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Betrayed by CEO Husband

Betrayed by CEO Husband

Intans Ranum


Knock... knock... The door opened immediately and they were both surprised for different reasons. "Who are you?" Andaru asked coldly. "You bastard! What are you two doing in this room, huh?" The angry Dean lunged at Ndaru and hit her on the right cheek, then pulled back and hit her again. "Andaru!" Linar was startled to hear Tita's shout as she quickly approached the outer door. "Stop it, Dean!" Linar tugged at the back of Dean's shirt. Linar continued to push Dean away from Andaru's torso several times. Linar went down to touch her chest with one hand and tried to breathe regularly. "Go away, Dean, like you said, we'll separate the way I want," Linar said. "So you chose him, your lover, over me, your own husband?" "Don't reverse the facts. I wasn't the one who could cheat on you, until you cheated on me and got pregnant, and you acted as if there was no problem." "Go away!" Buggh!!! Prang!!! This was about the fair reality of life, though it was never fair to her, about the betrayal of the universe against her who glorified loyalty. And now, as the main actor in her life and in the name of the health of her soul, Linar chooses to seek happiness elsewhere, but once again the universe is not on her side, God even gives her a fetus in her belly, the reason that makes her home crack. Which path did she take? How does the universe determine her fate? You can find it in every part, packed with easy language and real storytelling.

Chapter 1 1. Poisonus Small Talks

“Please help me to pick up the cake in the kitchen!”

“Please clean up this table!”

“Please pay online in front of this home!”

"Linar, please help take care of Sintia's son, move to his room on the upper floor because Sintia is taking care of her other son, so you don't go anywhere!" Aunt Ira repeatedly made Linar misunderstood, on the one hand he wanted to accompany Dean and participate in the seven-month event of his cousin Dean. He was in the house of his grandfather, Dean.

She initially offered herself to help three housekeepers who seemed troubled to prepare and clean the house because he was the only daughter-in-law who didn’t bother taking care of the children.

But she felt that aunt Ira was taking advantage of it with the pretext of understanding each other and helping at a time when everyone was having trouble taking care of their cultural events and caring for the children.

The smiling little Linar saw the one-and-a-half-year-old batita in her bow, in her heart she hoped to soon get the gift of a child.


Linar’s contact stared at her mother-in-law who was approaching.

“What is there, Mom?”

“Why haven’t you mixed up with others? Did Dean even look for you twice?”

“I have to take care of Wilmar. From then on he cried and worried that if I took him there I would disrupt her show," Say Linar sorry.

“Why doesn’t his mother, if Sintia is busy taking care of her first child, still have his father?” Tagged Gayatri

Linar could only cheat on him if he told him it was difficult to reject the orders of Aunt Ira who did not cover up her dislike for herself

“Gayatri, why are you here?” Ira’s intrusion made them both look with different faces.

“Ira, please call Sintia's husband, ok! to take her son from Linar. Because Dean has been looking for his wife ever since!"

“Sintia's husband is talking to uncle Sutedjo, so she’s not going to be bothered because I think Linar has no other obligations because she doesn’t have a child, so what’s wrong if I ask help her who knows this could be a spongy on having a child if she is healthy.”

"Ira, please keep your words, and don't humiliate Linar just because she doesn't have a child so you can tell her as you like!" by Gayatri.

“What happened, Sis?” Everyone looked at the newly arrived Aunt Ambar.

“Usually, Gayatri was offended because I asked wife of his son for help while we were busy taking care of the kids and the event.”

"Sis, let her brother Ira ask for help to Linar, so she accepts it, it's true that Linar is not in a hurry, because she doesn't have a conversation in this show, too."

Linar was squeezed, feeling like he wanted to rise to the floor, hugging herself and crying. She does not want to be able to give birth to her husband and daughter. She doesn’t want to make herself the object of the parent’s quarrel here. She was ashamed to get the attention of the people who watched across the swimming pool and the terrace in front of it even the ad of the person who stopped and watched him behind the barrier glass. She was embarrassed.

"Sorry Aunt, but I have to meet Dean, maybe there's what he needs' ' Says Linar, who managed to sound without shaking.

Linar gave the sleeping Wilmar to Aunt Ira, who was the batita’s grandmother, without covering a rejecting look without a word.

When she smiled, she walked in the direction her mother told her.


“Linar, oh god! I've been looking for you, where have you been?”

"Sorry i'm on the upper floor to keep Wilmar crying," said Linar smiling while taking the mug that Dean was holding, she stood out of thirst.

“You must be Linar’s wife Dean, right?”

Linar stared and was immediately uncomfortable because the gaze scanned her appearance from the bottom up of the interlocutor who denied her.

“Who are they?” Ask in the heart.

“Linar, introduce this to Uncle Anto and Aunt Weni. They were the parents of his friend Wisnu who had an event and my friend too" Clearly Dean introduced them

Linar courteously treated them. “You were married long before my daughter Alea got married. Where are your kids, how old are they?” Linar's chest was squeezed, her face was unable to answer the feeling that everyone already knew if they had not had a post-mortem child almost a year ago.

“We haven’t even been given a kid, Aunt Weni.” Dean approached Linar’s waist on him.

“We’re still trying,” Imbuh Dean calmed down.

“Oh, it’s a pity, but if it were, your kid would be pretty and beautiful and could be a close friend of his six-month-old son Alea, who is funny. He said he was cheerful regardless of Dean’s flat face and Linar’s downward side.

“Aunt and Uncle,we ask for prayers, hopefully we will soon get a child who is good in behavior and healthy, so we need to go, we'll leave.” replied Dean.

Linar grabbed Dean’s arm on his way to the crowded Family Room, “You don’t have to think about the words of those who didn’t care about you, understand?”

“Yes and thank you for your treat, Babe." Linar is tempting.


Linar joined herself in front of the mirror and smiled, pleased to see herself who managed to lose two kilograms of weight in this week. She looked like she was wearing the black lingerie he bought two weeks ago.

Dean is right, they have a lot of time to strive to have children, and this time Linar is going to start it. She sprayed back the scent that Dean liked. Linar wears a long robe to cover her black lingerie, then comes out of the bathroom.

Linar looked at Dean's tall body on the balcony of their bedroom and looked like Dean was kneeling and speaking on the telephone channel, he decided to follow up to the balcony.

Linar smiled at Dean who immediately switched off his phone because of Linar's arrival. But there was an exaggerated shock face that Dean immediately concealed.

Linar shrugged his forehead curiously, “From whom, Babe?”

"From Roland, he asked me to meet him at the café to meet our new colleague. You know we're building connections and relationships." Dean explained as he summarized Linar's face looking up to meet his eyeballs.

Dean hesitated, he looked deeply into Linar's clear eyes "I'm sorry, Lin."

Linar frowned "No need to apologize, but can you come back early? I'll wait for you."

Linar pleaded, draping her arms around Dean's neck.

Dean smiled faintly and lifted Linar's buttocks so that he could deeply kiss Linar's pink lips.

Linar pushed Dean's chest lightly and breathed in oxygen, her heart beating fast whether from arousal or lack of oxygen.

"Be careful on the road, I'll wait for you here." Linar released.


Linar had almost given up on the drowsiness after two hours, but he managed to move by watching a movie on a paid channel on his laptop.

Linar checked her cell phone, which only made her disappointed that Dean had not yet answered her message for more than two hours.

‘Maybe they’re late in a typical man’s conversation to forget time with his wife, Hufth, thought Linar.

She decided to step out of the room and walk down the stairs. As she arrived below, she twisted her forehead to see the mid-room lights still lit. Curious, she walked near without making a sound. She glanced at the room barrier gap made of wood that, in design, was somewhat far away from there. She only found Mami Gayatri, Ista, and Aunt Ira until Uncle Soepomo was still talking to the television that was only watched by Uncle Soepomo.

Linar shrugged in the silent presence of her Aunt and uncle, but she firmly believed that it was better. She focused on her intention to fill his empty glass. She turned, but

"But it's been two years since Linar got pregnant either. If there's really no damage to her uterus, she should be able to get pregnant again, right? Or is Linar actually never going to get pregnant again?" Aunt Ira asked.


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