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Perfect Hubby, Perfect Stranger

Perfect Hubby, Perfect Stranger



Chelsea married Russell for the sake of her dying mother. She needed money to pay the expensive medical bills. Russell never loved Chelsea and was only using her for his revenge on his family. However, he failed to notice that Chelsea was truly in love with him. Russell was surrounded by pretty ladies and never cared how Chelsea felt about it. Until one day, Chelsea asked for a divorce, because she felt depleted from this hopeless marriage. Russell then realized that he couldn't live without her and begged her to stay. But she said, "See you never, Mr. Murrillo."

Chapter 1 No.1

Deloria's POV

The birds' chirping outside the window woke me up. I struggled to open my eyes and tapped at the window. "Bad birds..." I muttered.

After a glance at the time, I threw back the covers and got out of bed.

Though it was only October, Los Angeles had already started to get cold. The icy air made me shiver.

Dozy, I took out clothes from the wardrobe. As I was putting on my panties, someone knocked on my bedroom door.

I guessed it must be my mother, Maeve Parritt. She always woke up earlier than me.

"Just a sec, Mom." My voice was husky, cuz I wasn't wide awake.

Suddenly, the door opened.

"What are you doing, Deloria?" Woody Todd shouted loudly from the doorway.

"Damn it! Why did you come in? Have you no manners?" I came fully awake out of alarm and quickly covered my body with my dress.

He kept staring at me. Although the clothes hid my body, his gaze still made me feel uncomfortable.

"I've knocked," Woody shrugged and said casually.

"But I didn't allow you to come in. Get out!" I snapped.

Impatiently, he said, "Hurry up and make breakfast!"

With that, he closed the door and left.

Woody was the husband of Elaine Shortell, a friend of mine.

Maeve and I were currently staying at Woody and Elaine's condo.

It was already the fifth time this month that Woody barged into my bedroom without my permission.

Every time he did this, I threw a fit.

But he always looked nonchalant, as if I was making a big deal out of nothing.

I waited for a while, making sure that Woody didn't come back. Then I finally started to change my clothes.

When I had just put on my skirt, the door was opened again.

"Scram! You jerk!" I cursed. But when I saw the person who came, I was stunned.

"What happened?" Maeve looked at me in surprise.

I held her apologetically and said, "Sorry, Mom. I thought it was Woody."

"What? He burst in again?" Maeve pushed me away and raged, "Deloria, we gotta call the police. He's harassing you!"

"Wait, Mom." I stopped her and explained, "He didn't do anything. He just told me to make breakfast. Even if we call the police, we don't have any evidence. Just forget it."

"Deloria, I know what harassment is. I think the police do, too," Maeve said to me seriously.

I had to tell the truth. "I just didn't wanna upset Elaine."

Elaine was my bestie. She used to be a workaholic. A few years ago, she married Woody. Since then, she became a full-time housewife.

Woody's attitude toward Elaine got worse. It was already a great help for Elaine to let me and Maeve stay at her apartment temporarily.

I couldn't let the police arrest Woody.

"I'll find an apartment soon."

I was just saying it to comfort Maeve. I worked at a jewelry store with a meager income, and the rent in Los Angeles was so high that I wasn't sure if I could find an affordable place to live.

Maeve sighed and patted my shoulder, saying, "I remember your college classmate, Jonathan Holt, used to pursue you. If you had agreed to date him back then, maybe you would be Mrs. Holt by now."

"Mom, don't say that. I didn't like Jonathan," I immediately shook my head and said.

"I know. I just hope you could find someone who loves you." Maeve gave me a hug. Then she turned and left the room.

After changing my clothes, I was about to go downstairs. Suddenly, I remembered that it was a bit cold today. So I turned around and walked into Maeve's room, trying to grab a coat to wear.

My gaze swept over Maeve's desk and fixed on an envelope.

Feeling curious, I opened it and found a pathology report.

When I saw the word "cancer", my hands trembled.

'Maeve got cancer? Why didn't she tell me?'

"Deloria! Still haven't changed your clothes?" Maeve's voice sounded outside the door.

I put the report in the envelope and placed it back on the table in a flurry. Then I took a coat and rushed out of Maeve's room.

I walked to the kitchen. Acting like I never saw the report, I calmly made breakfast for the other three with Maeve and served it on the table.

Later, I grabbed a piece of toast and left home in a hurry.

Walking on the street, I wrapped my coat tightly around me. Thinking of that pathology report, I was engulfed by sadness.

I suddenly understood why Maeve had been urging me to get married.

She must hope that I'd find someone who could take care of me.

At this thought, I made a decision. I couldn't let Maeve keep worrying about me all day long.

I took out my phone and called my other friend, Daphne Romero.

After the phone was answered, Daphne's sweet voice came from the other end of the line. She said, "Hon, what's up?"

"Daphne, remember when you said you wanted to set me up with a man suitable for marriage? Is he married now?" I blurted.

"Of course not. OMG, are you saying you agree to meet him?" Daphne exclaimed.

"Yes," I smiled. "I wanna meet him ASAP."

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