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Scandal With My Brother-In-Law

Scandal With My Brother-In-Law



Marrying by agreement is the only way Freya takes for the sake of her family's life. She is willing to be branded as a seducer, as long as his family's life is guaranteed. Meeting the husband's family made Freya relieved because everyone welcomed her. But only one person looked at him suspiciously, his brother-in-law. Noah, said openly that he couldn't believe that Freya liked his brother and married only for love. Especially because Noah knows a big secret in Leon's life. They are trapped in a love quadrangle, crazy scandals and also breakups. Experiencing great trauma, Freya also chose to run away for the sake of her long life. However, it's in vain because Noah won't give up on his love. He even fought anyone who would separate him from Freya, including his younger sibling. Already not wanting to take the risk, Leon took his wife as far away from Noah as possible. But sadly, the women he married were still unhappy with their lives. Will Freya survive or even wave?

Chapter 1 Meet my Boss

Sunlight penetrates the thin curtains of a woman's room with beautiful, calm eyes and peace. Behind her tenderness, a woman named Freya must face a life that is so complicated. He was tired of the cunning fate.

"You're awake, honey. I was just about to wake you up," said a woman of a different age. None other than Freya's biological mother.

Freya's consciousness hadn't completely recovered yet, but she forced herself awake. Freya has things to do today. Yes, interview at Maxime's company. A well-known domestic company with a fantastic salary.

"I'll take a shower first, Mom. No need to wait for breakfast." All right, Vera closed the door and returned to her room. See the current condition of her husband. Brata, a man who is almost six months old, is silent in a wheelchair.

His business went bankrupt, debts scattered, and bills out of control. And the most annoying thing is that Freya has to be the backbone of the family.

Vera only works as a laundry worker; she can barely buy rice and necessities.

They used to be a one-stop family, but because Brata was terrible at working together, the older man was tricked and eventually went bankrupt.

After taking a shower, Freya chose the neatest suit she had. In the past, before graduating from college and getting divorced at a young age, there were lots of branded dress lines in her closet, but now?

"Okay, keep the spirit, Freya! For the sake of Papa and Mama! Also myself."


Maxime's company looks luxurious, with a row of high-class cars parked perfectly. Further back, there were several motorbikes owned by lower-level employees and OB, and Freya was one of the lower class.

He smiled inwardly. Thanks to the help of Dera--her best friend, Freya was finally able to get a job; even though she still had to participate in the selection as an apprentice, she was very grateful.

"Wait!" he shouted.

As soon as the elevator door closed, Freya rushed to enter, but a man's strong arm stopped her first.

"Thank You," he said after succeeding in entering.

The man was silent, almost expressionless. Since there were only the two of them, Freya couldn't even begin to speak.

Leon, a spunky man who always fits perfectly into his suit, takes a slight glance, in a word, a decent face, and body.

"New employee?" he asked Freya.

Freya knew it was a question that was asked of her. There were only two of them in the elevator.

"Today, I have an interview, and if I have a match in this company, I will become an intern here. How about you?" Unfortunately, Freya didn't know what the company's CEO she visited today looked like.

Leon was grateful there was no need for an introduction self.

"Oh, it's worth seeing. I hope you like it. But I emphasize, if you're looking for a mate, don't come here. Excuse me."

The elevator door had opened, and Leon walked, leaving Freya, who shrugged. He had to find out where Dera would be directed to the boss's room.

After searching for it and even asking OB, Freya was very relieved. "Oh my gosh, this company is so wide. I'm so tired of going around looking for you, Ra."

Dara smiled. He is sad about the situation of his best friend, Freya, who used to be cheerful and often takes him on a spree, but now he's just telling stories. "The point is, you have to be confident. The one interviewing you is the CEO directly, not the HRD. He's not scary; sometimes, his questions get off the mark. So you answer from the bottom of your heart, if you need to, dig it all in."

"Haha, okay. Thanks, Ra. Anything else?"

Dera started to think, what does the CEO like? He's only a division, not as close as Mr. Leon's secretary, Nara.

"What I know is he doesn't like stupid answers. Also... He's a bit cold." Without realizing it, Freya had arrived at the interview room. About ten entrants registered, 5 of whom had been interviewed. Coincidentally, Freya was the last participant.

Having waited, Freya caught her breath, looked at her appearance in the mirror's reflection, and fixed her makeup. Dera was gone; he didn't know who else to ask.

"You're an intern too?" asked someone sitting beside him.

He turned, smiled, and nodded. "Yes, you know, I'm Freya."

"Indra, nice to meet you. I'll go in first," Indra's name was called, and time seemed to choke Freya. Hopefully, the universe can be invited to compromise.

Only 3 participants left. Half an hour later, his turn came. Hopefully, her mother's prayers are effective today.

Freya stood up, bowing to the woman who might just as well be the personal assistant to the CEO of this company. His voice was loud and clear.

"Good morning." He opened the door, walked, and gave a distance of 5 steps from the leader's desk.

The man is standing staring at the window, wearing a matching suit with shoes and his watch. A perfect posture that will make some women forget the mainland.

Three seconds later, the man turned his head and surprised Freya. The same man she met in the elevator earlier. So, he is...

"Please sit."

Leon Maxime Sandrean. The Maxime family's youngest son should be CEO, but he doesn't mind. After all, his life has always been monotonous. Working every day will make him forget that there is a break every time there is one.

"Freya Renata Jehaan. Twenty-two years of accounting graduate, your grades are not bad. But your work experience is apprehensive. Were you a spoiled woman before?"

Eh, what model question is this? Dera was right; their CEO was always off the mark during question-and-answer sessions.

"Just never starting it doesn't mean I can't. Whether I'm spoiled or not, it's private life and privacy."

Leon likes bold answers. "What else do you have, Madam Renata?"

"Just call me Jehaan, sir." Wow, never before had a man ordered Leon, even though it was such an easy order. The man walked towards Freya. Indeed that woman used to be a socialite woman with above-average wealth. Leon memorized by rote how their nature.

"Then, enjoy working here, Mrs. Freya. I'm Leon Maxime Sandrean; you can call me anyone; Leon can, Maxime's fine, and Sandrean's fine too. Once again, congrats."

Leon held out his hand. While Freya was just in disbelief, she quickly realized and accepted Leon's hand. "Ah, you're welcome. I call you according to the call here."

The woman withdrew. Leon, on the other hand, smiled slyly. Finally, there is prey that he can explore to be used as a diversion tool in his life.

Yes, Leon Maxime the man who consistently loses to fate.

Freya's departure made Leon immediately find out about the woman's life. He summoned the HRD Dera-time, which was a respectable person because he had brought Leon together with Freya—the woman who will save his life from a world that demands him to be expected.

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