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A 400lvl student named Iris who is 23 years old officially starts her Internship at Thrushcross Global Company. This company is famous for its miraculous growth and smooth running operation during the past years. Iris is elated that her good grades and of course some connections could pull some few strings to be able to work in the company. She doesn't know what wonders, confusion, distress, sorrows and handed-down adventures awaits for her.

Chapter 1 How It Started

It was the very Last day of school in the university for the 400lvl students. Why you may ask? well that is because they start their internship soon that will last for 6 months. Every student in the 400lvl both male and female are required to evacuate the premises starting from today at 1pm. You may also be asking why the university are engaging the 400lvl students. Well this is because the university wants them to have a view of what working in an office feels like and they believe that they can learn a thing or two from it.

Iris who is a 23 year old student studying Software Enginering and having gaining other certificate outside her university is ecstatic of the universities new decree. She and her friends who are her course mates are sharing their response and ideas due to this sudden command from their university. Others says that the whole thing is so sudden and they should have informed them earlier while the orders are planning on which company they would work as an intern in. In all this discussion, Iris sits in the middle of them, not listening nor saying a word to what they are yarning about. She sits there, trying to figure out the if her father can make it possible for her to work at the almighty Thrushcross company. She knows that it will show on her university portfolio that she worked as an intern in a very well off and sophisticated company, it will increase her chances of getting a well written job. Unlike her friends deciding on which company to work in, she herself had already decided. Four weeks had passed ever since they sort of vacated from the university. Iris's dad already secured a spot for her at the company as expected. Her father gives her strict instructions that she should not bring his leg outside (it is a Nigerian discipline slang which means she should not disgrace him). Iris had to set her mind on the goal which is to work as an intern in the company and to learn. She promised herself and her father that she will not bring her leg outside.

FINALLY !!!! the day has finally begun. On the 25th of February, Iris's starts her new chapter. She made sure she had her best outfit, shoes, bag, jewelry, appropriate makeup and even her best wig was worn on that day. AROUND 8am, she leaves her house and books an uber to take her to the company. She is at the back seat of the car and she is seen to be silently praying to God to make her first day successful.1 hour drive, Iris was at the point of sleeping then again she had to fight the urge to sleep. BOOM, she remembered that she forgot her laptop and her ipad at the dining table where she had breakfast. Iris is filled up with frustration as she sits in the car not knowing if she should ask the uber driver to drive back or forget it. She shrugged it off but her mind was still unsettled. Atlas, she had finally arrived at her destination safe and sound. She confidently steps foot at the reception door but she is pushed aside by an unknown person who looks back at her with a disgusted yet unimpressed face like as if she smelled or didn't look the part. Confusion and rage in her eyes but she restrains herself because she knows that any further interaction will jeopardize her perfectly planned day. Although the first day that she had planned hasn't been all rainbows and sunshine instead it was gloomy and messed up, she wonders what more this company has to offer her today well except for the hostile interaction that happened a few minutes ago.

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