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Finding Hope

Finding Hope



Finding Hope Genre: Billionaire Romance She's quiet She doesn't associate with people She been maltreated and made fun of by her wicked Aunt,her late mom's younger sister. Aunt Olivia. Yvonne Nelson is a young beautiful teenager who lives with her Aunt. Aunt Olivia is more like the devil's right hand woman. She takes fun in maltreating Yvonne because she has nobody except her.. She's broken. No one cares for her,looking so pitiful and like a pauper in her Aunt house. Aunt Olivia Is working in a fashion house(fashion designer) though she's not rich but can afford few basic things of life. Everything changed when they moved from south Africa to Germany, Olivia managed to put her in one of the prestigious high school in Germany,thanks to all her hard works and pleas. While Yvonne was in school,she was bullied, girls steps on her like a trash in the midst of her pains,she never fought back or stand up for herself. Ryan Williams the schools cutest boy,the son of the most influential billionaire man Williams. Ryan is proud and Rude.. He doesn't like the poor but he find himself fighting for Yvonne.. There's more to unfold in this fascinate story.. How did she end up as a maid?? Was she able to stand up for herself? Find love? and stop being that naive girl everyone knows her to be or would she continue to allow her fears win over her?.

Chapter 1 Finding Hope

Finding Hope

Chapter 1

I whimpered in pain, i felt myself being dragged down from the bed through my legs,I fell hard and hit my head on the floor.. I moaned and opened my eyes slowly.

Cursed child!! Are you not aware that we are leaving today and you are still here sleeping by this time? I heard my Aunt voice, I stood up immediately from the floor fully awake

Good morning Ma: I greeted her slowly. What is good about this morning huh coward?

She asked angrily at me.

I'm sorry ma,I was exhausted due to the works I did yesterday, I couldn't sleep in time "I said trying to defend myself knowing it was meaningless to her.. That none of my business, before I close my eyes you are out of this place,go downstairs and start working immediately."she said pointing her fingers at the door angrily", with my eyes filled with tears I left the room..

My name is Yvonne Nelson, I'm an orphan who lost her parents in a car accident when I was still a kid while coming back from trip I was the only one that survived.. My mom sister took me because I have nobody except her but she doesn't like me

She doesn't care about me

I'm Naive ,I don't associate with people or talks to people either always indoors. My aunt and her child drive joy in seeing me in tears,they always find one reason to beat and abuse me..

Make sure you arrange my clothes carefully, jenny said eyeing me I'm two years older than her but she treats me like a trash,talks to me like she is older than me..we moved from south Africa to Germany because of my aunt husband business.. Mr James who happens to be my aunt's husband works in a mini company, he is not poor nor rich but he always try his best to provide his wife and child's needs no matter what..He took me like his own daughter despart my aunt hatred towards me .

That reminds me, Yvonne pick a school of your choice you want to attend here in Germany,give me details in the evening."mr saga said " what about my daughter? Olivia asked her husband..

Oh she can do same, He muttered

Why do you always choose this fool over your own daughter? Olivia let's not start this in front of this girls please, besides she is your sister's daughter at least if you deny her many things in this life not education pls,remember her mother left her under your care,our care Olivia." He said before leaving the sitting room".

Aunt Olivia gave me a deadly look,muttered cursed child before following her husband behind..jenny pushed me before leaving to her room..

I ran happily to my room at least am going back to school after so many years I smiled satisfactory.. I sneaked into jenny's room she wasn't there,I thought where she could be, I slowly took her laptop went back to my room sat down on the bed and started searching any best school in Germany, I smiled I have seen my choice of school already I started writing some things down

It's really a big school and wealthy I thought I wrote down the name of the school DORTMUND HIGH SCHOOL!!

Their uniform are nice too I love the information I got about the school.. I slowly closed the laptop gently went into jenny room she isn't there again, I dropped it and left

Was going to the kitchen to take water heard Mr saga voice I rush into my room took the paper downstairs I greeted him and gave him the paper I took my water and went back to my room I offed my lamp and said my prayers before drifting off to sleep



* next morning I woke up early was about going downstairs to start my Normal works I heard my aunt shouting I stood a corner watching them.

No way!! I won't allow her to study in Dortmund high school that school isn't for corward like her and doesn't fit her but jenny,She's gonna attend public school, aunt Olivia told her Husband who was silent and was busy operating his laptop, this your sister's child and what ever I said must stand, am the head of this family, tell me why she can't attend to the school,she is smart, she isn't dull like your so called daughter he said angrily!

Sister's child my foot

That little brat killed her parents and I won't allow her kill me before my time and my daughter in fact our daughter is not dull,Yvonne will never attend to that school and it's final she shouted at her husband, fine Do whatever that please you,Mr saga said and left the room

Tears dropped from my eyes I can't believe this,Mr saga my only hope accepted this wicked woman threats. I ran into my room crying it's my future we are talking about here, public school? God why me. I started remembering my parents how I wish the are still alive, I won't have been going through all this when I was a kid,i never attend a public school or average school and now I'm gonna accept my fate and attend a public school?

Then her daughter (jenny) would attend a prestigious school? I was still crying when a thought came to me and I haven't stand up for myself before I will now, I will never allow her to put me in a public school,I have to fight for myself, I will have to find a way to attend to that school, no Matter what!!

I vowed between myself still crying till I dozed off to sleep.. I woke up in the afternoon with heavy headache due to I cried heavily to sleep. I managed to come downstairs to do my normal duties,by then jenny have leave the house, my aunt has gone to her shop …after my chores

I quietly went to Jenny's room took her laptop and start researching about Dortmund high school, I was shocked when I saw that they school organized an examination scholarship, for over 500 people especially for the less previledge who are not able to afford the school the chance to write the exam, they need only 30 students who would get the scholarship into the school, I was very happy and relieve I wrote some things down in my jotter

Thank goodness, only just 200 students has applied yet,I think I'm gonna apply it..


What kind of nonsense decision you took Dad,why would you want to do such you and I know I can't even stand those brats, why would you make a decision without considering about my feelings, why Dad?? I yelled at my Dad angrily..

Do you realize you're speaking to your father?he said gently avoiding my question.

I don't care, did you consider my feelings before taking such decisions? I asked

It's my decision Ryan, I just want to help they less previlledge out there who are struggling to attend school but have nobody to help them, I want to give those smart kids out there a chance to belong in Dortmund, Dad said starring at me ..I'm Ryan Williams, they only child of the wealthiest and respected man,Mr Williams who always love helping they needy, I so much hate the poor, they are absolutely irritating me

Dad made a decision without considering me, want to give scholarships to 30(thirty)best students out of 500 kids who aren't rich to afford the school. I hate everything about them, every single thing

But unfortunately, there's nothing I can do because Dad has done what he thinks is the best those lucky low lives better not dare cross part with me or else I said before walking out of my Dad office.

Yvonne p.o.v

I dressed neatly I left, I already applied for the scholarship form and today is the exam it's in the school hall after getting directions. I got to the school it looks bigger and finer in real than picture

I hope I will be among the best..Aunt Olivia doesn't know,am glad she won't find out at least not now..I sat for the exams went home and collected beating from aunt Olivia for coming back late, saying i went to sale my body asking me how much I brought home still beating me, I cried my eyes out that night, three days after the exams,Still no message from them, I won't give up not now, I thought sadly

Jenny p.o.v

Wow mommy, thank you, you are really the best mom, I said as I hugged her,so I would be starting school on Monday ,Dortmund high school, I can't wait to associate with the spoiled kids am gonna make sure I date one of the cutest guy there..then for Yvonne she wouldn't get the chance to attend such a rich school,I said holding my mom smiling

One week later:





Yvonne p.o.v

Later in day, was sitting in my room, thinking about my whole life an idea came to me I went to jenny room thank God she wasn't around, I took her laptop and search her email because that what I used in applying for the exam,i couldn't believe what i saw,didn't know when i started shedding tears.(Tears of joy), as I read the message, I have Been given the scholarship, I was the top best students among all the students that won. I didn't know when i started shouting still in jenny's room, at least my wicked aunt won't stop me from attending the school, i have to do something very fast before she finds out, i thought before dropping jenny laptop and left her room happily..


Went to my room can't believe I will be going to the school on Monday, can't wait to Monday. I couldn't hold my tears, I know my mom and dad are proud of me any where they're. I love you mummy and Daddy I shouted with tears

I wish I can see them again, I really need you people now,don't know how to start with this now.

I wept my tears and said my prayers before sleeping off,Tomorrow is Monday and I can't wait to be there.




Woke up early in the morning, said my prayers and went downstairs to clean the house before leaving, don't want aunty Olivia to know about any of this.

I dressed in a pink jumpsuit, packed my hair neatly and I carried my bag and I worked out of my room

sneaked out of the house, didn't bother taking breakfast, I stopped a cab

Payed him with the little money I saved given to me by my aunt's husband Mr James

I walked into the school, everybody was staring at me

I can't describe this giagaintic I walked to the principal office, he gave me my locker key and number and congratulate me for being the best among all the students that wrote the exam, he gave me the school map to find my way, since I don't talk to people, I didn't bother asking for directions.. I find my way into the locker room,I took my uniform, shoes and books in the locker..I quickly changed since nobody was there.. I quickly placed my books, in my bag and heading to my class..

Jenny P. O.v

I bumped into someone when, I raised my head to look at the person,I was shocked,Yvonne in Dortmund high school uniform, my worst nightmare

What the hell are you doing here Yvonne I asked in shocked,she snubbed me and walked into the class

What the hell!!!!

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