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Freedom again: under this sky it all began

Freedom again: under this sky it all began



You stared calmly at the waves hitting the sand, your expression devoid of a smile or a voice, as you listened to the soothing sound of the water. I couldn't tell if you were happy beside her or if you were thinking of me, feeling the way I do. It brought me back to a memory that I had tried to bury deep inside, but it consumed me nonetheless. Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. Yet, I had made a promise to myself not to shed tears for those who don't deserve them. Although my heart mourned the loss of another special person, my mind couldn't allow it because it knew that I was the reason for your departure. ************************** She was there one moment, and then she was gone. Lost in a dark world where all her demons resided. She shut out the outside world, choosing to surrender and let things be. He watched from a distance, witnessing the scene unfold before him. He could have helped, but her breakdown also shattered him. It's never easy to witness the person who once gave you hope lose their strength and give up. Two individuals, two different perspectives. He saw himself as weak, while she believed she was never enough. Fate tore them apart, yet it granted them both an opportunity to rediscover themselves in the darkest corners of their individual mazes.

Chapter 1 Chapitre 1:

The world has changed, that is what I have to say.

Life goes on, but why does it feel like mine stopped a decade ago when I was just an innocent girl seeking happiness? It's all a lie. I yearn for the days when I had a place, a category to belong to. But now, I don't know anymore.

I gaze at my reflection in the mirror, empty eyes, a blank face, a dark aura. I no longer recognize the girl staring back at me. I close my eyes and remember the one person I know would be disappointed.


"Honey, come down here. Your dad has a surprise for you!" my dad shouts from the living room.

He's home. My father is finally here.

Excitement fills me as I race down the stairs, eager to see him. I long for his presence. Being a firefighter, he's been away for three days. Some might say it's normal, but for me, it's unbearable.

I adore my dad. He's been there for me since the day I was born. For 13 years, he's never said no to me. He treats me like a princess and takes care of me. My mom, a surgeon, is rarely home, so I spend most of my time with my daddy.

I spot him sitting on the couch in the living room, holding a sky blue box and tapping his foot impatiently. Waiting is something my father despises, and I made him wait this time.

I bounce on him, hugging him from behind, letting him know how much I've missed him. He turns around, chuckling softly as he gently pats my head.

"Oh, your daddy misses you too, princess," he says, grabbing my hand and guiding me to sit beside him.

"I missed you so much, papa," I whisper, hugging him tightly, resting my head on his broad chest.

He lifts my chin with his finger, making me look into his eyes. He smiles.

"Your daddy was busy saving other people's lives, my dear princess. But he got something for you, and he's pretty sure you'll like it," he says, pointing at the blue box I saw him holding earlier.

"Really? Is that for me? You didn't have to bring me anything, dad. All I want is your presence beside me, especially since mom is never free, even on a Saturday night," I say sadly, aware of how sensitive this topic is for both of us.

"Your mom is doing all this for you, honey. So you can have the life you've always dreamt of. Now open the box," he tells me, handing me the box.

I smile at him and carefully unwrap it.

Oh my god, it's the most stunning necklace I've ever seen. A silver necklace with a teardrop pendant. It's simple, yet exquisitely beautiful, just the way I like it.

Tears stream down my face as happiness overwhelms me. It's such a precious gift.

I cling to my dad tightly, sobbing on his chest.

"Thank you so much, dad. I absolutely love it," I say shakily, my voice hoarse from crying.

Even in his busyness, he never forgets about me. I'm incredibly fortunate to have such a loving father.

Please, God, don't let him leave me forever.

He smiles at me, wiping away my tears, and speaks the sweetest words.

"You deserve the world, princess. Don't ever take it off. Whenever I'm away from you, look at this and remember that your father is always with you."


I'm drenched in tears I should've never shed. I've failed. I don't deserve to cry or mourn over promises long forgotten. He promised he would always be with me, and I promised I would follow his lead, follow the path he paved for me.

Two strong promises that were easily broken. He left me all alone in this cruel world, and I've failed him by becoming a person I don't even recognize anymore.

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