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Deceptive Marriage

Deceptive Marriage

maryah ezra


Sometimes image is more important than one’s own achievements. Abigail Smith, a recent college graduate, comes to this realization when a popular businessman, Benjamin Anderson demands her hand in marriage. She knows she’s being used as cover, but she doesn’t know how deep Benjamin’s problems run until she’s caught up with the government and kidnapped by foreign drug lords. She never expected that getting a degree would lead to pulling a trigger that’ll save the one she love’s life. Will her world ever be the same again?

Chapter 1 Birthday party

Chapter One -

The sound of champagne bottles popping mixed with the cheers of celebration as a party took place in an apartment’s living room far too small. The champagne that bursts from their glass bottles like erupting volcanoes inevitably splattered on the wooden floor.

“HEY! Could you guys be a little more considerate?!” The owner of the apartment shouted in annoyance at everyone causing a ruckus.

“Sorry, Layla.” An older, tall man still in his business suit patted the young adult’s back. He then beamed a smile at the woman that was the same age as her, sitting on the sofa with an embarrassed look. “I’m just so happy that my baby girl has finally graduated college!”

“Dad…” She mumbles while rubbing the back of her neck but still smiles up at him. Nothing made her happier than her father’s praises.

“That’s a Smith for ya. She’ll be a big ole businesswoman just like her ole man.” Another man slurred, already a bit tipsy from the champagne. All of her father’s business associates had joined them for their little celebration of Abigail’s graduation.

Well, all of his associates except for one who claimed to be too busy for something so trivial. If it wasn’t for being such a successful man with a very important role in her father’s business, he would’ve fired him right on the spot for using such a word about his hard-working daughter.

“It’s too bad Benjamin didn’t think it was worth coming…” One of the other men grumbled about the co-worker that thought this was trivial.

“Mr. Anderson? Pfft. I never liked that bastard anyways. He’s always so smug. Sticks his nose up like he’s better than anyone else.” Another one muttered.

“Nobody likes him! All he has is a pretty face going for him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s caught up in illegal shit like drugs or something!” another tipsy businessman bellowed a laugh at his own joke.

Abigail looked at the men with raised eyebrows, the woman taken aback by their sudden talk of distaste for a single man that they work with. “Goodness… surely he’s not that bad.”

James rested his hand upon his daughter’s shoulder. “In all honesty, I’m glad he declined my offer to join our celebration for you. The man is quite arrogant and would be a bad influence on you.” The wrinkles on his fore crease as he thinks out loud. “He’s an excellent worker but even I can’t stand the man.” He then looks down at his daughter and gives her a little smile. “Do Daddy a favor and stay away from him. He also has an unnervingly shady background.”

Abigail’s brows knitted together this time but she still gave a nod of her head. For her father to not like someone had to mean that there was definitely something off about the man. Other than being a total jerk by the sounds of it.

As the group continued trash-talking the man called Benjamin behind his back, Layla looked at Abigail and gave an annoyed sigh with a shake of her head. “If y'all are done gossiping, can you please leave?! Abigail had a long drive back here! Party’s over!”

James chuckles endearingly. “Yes, how could I forget? You’re probably exhausted.” He pats his daughter’s head then gives her forehead a little kiss. “I love you, my lil pumpkin-poo~ Daddy will call you soon.”

“DAD!” Abigail unintentionally raises her voice while Layla snickered with a hand to her mouth. The other men chuckled as well as they watch the cute interaction between the two. Not everyone knew that James is a widower and that he raised Abigail on his own, but even without that knowledge, it was still heartwarming watching them.

“See you, Abigail!”

“Rest up! Nice seeing you again.”

“Bye, Abigail!”

The men took turns bidding her farewell as they left the apartment. James gave his daughter one last kiss goodbye before following after his friends. Layla follows them close behind while waving her hands in a “shoo” manner as if scaring off stray animals on her property. “Alright! Alright! Off with you lot! Out! Out, I say!” She yells then slams the door behind them and wipes her hands. “UGH! Look at this!” She points at the several spillages on the floor. “Lazy bastards couldn’t even clean up after themselves!”

Abigail goes to help her friend clean up but Layla immediately declines and demands her to rest after her long drive. Reluctantly, Abigail sits back down as Layla began to speak again.

“Sheesh. They were seriously roasting that Benimen guy. Kinda low that they were doing it behind his back too.”

“I think it’s pronounced Benjamin, Layla. And yeah… probably better that someone like that wasn’t here anyways like Dad said. The last thing I need is a sourpuss around me right now.” She yawns and then stands up. “Welp. I’m off. Let me know if you need anything, ‘kay?”

“‘Night, girl.” Layla waves her off then curses that the scent of alcohol is sticking to the floor.

Abigail went to the spare bedroom that Layla would use as storage. It was originally her room before she went to college. Though now it’s a bit cramped, Abigail was still happy she could flop down on the bed. “Ughhh…” She moans as her spine finally gets sweet relief. The young woman takes her auburn hair out of its ponytail right as her phone makes a “ping” noise as she gets a text message.

“Dad is already on a roll?” she mumbles with exhaustion while rolling onto her stomach and rubbing one of her eyes. Abigail was already struggling to stay awake and, though she would feel extremely awful about it, felt like passing out on her phone right then and there. But, instead, she tilted her head in confusion when she saw the text was from a phone number she didn't have registered.

“Is this Abigail Smith?”

At first, she assumes that it’s one of her father’s business associates. “Yes. Who’s this?” Abigail didn’t even have to wait patiently since he immediately texted her back.

“Meet me in Starbucks tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. sharp.”

Abigail looks taken aback and then feels agitated. What the hell? Who does this guy think he is?

“Um. I asked you who you are. I’m not going to just go see some stranger…”

“My name is Benjamin Anderson. 7:30 a.m. Don’t keep me waiting.” Comes another blunt text message.

Abigail’s jaw drops with sheer confusion and bewilderment.

Benjamin Anderson?!

The shady man that all of her father’s friends seemed to hate had somehow got a hold of her number and was commanding her to meet him?? Abigail recalls her father’s warning to avoid the surly man, but, at the same time…

What could he possibly want?

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