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The Ceo's Addiction

The Ceo's Addiction

Heavenly Pen


PROLOGUE Dian Singh, that name sounds cool, but his personality, is the opposite. Everyone can stand his personality except for one person. Guess who?? He's frosty, hot, handsome and rude, he hardly smiles. You can see him smiling only when he's with his girlfriend or when he's with his close friends. About his close friends. I'm talking about his personal assistant and his female best friend. Dian is hot with his red-blooded lips, sexy body, his voice. Oh goodness don't let us talk about his smartness. He's so brainy and sharp. Girls flock around him like bees, all the girls are dying and begging to have him on their bed, even if it's just a one-night stand. They all throw their bodies at him but he paid zero attention to them. To him no one is beautiful and faithful like his girlfriend, but is that really true..?? Okay, let's meet his girlfriend, Izzy, a famous TikToker, brand influencer, verified content creator and a model. She's saucy, rude and arrogant. She gets whatever she wants and she gets away with whatever she does. Izzy is very protective of Dian, always picking up a fight and accusing him of being a cheater. You know only a cheater that will think like that Dian Singh, a very important man, always busy with his time, mistakenly bumps into a crazy girl. Should I call her a maniac? They fought, they argued and they almost beat themselves up. The maniac girl, meet Sally Roberto. She's beautiful, smart and crazy with a small curvy shape Sally's personality is weird to people because she doesn't bath nor wash her hair because she believes her body doesn't get dirty easily, so what's the essence of bathing? She's crazy and verrrrry clumsy, there's no one she can't talk to and she's very blunt. What will happen when Ivanka asks her to come over to Dian Singh's company for a job interview? What will happen when Dian sees that the girl that insulted him to the lowest level came to his office for a job interview to be his new secretary? He employed her but he vowed to make life miserable for her, because she insulted him and looked down on him. Will he really succeed in making life miserable for her?? As he tries to make life miserable for her, his cousin Roy will try to make life sweet for her. A little incident happened between Sally and Dian Singh. That incident changed Sally's life. What will happen when the betrayer decides to come in? What will happen when babies arrive, knocking on Sally's door? Who's Ivanka?? What was the incident that happened between Sally and Dian? Who are the babies? Let's find out Meet Sally. She has always been the smart and loyal friend you could always find around. She was the yes boss kinda girl, but you definitely don't want to see her when she's mad. All these things changed and became hectic when her company was bought by a popular billionaire. Meet Dian. He calculates he never had a thing for sassy ladies. That is until he meets the girl who's going to be his new PA. He can't stop thinking about her face when she's angry. Dian does everything in his willpower to torture Sally by any chance he gets. What do you think is going to happen when they come to understand each other? Follow Dian And Sally in this pretentious romance of theirs. You'll love it. Who do you think will say I love you first? We'll meet the villain soon.

Chapter 1 The Accused

He could hear the loud sound of her heels, the sound become louder as she approach the door

She gently push the tinted glass door as she enter his office smiling.

His face brighten up when he saw her and he was about to talk when he notice her dressing, her dressing is always wild and revealing.

"Izzy your dress" he said softly as slowly take his lip in staring at her

"What's wrong with the dress?? Dian is the dress bad??" Izzy asked as she check herself out.

"It's revealing, your ßoobs and everything is out" he said

She chuckled "Come on Dian don't be local, this dress is trending on Instagram and again you know I'm model so,,, don't complain" Izzy said as she flaunt her new long nails.

"Izzy you know I will always complain and again your nails, why did you fix a long nails"

"Dian you know I hate short nails" she said.

"Your dress is exposing and now your nails" .

"Dian let's forget about this, I don't want us to fight about this silly thing" Izzy said as she glance around his office and her eyes caught something

A female shoe, a black heels

She scoff when she saw the shoe "So you have the effrontery to bring a lady into this office and have s€x with her" Izzy said as she take the heels with her left hand.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Dian said as he resume working on his laptop.

"Dian look at me and stop pressing your laptop" she screamed and Dian totally ignored her

"Now you are back to your overprotective behavior" Dian muttered loudly for her to hear

"Did you just say that, Dian you're a cheater".

"I'm not cheater, I'm faithful to you" he said still pressing his laptop, Izzy got furious at him as she throw all the papers that's on his table, she threw everything away without caring then drop the heels on the table.

Dian slowly raise his head as he glance at the papers then glance at Izzy who's wearing an angry face.

"Izzy do you know the meaning of what you just did, you threw a document that worth millions over a silly shoe, raising a false allegation against me" he snapped and Izzy scoff at him.

"Firstly it's not a false allegation, it's true and secondly did you just say my action is silly,,,,I'm fighting for my rights" she snapped back at him.

Dian breathe out as he close his eyes then open it back as he stare at her

"Okay fine I'm sorry for calling your action silly but know something, I don't know how that shoe get to my office" Dian said softly hoping she's gonna calm down but instead reverse become the case.

"Dian you are a liar and a cheater, have been faithful to you all my life and is this how you wanna pay me back, you brought those bitçhes to your office and hit them hard" she shouted and Dian sigh.

"Izzy I honestly don't know what you want" .

"Dian admit to it, you brought a lady here to your office and have a stupid nice time with her" she said.

"You want me to admit to something I did not do" Dian said and Izzy scoff.

They heard the glass door open and they both glance at the door to see Tiago and Ivanka

"What's going here?" Ivanka asked as she entered the office fully.

"They definitely have a heated argument" Tiago replied softly as he past Ivanka and went to sit on black couch staring at the two lovers.

"Who started the fight?" Ivanka asked

"It's definitely Izzy" Tiago replied and Izzy shot him a deadly glare.

"Dian explain what happened" Ivanka said.

"She's accusing me of cheating on her over this silly shoe" Diana said as he point at the shoe that's on the table

"Wait is that not my shoe" Ivanka said and everyone glance at her, the office become silent.

"How did your shoe get into his office?" Izzy asked slowly as she try to control her anger

"He sent me on an errand with a designated time so I have to take off my heels and wear this hairy slippers" Ivanka explained and Dian just glance at Izzy then look away.

"Oh my bad" Izzy said as she face Dian but he's facing the other side

"Always bringing up a false allegation against me" Dian said softly

"Baby I'm sorry" Izzy said and Dian ignored her

Ivanka take off the hairy slippers she was wearing then wear her heels

"Dian try to act mature and forgive her" Ivanka said.

"Baby I'm sorry" Izzy pout her lip as she wrap her hands around his neck, giving him a back hug.

"You barely trust me" he said

"Dian I'm sorry, it won't repeat itself" Izzy said

"That was what you said yesterday when you saw a female hair pin in my blazer pocket" he said.

"I thought the hair pin belongs to those bitçhes not knowing it belongs to Ivanka" Izzy said as she touch his cheek then kiss his neck, he chuckled.

"See you can't resist me" Izzy said

He smiled "Ivanka how was the assignment?" Dian asked

"He agree to give us to proposal and your secretary,,,, where's she?"

"She quit yesterday" Tiago replied, Ivanka and Izzy glance at him.

"Why will she quit so sudden?" Izzy asked.

"She's pregnant and she need to prepare for her wedding" Dian replied and they nod.

Tiago phone beep, they glance at him and watch as he brought out his phone

"You have meeting" Tiago said as he put his phone back inside his pocket.


"Now, like right now" Tiago replied

Izzy move away from him and watch as he wear his black blazer, she stare at him dreamy

"Why's he so hot and handsome" Izzy muttered

"Tiago let's go" Dian said as he kiss Izzy then walk out of the office with Tiago who's holding an ipad and he wore a fashion eye glasses

Izzy glance at Ivanka and sigh, she watch as Ivanka sit on Dian chair

" This seat is so comfortable and dreamy that I wish to have it" Ivanka said slowly and Izzy raise her eyebrow

" What do you mean???"

" Forget it if you don't understand" Ivanka replied as she stare at his laptop that's closed

" Ivanka can I ask you something??"

" Sure go on" she replied without glancing at her

" I want you to be sincere with me, is Dian really cheating on me?" Ivanka laughed then slowly turn it to a scary face

" Do you think he's like you, remember I was the one that introduce him to you so stay on your lane and stop misbehaving like pig bitçh" Ivanka said Icily and Izzy scoff

" Did you just call me pig bitçh"

" I have something important to do" Ivanka stood and walk away

When she got to the door, she stop walking then turn around and face Izzy

" Sorry about what I said earlier, it slip out like a d**k that's filled with semen, I did not mean to call you a pig bitçh"

" No it's fine I understand, please just don't tell Dian anything" Izzy said

" Your secrets are safe with me" She said and walk out of the office swinging her small hip

Ivanka Archer a 23 years old lady, she's beautiful, smart and comfortable.

Comfortable, I mean she has her own house, car and money, she's well standard

Zero boyfriend and thousands of admirers but she's paying no attention to them

No one knows why

She got to her office and take off her heels as she sit on the office chair

" So frustrating" she muttered

Her eyes caught a red flower on the table and she screamed

" Rory is it by force" she muttered beneath her breathe as she throw the flower away

The flower fell on the floor and Ivanka flip her hair backward breathing heavily

" Rory and his immature behavior, he's not up to my standard and he wanna have me, someone that's still relying on his uncle"


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