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The Cute waiter

The Cute waiter

Dennis In-Him


A short story about unsatisfied love

Chapter 1 The waiter

Sarah had been looking forward to her date all week. She had met Jeff, a charming and handsome man, at a friend's birthday party. Their witty conversations and shared interests made her excited to spend more time with him. However, as the evening unfolded, her excitement quickly turned into disappointment.

The date started off on a wrong note as Jeff arrived nearly half an hour late. Sarah tried to brush it off and give him the benefit of the doubt, assuming that maybe he had a valid reason. But as they stepped into the trendy restaurant where they had planned to have dinner, her heart sank even further.

The atmosphere was buzzing with romance, with couples laughing and enjoying their meals. However, Jeff seemed completely preoccupied with his phone, barely paying any attention to Sarah. Instead of engaging in conversations, he was constantly scrolling through social media and texting away. It was as if Sarah was invisible to him, and she couldn't help but feel like an afterthought in his world.

The final straw came when their food arrived. Not only did Jeff forget to ask if Sarah had any dietary restrictions, but he also ordered an assortment of dishes that he had read were 'popular' on the restaurant's website. Unfortunately, for Sarah, who was allergic to seafood, this meant practically everything on the table was off-limits.

Jeff, engrossed in his phone even during dinner, hardly noticed Sarah's discomfort. It was at this very moment that a young waiter, with a kind face and a sense of genuine concern, approached their table. His name was Chris, and he had been observing Sarah's predicament from afar.

Chris could see the disappointment and frustration in Sarah's eyes, and he couldn't bear to see her suffer. Politely, he asked if everything was alright, and Sarah's emotions spilled out as she explained her allergies and how awkward the evening had been.

Chris sympathetically listened to her, apologizing for the situation, which was out of his control. He swiftly offered to prepare a special dish for her, assuring that it would be free from any allergens. His warm smile and genuine concern made Sarah feel an instant connection, something she had been yearning for all evening.

As the night progressed, Sarah found herself engaged in an unexpectedly delightful conversation with Chris. They bonded over their shared love for traveling, music, and even their favorite childhood books. Chris's attentive and caring nature stood in stark contrast to Jeff's disinterest, and Sarah couldn't help but wonder if fate had played a part in this meeting.

By the end of the evening, Sarah thanked Chris for turning her disastrous date into a memorable encounter. Although she couldn't deny feeling disappointed by Jeff's behavior, she was grateful for meeting someone as genuinely kind as Chris.

Sarah walked out of the restaurant, leaving behind not just a terrible date but also a newfound hope. Little did she know that this unexpected meet-cute with the waiter would mark the beginning of a beautiful connection, a connection that would bring her genuine happiness and remind her of the importance of being treated with love and respect.

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