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Impersonating The Billionaire’s Runaway Wife

Impersonating The Billionaire's Runaway Wife

Kis Write


Two ladies with striking resemblance cross path. Julianne Crawford is tired of living as a submissive wife in her in-laws house. Her plan to escape coincided with the charity event where Quiva, a typical and cunning pickpocket attended with the aim to steal. She bumped into Julliane while she was trying to escape. Unknowingly, her phone had fallen and Quiva had picked it up as one of her 'godsent' gift to her. As she tried to leave the event, she met Mrs Crawford who said some derogatory words at her and called her 'Julliane'. Quiva did not understand what was happening but she played along, thinking another jackpot had been scored, not knowing that something worse was coming for her. Quiva followed the Crawfords back to their house, assuming her position as their son's wife, Julliane Crawford. She pretended to be Julliane to steal money and stymied the lives of the Crawfords until they learned to accept her. While she thought her dream had finally been fulfilled - a life living in wealth. An enemy from the past was rising to return, ruining her entire plan. However, as Quiva spends more time living as Julliane, she begins to develop feelings for her husband and struggles with the guilt of lying to everyone around her. Meanwhile, the real Julliane has started a new life, free from the constraints of her old one, but she can't shake the feeling that something is wrong. As the two women's paths continue to cross, secrets are revealed and loyalties are tested. Will Quiva be able to come clean and confess her deception to the Crawfords and her husband, or will she lose everything she's gained in her new life? And what will happen to Julliane, who has been living in the shadow all along?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Julianne Crawford stood by the window, staring at the tickets in her hand. She sighed for the nth time and then shoved the tickets inside her cloth pocket which was tightly guarded by the flare dress she was wearing.

She muttered some prayers, and then gazed at her room for a while, feeling nostalgic all of a sudden. Tears brewed in her eyes as she recounted the fact that today will be the last day she would be living in it.

Why is she leaving? Well, Julianne Crawford recounted her life story. She was a submissive wife, with a husband whom she didn't love and vice versa and she was tired of living in Crawford mansion that was filled with hatred. The marriage with Cullen Crawford was not one of love, instead, it was some sort of arrangement between her family and Crawford as she was sold into the family without her consent. Her duty was to be the perfect wife and give birth (she has not given birth to any child luckily for her), and she was tired of all this.

Today is the day she was planning to flee from Crawford's mansion. Just as she was still reminiscing all these in her head, the door to her room swung open and hurriedly Julianne wiped her face, as well as composed herself so as not to give off any suspicious vibe. Gazing at the door, Julianne saw her maid just walk into her room unannounced and behind her was Mrs Crawford, her strict mother-in-law.

Julianne quickly gave a bow in respect to her mother-in-law. "Good morning, Mother." she greeted and Mrs. Crawford only scoffed in return.

"Where do you think you're going all dressed up this early in the morning?" The woman gave Julianne a long harsh gaze, scowling at Julianne's long black hair, to her red heels.

"Um, I'm... Just going..."

"Doesn't matter." Mrs Crawford waved her hand in the air, cutting Julianne off.

Julianne bit her bottom lip nervously, she fiddled with her dress as the thought of Mrs Crawford knowing about her plans crossed her mind.

"Um," Mrs Crawford cleared her throat, grabbing Julianne's attention. She gave Julianne a long gaze, appraising her dress and noting that she was satisfied with the expensive gown her daughter-in-law wore. The elderly woman then proceeded to state the reason for her visit. "There is a big charity event going on today at the Anglican Church and you're not to go anywhere till the event starts." She made herself clear.

Julianne quickly gave a slight bow and acknowledged that she won't go anywhere, though within her she smirked as this is just the beginning of her plan.

They talked for a bit, and then finally the woman left, as well as the maid. Alone and with a wicked grin plastered on her face, Julianne squealed at not being caught or suspected of anything and her hands sneaked to the back pocket of her dress, she checked for her ticket and sighed in relief that it was still there.

"I can't wait to get out of this hell, for good." She murmured to herself and then plopped her ass on the bed, she buried her face in her hands and started to say a prayer.

Some minutes later.

Julianne glanced at the antique bedside clock in the room. It was noon, almost time for the event which is starting at 2 pm. Today is the day the Anglicans hold their big charity event, just like Mrs Crawford had informed her, and there's no better time to try escaping than now because if she leaves the mansion no one would stop her, since they would assume she was going for the event. Or she could just cook up some lies and they'd believe her. Nevertheless, she won't miss this opportunity for anything.

With that thought in mind, Julianne walked out of her room and started to walk outside, to the compound. Luckily for her again, everyone was busy and the maids and guards around didn't even seem to pay her much attention. However, when she got to the gate, she saw a guard guarding the entrance gate and she bit her bottom lip when the guard turned around to face her.

"Good afternoon, madam Julianne, may I know where you're going to?" The guard asked, he curved his brows when Julianne didn't say anything to him.

"May I know where you're..."

"I need to get medicine at the apothecary." she quickly said, then grabbed her stomach pretending to be in pain.

"Mrs. Crawford had informed me to not open the gate for you. Do you forget about the event?" The guard asked curiosity, he felt something wasn't right but there was a limit to how he could question the lady.

"I know. I'll just get the medicine and wait for the rest of the family at the event ground." Julianne groaned angrily, she felt she might lose her chance forever if she waste another minute in the mansion.

"Tell me what the problem is I will have someone to get the medicine for you." The guard said calmly but the look on his face says otherwise.

Julianne shut her lid, and anger surges through her but she dare not say a word to outrage anyone at the Crawford mansion. "Can't I be myself for once? I didn't ask for much just open the gate and let me get myself dyspepsia medicine." she flapped her eyes open. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she realised how lowly everyone think of her at the mansion. Neither the family nor the workers took her as part of the family.

"Um," the guard opened his mouth but shut it almost immediately. He felt bad for standing in her way even when she told him she only wanted to go out to get medicine. "I'll let Mrs Crawford know about your condition." with that being said, the guard stepped aside and opened the gate for her.

"Freedom!" Julianne sniffed as soon as the big gate closed behind her, she waved down a taxi that was coming her way. They soon hit the roads and as planned she headed to the charity event grounds.

As expected, the environment was packed with people of different calibre making it so easy for Julianne to find her way in without being noticed. On a normal stead, she'd have just gone to the train station but then she wants people to see her, so when the Crawfords ask about her whereabouts when she goes missing, they'd inform them that Julianne came to the carnival. Mixing in with the crowd, and greeting some familiar faces, she held onto her purse and phone which were firmly wrapped under her fragile fingers, however, she didn't know when she bumped into someone and at the same time her belongings (the things she was holding) fell to the ground.

Julianne looked at the person whom she hit, and she felt uneasy as she didn't catch the already fleeing person's face although she noted that the person was a lady from her bouncing red curls hair. Quickly picking up her things without even checking them, Julianne rushed past the carnival and towards the train station which was already blaring.

The train station was close to the carnival grounds, so all the better for Julianne.

She hurried past the crowd and into the waiting van. Seconds later, the train began to move, and Julianne looked back at the jam of people hurrying to the carnival and she let out a faint smile. She felt contented and happy too, and she muttered some profanities, also celebrating the fact that the Crawfords will see her no more.

"You'd never see me again!" She grinned darkly, throwing out a file through the window.

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Impersonating The Billionaire’s Runaway Wife

Chapter 1 Prologue
