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Illicit Desire

Illicit Desire

Jenna Jones


Famous for her quick wit and genius mind in solving crimes, Detective Sheila Mccallen, is in for it when she is assigned a drug deal case that proves to be difficult than it seemed. A past, in form of her family background, that she wishes to forget comes back to bite her when she least expects it. In the middle of all this chaos, the man who causes all this ruckus, is just enjoying his company with Mccallen, slowly emotionally drilling into her heart, soul and mind. Contrary to her own expectations,Sheila finds herself falling for this man,a Mafia Lord and a hot one at that. At the end of all this, will she choose love or justice? Moreover, is there a bigger game plan in all this?

Chapter 1 The Mosella Family

"You are of the Mosella blood. You are meant to be in the family business. We are all born for it and that means that there is no escape!So stop trying to escape your responsibility. Am I clear?" My father shouted as he angrily slammed his hand on his desk.

Our whole family; my parents, three brothers and I, was gathered in his study room. I had made it clear to my family that I didn't want to become a part of the Mafia. And he we are, my father shouting at me, with no one daring to oppose him.No one trying to stand up for me.

"But I don't want this, father. I want to become a detective. That's my dre..." PAK! A slap from my father interrupted my sentence and I was sent flying to the floor. I clutched my cheek and I felt hurried footsteps rushing towards me.

"Sheila. Are you okay?" One of my brothers,Aiden, asked in concern as he helped me up.

I coughed up blood and stood up, my brother supporting me by my arm. Everyone else just sat there looking at me, no emotions or shit in their eyes.

" You slapped me." I stated as I spit blood and looked at the pathetic people in front of me.

They were silent for a while and I could see...remorse?

"Yes, I did. What are you going to do about it. Cry?" My father answered as he ran a hand frustratedly through his hair.

I suddenly laughed and pushed Aiden aside gently. "Never in a million years would I have thought that the man who raised me, cherished me and loved me until..." I paused as I looked at my watch. "Until 10 a.m today, would slap his precious princess." I add.

They are all silent again. "You know what? I am freaking done with this piece of filth you call the Mosella family. I wish that I had seen your true colors when I was younger. I regret and loathe the fact that I was born in this damned family who only care about the family name. I wish that all of you, except Aiden, would go to hell. I hate you." I say as I turn my back and head towards the door.

"If you leave this room,then you are no longer a Mosella." My father claims.

"Then, so be it." I answer as I open the door and leave but not before glancing at Aiden, that sweet younger brother of mine. I felt guilty for leaving him with these monsters but I couldn't take him with me.He was better off with them since I couldn't provide or do anything for him. "I'm sorry." I mouth the words as I give him a weak smile. He nods in response as tears form in his eyes.

I wanted to hug him and assure him, but, there was no turning back. It was over. I am no longer a Mosella . I am just Sheila Mccallen.

As I leave the mansion I called home for the past twenty years, a bag in my hand, tears form in my eyes but there's no regret or guilt, just hatred for the Mosella family.


Two years later.

"Detective Sheila. I heard that you solved the complicated homicide case. Congratulations." A young man, also a detective, says as he shakes my hand, a genuine smile on his face.

"Thank you, Jay." I respond as I smile at him and others come to congratulate me.

It's been two years since I left. Two years since I saw the Mosellas. Two years since I was set free.Two years since I got to chase my dream.

"We should host a dinner party for you." Captain Joe, a short but sturdy man says as he heads towards me, his arms spread wide, silently asking for a hug.

"Oh, please. No. That will be too much. How about we just go for drinks." I suggest and everyone agrees.

He nods. "I am proud of you, Sheila." Joe says as he smiles at me. I smile back and hug him. He was the one who took me in when I had nothing. He was a father figure to not only me but to the entire department.

"Thank you. For everything." I mutter.

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