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The Runaway Princess

The Runaway Princess

Henry Altman


20 year old Maryjane is a mute and lives her life in solitary. She never has seen the outside world and doesn't have any communication with others unless it's the staff at the estate or her parents and siblings. She witnesses traumatic events daily and one day after seeing something unforgettable she runs away , after they realize she's gone her family takes all the risk to find her before Maryjane reveals their secrets. Will they find her or will Maryjane finally escape forever...

Chapter 1 Don't worry

A knock at the door startled Maryjane as she was busy painting. Her mother walks in looking glum. Maryjane wrote on her notebook which she always does as her way of communicating being mute. "WHAT IS WRONG?" wrote Maryjane. Her mother started tearing up and responded "Nothing to worry about darling." Maryjane always heard her mother crying around the house. It was no surprise she already knew who made her cry.

Maryjane lives with her parents Frank and Marisol. She also has two siblings Fernando and Arely. Frank was an abusive husband and a great manipulator. Marisol was a good mom physically but mentally and emotionally she lacked talent there. Maryjanes relationship with her siblings is more grand than her relationship with her parents, but when Marisol came into her room looking for consolidation Maryjane always offered it knowing things were going to change.

"Obviously it's something to worry about mom you're always crying for the same thing" Maryjane wrote back to her mom. Marisol just gave her a hug and walked out the room. Maryjane grunted in frustration and put her painting stuff down. She went to her sister's room to vent about the situation.

Entering her sister's room, Maryjane heard the loud speakers of the radio bust through the walls. Arely was a wild child and she did not care what others said nor did she care about the situation of the household as she was just happy to get the things she wanted.

Maryjane can't speak, so it took a while before Arely noticed that Maryjane was there. "MJ HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU LET A PERSON KNOW WHEN YOU ENTER!!!!" yelled Arely. Maryjane just snickered she loved seeing her sister jump-scare. "Oh so you think it's funny now don't you" smirked Arely. Maryjane took out her notebook and before she could write Arely stopped her, "Mj Ireally don't want to get into mom and dad today i have study session in the ballroom today and I'm worried i won't pass the SAT.

Maryjane and her siblings are never allowed to go out of the manor. Ever since Maryjane was a toddler she only recalls once she had to go to a building where other different people were there but she can't remember what it was for. Her parents just always hire a private tutor to which they make the tutor sign a contract to privacy.

This was no surprise that Maryjane had to graduate from home instead of school which she yearned for and wanted badly to see the outside world , she felt so alone at times.

Arely seeing the worried look on Maryjane turned the music down and sat beside her on the bed. "Look Mj" Arely said, "it's not that i don't care i do but the more we worry about it the more it starts to be real okay? we can't always be worried about mom and dad when mom just lets it happen."

Maryjane got up and left the room leaving arely alone sitting on the bed. Frank had been cheating and mentally and physically abusing his wife and kids. He used to be a good dad but since he started drinking again he became such a nuisance and was a person then couldn't recognize anymore.

Maryjane just went into her room and looked out the window, she couldn't stay in the house anymore but where could she go? She didn't know how the real world worked.

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