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The taste for Love

The taste for Love

Toriola Nofisat


In a world where sweetness and ambition collide, join Samantha Brown, a soft, shy, and adorable bakery owner, as she embarks on a journey filled with tantalizing twists, unexpected turns, smoldering romance, and heart-stopping suspense. When Thompson Brooks, a confident and charismatic CEO, walks into her bakery, Samantha's life takes an exhilarating turn. As their connection grows, they find themselves entangled in a web of rivalries, jealousy, and hidden agendas. With the enigmatic Nora plotting in the shadows, determined to tear them apart, Samantha and Thompson must navigate through the delectable flavors of love while fighting against forces that threaten to shatter their dreams. Will they succumb to the pressures or rise above it all, defying the odds for a shot at everlasting happiness

Chapter 1 A Whiff of Fate

Samantha's eyes fluttered open as the soft rays of morning sunlight danced across her bedroom walls, it was a new week. With a contented smile, she stretched her arms and took a deep breath, relishing the familiar scent of fresh-baked goods that permeated her cozy apartment. It was Monday, and she couldn't help but feel a bubbling excitement in her heart, knowing that the week held endless possibilities for her beloved bakery.

As she gracefully slipped out of bed, Samantha's reflection in the mirror revealed a young woman with an endearing aura of shyness and innocence. Her hazel eyes sparkled with dreams, and her rosy cheeks were always adorned with a gentle blush. Today was no exception.

After meticulously dressing herself in a pastel apron, Samantha made her way through the quiet morning streets toward her bakery with anticipated dancing in her steps. The morning sunlight gently illuminated the path before her. The world was still waking up, the hushed ambiance providing her with a serene canvas to imagine the wonderful things the week had in store for her. Opening her bakery had been a lifelong dream, and she poured her heart and soul into every treat she created.

Samantha's Pov

My bakery, a place where dreams were baked into reality, had always been my ultimate aspiration. It was my sanctuary, where I poured my heart and soul into creating sweet delights that brought joy to others. The very thought of it filled me with indescribable happiness.

As I strolled towards my beloved bakery, I couldn't help but notice the presence of another establishment down the road. It was owned by the notorious and arrogant Mateo, whose sole purpose seemed to be undermining my success. He had made it his personal mission to perpetually try to bring me down. Despite his attempts, I remained resolute and determined, determined to rise above any negativity that came my way. Positivity was my armor against his ill intentions.

The clock struck nine, and my bakery came alive with the bustling energy of my dedicated coworkers. Lexy, my best friend, greeted me with a mischievous grin, her humor infectious enough to brighten even the gloomiest of days. Zoo, a gentle soul with a penchant for affection, often found solace in his adoration for Lexy. Their interactions never failed to bring smiles to our faces. And then there was Nora, a constant reminder that not everyone shared our passion and warmth. She exuded an air of mischief and envy like bitter frosting on a delicate cake, but wasn't one to judge, so refused to let her dampen my spirits.

Work had fully started. Amidst the cheerful chaos, the melodious chime of the bakery door announced the arrival of unexpected guests. I was standing by the register which was usually where Nora was supposed to be but for some reason, she had something quick to attend to. Not that it was the first time she would do something like that. Sincerely, I don't know what I haven't told her off by now.

My eyes glanced up towards the entrance and my heart immediately skipped a beat as I caught sight of them. Thompson Brooks, the charismatic owner of Brooks and Co, sauntered in with an aura of confidence that could make heads turn. He exuded an undeniable allure, like a dash of spice in an otherwise delectable dish. His tall, well-built frame seemed to fill the room, yet there was a softness in his eyes that hinted at depths beneath his commanding presence. By his side stood Adrian, Thompson's best friend, equally charming but with a touch less sizzle. Everyone knew them. I mean it was impossible not to. Other than their charming looks, Thompson owned Brooks and Co and a bunch of businesses all around he basically held the city in his pocket and he sponsored a lot of charity events, planned ball parties, and many fancy things like that. He was always a topic for new blogs.

"Good morning! How can I assist you today?" I greeted them with a shy yet friendly smile, feeling my cheeks flush with a hint of rosy blush.

Thompson's eyes met mine, and it felt as if time stood still. There was an unspoken connection, an invisible thread that seemed to pull us closer. I could sense his gaze lingering on me, captivated by my endearing demeanor. It was an overwhelming yet exhilarating moment, like discovering a hidden ingredient that adds magic to a recipe. I felt my cheeks heat up. My usual shyness amplified in the face of this captivating stranger and I was sure he heard me gasp.

He chuckled a bit, "Good morning. I would like to place an order for a red velvet cake for my niece's birthday tomorrow."

"Oh okay,... would you be the one picking it up ?" I asked barely able to look at his face. God, I must seem like some five years old.

"I'm not sure yet little doe. But, please make sure it is available by this time for pickup. Can you do that?"

'Little doe'... was that an endearment.

Finally, I looked up at him shyly and he flashed a little smile. His eyes bore into her like he was trying to study her. His look was intense and if he hadn't just smiled at her she would think he was up to something. She wasn't used to men lingering stares but this stranger right her held nothing back in his stare.

It felt like was where in some kind of magnetic field. At least I thought we were until Nora miraculously found her way back to the counter.

"Hey, there fellas." Her voice was loud and sharp as she smiled from end to end.

Since when does she seem happy or eager to talk to customers?

"I'll take it from here," she said turning to me like I was some kind of disturbance. She was literally trying to shove me off in my own place.

"That's okay we already placed our order." Adrian cuts in, leaving no room for further conversations. That was the only thing I've heard him say since he came. Not that I expected him to be all over the place but they both just seemed so reserved. But I couldn't help but feel otherwise about Adrian with his mischievous grin. Even Nora was shocked to have been put aside. Guess she expected something else.

"Yeah, it will be done and ready by tomorrow with an extra source of sweetness, no problem." I smiled.

Thompson gave a slight nod, his focus solely fixated on me. His attention was like a spotlight, making me feel both flustered and elated, lost in a whirlwind of daydreams ."See you little doe"

I gasped.

And just like that, their dominating presence was out of the bakery.

I couldn't help but become a blushing mess, my heart fluttering with anticipation. Their presence was a testament to the sweetness that life had in store for me.

Meanwhile, Nora's eyes bore into me, a mixture of envy and animosity. Her gaze was filled with a venomous hatred that I couldn't comprehend. But amid this newfound connection with Thompson, I chose to let her resentment roll off me like water off a well-greased baking pan.

Nothing could extinguish the flame of hope that burned within me.

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