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Secret identity

Secret identity

Malcolm M.A


“I could end you with just a flick of my fingers, but I won't do that yet. I want you to suffer for being a mute and worse for being a Stealer wolf!” **** Olivia's life took a turn for the worse when she attended the mating ceremony on her 18th birthday and discovered that she was a Stealer wolf. She was a mute, who found it hard to communicate with people and hoped that when she got her mate during the ceremony, she would be accepted and be able to heal, but then fate had something else in store for her. Chased around by widowed and single wolves because of her stealer identity, she meets her mate, but he pushes her away and mistreats her for being a mute. Will she be able to win his heart and heal?

Chapter 1 Olivia's POV

**Olivia's POV**

“You're worthless. You certainly know how to do nothing!” Mother shouted as she hauled me from the kitchen by my hair. I clutched her hand and cowered in pain. When we got to the living room, she pushed me to the floor.

“Just look at how weak you are! The moon goddess should have killed you the minute I gave birth to you. I would have terminated you from birth if I knew this is what you would become,” She snapped, and tears rolled down my cheeks. “Just look at you. You're a mute, who can't even construct a precise sentence. You don't know how to do anything, either. I regret having you as my daughter!” She snapped again.

How could a mother say such a thing to her child? Was being this way my fault? None of this was my fault. Being mute wasn't either. I just happened to be a scapegoat for this harsh side of fate. I tried to open my mouth to speak to her; to tell her that this wasn't my fault, and to make her know that she should at least show me some atom of love.

My life has been hell on Earth. I turned 18 today and no one gave a damn about it. All through my life, I've been harmed and judged for what isn't my fault. And as always, she would always compare my little brother to me, making me feel even more terrible than I already felt.

“I'm going to make sure you starve for breaking that dish today, Olivia. You will be punished severely.” She snapped and walked away.

I forced myself up and shuffled my feet to my room. I wasn't moved by getting starved anymore. It was something I was already used to as a result of the numerous punishments I had received from her. I had no hope, no one to fight for me. No one to tell me that it was going to be fine.

If my mother was this abusive, at least my father and brother should be more considerate, but no, it wasn't like that at all. My father was the worst of them all. There wasn't a day that passed that he didn't remind me of how worthless I was. My brother wasn't left out either.

I slid out of my clothes and sniffed.

The only hope I held on to was finding my mate at the mating ceremony when I turned eighteen. I am very sure he would take me away from these monsters, give me a better life and help me heal from this torturous thing called “mute”

And fortunately, the mating ceremony was taking place in the Golden Arc Pack today. I would finally get my mate and leave this place. I couldn't wait.

I quickly took my bath and flipped through my stack of worn-out clothes. I picked the manageable one and smiled as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

“Olivia, you're going to find your mate today. Your life is about to change for the better, so smile for it will be over soon.” I mentally encouraged myself and exhaled.

Today was the day.


My eyes widened at the numerous number of people gathered to grace the occasion. When I entered the vicinity, all eyes darted on me immediately. I sighed as they threw disdainful looks my way. Yeah, I was known as the useless mute, who doesn't stay in a place; hated and disregarded by all, but I didn't care because everything was going to change today.

I ignored their stares and watched how the mating ceremony was being done. I smiled as I watched wolves sniff their mates out and with the passing of time, I started to get nervous. I had numerous questions going on in my head; questions like how long would it take for me to get mine? And if I do, will he accept me?

I anxiously waited for something to happen, but nothing did. I started panicking, and my heart began to race. What on earth was going on? I decided to be patient still and waited. Seconds flew to minutes, then to hours and still nothing happened.

The mating ceremony came to an end and people started dispersing. I wasn't called forward, nothing happened. My hope shattered and tears rolled down my cheeks. I didn't know what to think or what to do? Did the moon goddess hate me to the point of not giving me a mate?

I sat there for a while and let my tears roll down my cheeks freely. I knew what was waiting for me at home. Another round of abuse and insults. Coming home without any positive results was going to be another hell of a day for me, but I had nowhere to go.

I wiped my tears and stood up.

Immediately I got up, there was this strange aura I noticed. The surrounding atmosphere seemed to change a bit and I looked around, wondering what was going on. I held the hem of my dress and started leaving.

When I turned, I could see that the eyes of the male wolves present had turned red and bloody. Fear gripped me when their fangs shot out, and they gathered themselves together, approaching me. I instinctively started taking steps back.

“Mate!” They growled as they advanced towards me, and my eyes widened. What the heck were they talking about?

The way they looked at me like they wanted to attack or possess me sent cold shivers down my spine. Instantly, I turned to run, and they grabbed me, pulling me into their midst.

My eyes widened, and I tried to run, but they held me and dragged me back. I opened my mouth to plead with them, but couldn't.

“Mine!” They growled and held on to my dress.

I yanked their hands away and made a run for it, but they caught me.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Everyone stopped when that voice came. It was so cold and authoritative that it sent chills down my spine. I stood up to see meet his gaze and something moved within me.

It was at that moment I knew.

This man was my mate.

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