granny Suzy quickly shoved one into her mouth.

"Thanks granny! I love you!" She shouted, rushing out of the house.

"Wait and give me a ride!" Maxwell shouted and stood.

Granny Suzy shoved a potato ball into his mouth too

" Why do you love giving us potatoes every morning?" He asked as he ate cutely, his cheeks bulging with the potato.

"It helps the brain" she winked, and he laughed, giving her another peck before rushing out of the house.

He bumped directly into Warren, his best friend.

"Why the hell are you late?" He asked.

"I slept late, but no worries, Cypress will give us a ride" Maxwell replied, but then they heard the zooming of a car, and they looked ahead to see Cypress's car leaving already.

"Cypress!" They shouted at once, and she looked out though the window

"My dress sense is a wack, right? Go drive with a model" she smirked and grabbed the wheel, driving off.

"Cypress!!!" Warren and Maxwell screamed, running after her car.

Jemima arrived shortly, and immediately she came out of her car, trails of guards followed her in together with her secretary.

As usual, staffs ran out of her way, but the unlucky ones who weren't fast enough had to stay on a single line and bow their heads as she walked past them.

She suddenly stopped, then she diverted her straight face to one of the male staffs.

"Head up" she said bluntly, and the man raised his head fearfully.

Her eyes were fixed directly on his nails, they have some stains on them.

"The first basic rule here?" She asked sternly without blinking.

"Clean...clean... liness" he stammered, shaking as beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Fire him" she ordered.

"Yes boss!" Secretary Lina replied behind her, and his eyes widened as she resumed her walk.

She finally entered the elevator with just her secretary, and she arrived at her floor two minutes later.

She came out of the elevator to see Tatiana waiting in front of it.

Tatiana is her stepsister.

Her father(chairman) married Tatiana's mum after her mum's death, but even before her mum's death, chairman has been having an affair with Tatiana's mum, so basically, Tatiana and Jemima are age mates.

Tatiana badly wants to be the CEO in place of Jemima, but she's not as brilliant as Jemima, and that's why chairman made her the general manager instead. She's Jemima's greatest enemy, and it's mutual.

She gave the usual annoying smile before coming forward, blocking Jemima's way.

"I see you came late to work again"

"I'm the CEO, isn't that a given" Jemima replied confidently.

"Are you really fit to be the CEO? You f**k men like a whore, I'm scared for the future of Skyline" Tatiana said, getting her phone.

She showed Jemima a picture of how Landon was coming out of her mansion this morning.

"Two nights ago, it was Justus Halifax, the politician, and last night it was Landon Farley, the business tycoon, aren't you ashamed?" Tatiana smirked, and Jemima came closer.

"If you badly wanna become the CEO, then spying on me won't do, it's a waste of your worthless time" she said.

"What!" Tatiana's eyes widened.

"Yeah, I f**k the c**ks I want with no strings attached cos I never claim what's not mine" Jemima continued, leaning in to Tatiana's ear.

"Not everyone will be like your mother, heard she seduced dad after a one night stand, so obviously you're a product of a freaking one nightstand, baby" she whispered and stood straight.

Tatiana made to slap her, but she caught her hand and threw it off.

"Stop trying, I'll crush you,... badly" she muttered, and Tatiana gritted her teeth as she walked fully into the floor.

All the staffs in the floor bowed completely, and she spotted one with a crooked tie.

"Fire him, I'm talking about Mr Kayden" she smirked.

"Yes boss!" Secretary Lina replied as she entered her office.

She rushed in with her and got her schedule book.

"You're having a meeting with the directors by 11, and by 1, you're attending a luncheon with the shareholders. By 2, you'll be signing the document for the finalization of the deal yesterday, and by 7pm, you'll be partying with The Diamonds" she read professionally.

"Told you to find me a new personal manager" Jemima raised a brow.

"Yes ma'am! I selected the few eligible ones already, and they'll be coming for interview tommorow she smiled.

"Good, prepare for the meeting" Jemima said.

"Sure ma'am!"


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