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"You can do this Eleanor" "it hurts Micheal.. it hurts so much".. "Eleanor look at me.. you can this" I looked at him and held his hand tightly.."you are doing great Eleanor, just one more push" the nurse said.. I take in a deep breath and "ahhhh"... there's a contraction followed by the cry of my baby..." It's a girl, and a beautiful one too"she said giving me my baby..

Chapter 1 Williams hospital


"You can do this Eleanor" "it hurts Micheal.. it hurts so much".. "Eleanor look at me.. you can this" I looked at him and held his hand tightly.."you are doing great Eleanor, just one more push" the nurse said.. I take in a deep breath and "ahhhh"... there's a contraction followed by the cry of my baby..." It's a girl, and a beautiful one too"she said giving me my baby.. "she looks just like her mother"... Micheal said and kissed my forehead... "I have to clean her up now.. and you also have to freshen up" "okay"...

*After a little while*

I was transferred to another room.. Micheal was on the phone..he has been calling his friends to give them the news...

Just then the nurse walks in with my baby wrapped in a white clothe.. I carried my angel from the nurse and kissed her...she looks so tiny .."you have to nurse her now, her health is perfect.. and so is her weight, she's a tough kid.." she said and turned to leave..I smiled and started nursing her.. "oh ..and there's a birthmark on her back, close to her waist.. it's unique" she said smiling.."oh .. I have it too" I replied.. "awwn.. that's nice, do take care of your baby" "I will"... She smiled and left the room...

Michael walked in smiling.. he caressed my face and kissed me.. "so, have you thought of a name yet?" "Yeah.. Amelia, Amelia Jane Anderson" he smiled and carried her.. "Amelia... It's beautiful" he kissed her and started rocking her.. "have you called madam Clara?".. "yes, I told her to arrange the maids and tell them what to do" " okay"... "Oh and the Jordans are coming" "really..?? That's great".. I smiled.."and Jonas and his wife too".."what?" I asked with a little frown... "Eleanor, Jonas is my elder brother, it wouldn't feel right if I didn't tell him," "urghh fine.." I don't know why, but I just don't like Jonas.. he is mysterious..

* Jonas mansion*

What now Jonas?.. Susan asked.. our plans are ruined?.."calm down Susan, we will visit them tomorrow, I know just what to do... I'll get my revenge.. one way or the other..

Eleanor's and Michel's room


We came home today.. and the maids had done a really good job.. the whole house was sparkling, and my room had changed a little, there was a crib and other baby stuffs..we have a lot of rooms in the mansion, but there's no way am gonna let my baby stay alone..I sat on the bed, with my back resting on the headboard, nursing Amelia.. she soon fell asleep...I slowly stood up and placed her on the crib.. the moment I turned to leave, she started crying.. I carried her from the crib and rocked her, I sat on the couch and started singing a lullaby..this has been our routine since yesterday, she kept quiet and opened her eyes.. I kissed her lightly on her cheek, and continued singing.. there was a gentle knock on the door.. "come in".. madam Clara walked in smiling, she's the head of the maids, and she was like a mother to me.. "I heard her crying from downstairs" she said and sat down with me.."yes.. she was" "she's gonna be clingy though" she said with a smile.. "tell me about it, she hasn't left me since morning, last night was hell for me" I replied and we both laughed.. "uhm.. have you seen Micheal?" I asked.. "yes.. he is with.. Anthony (his personal assistant)" she replied... "Oh, okay.." just then Micheal walked in.."I have to go now.. ma'am, we have a lot of work to do" she said.. "okay.. I will see you later" I replied and she left..

I turned to Michael and he was staring at me.. "what? Is there something on my face?" I asked.. he didn't say anything, came closer to me..and kissed me... I was surprised, but I responded to it.. he finally withdrew and sat down beside me.. "I am so lucky to have you" he whispered, I smiled.. "so how is our little angel doing" he asked with a smile and carried her.. "she's tough".. I replied with a smile.."she is the daughter of her father afterall" he said and chuckled.. just then there was a knock on the door... "Come in"he said.. Gina walked in and bowed her head a little.. "sir, the Jordans are here" she said.. "really!.. tell them we are coming" I replied happily..


I and Michael walked down the stairs, he was still carrying Amelia.. I squealed when I saw Beatrice... She shouted happily and hugged me... We have been best friends since we were little, and so was Micheal and Nicholas (her husband).. "how long has it been" I asked when we finally parted, "Nicholas, it's so nice to see you again" I said and hugged him.. "really.. it's just two months Eleanor" Beatrice replied.. " yeah.. but it seemed like forever" Nicholas said "tell me about it" Micheal added.. "so this is our princess?" Nicholas asked and took Amelia.. "yes .. she is" Micheal replied.. "my daughter in law..is so beautiful, she looks like Eleanor" Beatrice added.. I couldn't hold my laughter.. "daughter in law?.. Amelia is just a day old" I replied, "I know but still, it would be great.. if my daughter in law is my best friends child"she said, "and it will make our bond more stronger"Nicholas added.. "hmm.. that's true, I like the idea" Micheal said.. "fine, we will make her engagement with Skyler official, when she turns eighteen" I replied with a smile.. "wow.. that's fabulous" Beatrice said .. we were all sitting now, "so where are the princes" I asked.. "oh.. Skyler and Sydney are with my sister in Mexico, and Simon is at home, with his granny" Nicholas replied.. "you should have brought him along"Micheal added.. Skyler, Sydney and Simon are Beatrice and Nicholas children.. Skyler is 3, Sydney is 2 and Simon is just 6 months old.. "he was asleep when we left" Beatrice replied.. just then the door opens and Jonas Anderson walks in with his pregnant wife.."Susan"


"Jonas... brother, i am so glad you made it".. I say and give him a hug, "I gave you my word.. didn't I?.. besides I really wanted to see our little angel" he replied with a smile, "oh .. hi Susan.. how are you?" "I am okay.. and you?".."I am great, as you can see"...I smiled and looked at Eleanor, who was already frowning.. she was holding Amelia firmly in her arms.. I don't understand why Eleanor hates Jonas so much.. "I can see that the two richest families in America are here" Jonas trailed off already sighted.."yeah... We were having a little get-together party"Nicholas added.. "oh really that's good.., anyways can I see the child?" He asked looking at Eleanor... Who pretended to be engrossed in a discussion with Beatrice.. "uhmm.. yes, you can" I replied and took the baby from Eleanor, who was staring daggers at me.. I handed the child to Jonas and sat down.. " wow.. she's so beautiful, what's her name?" He asked.. " Amelia Jane Anderson" I replied.. " a beautiful name for a beautiful princess" Susan added.. "but am sure our daughter is going to be more beautiful.. right Jonas?"


I almost puked when I heard what she said.. I felt like slapping her.. she and her husband were getting on my nerves... But I didn't want to cause a scene.. Jonas kept on rocking Amelia.. I mean can't he see that she's asleep?.

"Yes darling.. our daughter will be more beautiful".. he replied.. "I pray your wishes come true"I say and everyone turned to look at me..."what?"Susan asked in a low voice.. "I pray your wishes come true" I repeat. "I don't think I understand Eleanor".. she replied, I could tell she was already getting angry.. "you don't need to understand Susan, but just so you know.. the baby you are holding is going to be my daughter in law.. in the next eighteen years.. so have a little respect for her" Beatrice snapped.. Micheal, Jonas and Nicholas.. were just looking.. "what? Daughter in law? Are you joking?" Jonas asked with a surprised expression.. "uhm.. yes, Jonas.. Amelia is going to get engaged to Skyler when she turns eighteen.. and our companies will be merged, besides the Anderson's and Jordans are the richest families in America..and we have been friends and Allies for ages.. so it will be great if we make our relationship stronger" Micheal replied... Like seriously? Why did he tell Jonas?.. he looked at me and I glared at him...


What?.. I looked at Susan and she glanced at me.. what is wrong with this people.."it's unbelievable" I said in a low voice, but they all heard me.. Eleanor stood up and adjusted her clothes. ."well you better believe it jonas, it's gonna happen.. and there's nothing you can do about it.. I have to take my baby now.. do have a nice day" she carried the baby and walked upstairs with Beatrice behind her.. oh can't I?.. let's watch and see Eleanor, soon your precious baby... will be taken from you... I can actually turn this in my favour.. I smiled at the thought..

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