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The Devil's Affection

The Devil's Affection



"Don't worry, I am not the type that touches a woman without her consent" He said and then stood up and moved closer to me, he suddenly bent over catching me off guard. The smell of his strong masculine cologne hitting my nostrils and damn he smells so good. His mouth was almost touching my ear but no skin contact was made. "They beg me to touch them" His voice suddenly went dangerously low and it made me nervous and excited. Goosebumps broke out on my skin and I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. After running away from her abusive stepfather at the age of 15, Athena tries to get her life back together and forget about all the pains and trauma she endured at the hands of her stepfather, but just when things started to look up for her, the universe fucks her in the face and her past comes back to haunt her. But what she thinks to be a nightmare happens to be a blessing in a really good disguise.

Chapter 1 [Valentine's Day]


"SHUT THE FUCK UP" After hitting snooze the gazillionth time, I just had to silence the poor thing, forever. R.I.P. Damn it, now I need a new alarm clock.

"That another alarm clock?" And that's my annoying ride-or-die bestie/housemate/ course-mate/sister everything, Sophie. Her mom adopted me when she found me wandering around like a ghost who refused to go toward the light. They took care of me ever since.

Sophie is literally the worst best thing that can happen to you. "Seriously girl, you gotta stop throwing those clocks, it's the fifth one this month"

"MIND YOUR BUSINESS" I yelled. I know throwing those clocks is not exactly how I should turn them off but it's just so satisfying to throw'em.

"Girl, I'm ma swim to Bikini Bottom and get you Spongebob's alarm clock," she said, her annoying ass was on my bed trying to get me out of my super comfy bed, what's funny is that the bed wasn't even this comfy last night.

"Get up, get up, get up" She was shaking the life out of me.

"I don't want to" I whined.

"Get up"

"Five more minutes" I mumbled, still sleepy as fuck

"No! Get up, now." she said in her 'oh so serious tone.'

"Fuck Sophie, not everybody is a morning bird like you" I snapped at her

"Bitch it's almost noon. You can't possibly spend half of Valentine's Day in bed." I rolled my eyes when she mentioned Valentine.

Valentine's used to be my favorite day of the year, besides Christmas but after that douche broke up with me on Valentine's Day, in public, I just stopped feeling the love in the air.

I even was dubbed Valentine's break-up girl.

That jerk, because of him my favorite day of the year became a nightmare.

"Watch me" I slumped back down on my bed to resume my blissful sleep but Sophie's nagging ass wasn't giving up.

"Okay, I know the previous valentines sucked for a couple of reasons but hey, maybe the universe has decided to smile at you this year and instead of heartbreak, you'll find true love"

"What if the universe decides to frown at me again and this time my heartbreak gets aired on National TV," I said, being both pessimistic and sarcastic.

"Well, then you'll be famous. Any publicity is good publicity" Sophie wiggled her brows at me

"Ewww. NO." I pulled the comforter over my head. She heaved a sigh and lay right beside me.

"Remember that noon seminar we were thinking of ditching?" I didn't answer waiting for her to get to the fucking point. "Well, Dylan's gonna be there."

I immediately pulled the comforter off my head and looked at her, excitement evident on my face.

Okay, I know it seems like I have a crush on him, but I don't. I am in love with him. I can't possibly give up on love just because one asshole broke my heart.

"You're joking" I couldn't contain my excitement, I was squealing.

"Nope," She said swinging her head to the right. "Tara told me that Aria told her that she heard Ella, Dylan's sister say that Dylan was gonna be there." I gave her the 'seriously' look.

"What! If the sister said he'll be there, then he'll be there"

"Okay, okay, okay. What time is it"

"Uhm, 11:15 am"

"WHAAAT? And you're just telling me?"

"Bitch, that poor alarm clock and I have been trying to get you out of bed all day," She said pointing to the shattered clock across the room.

I got up frantically and rushed to the bathroom. I could hear Sophie going hysterical in my room. "FUCK YOU!" I yelled from the bathroom.


At noon on the dot, we arrived at the seminar. After I took the quickest shower in history, I got dressed as fast as I could and I drove so fast, Sophie thought we'd get into an accident but we didn't.

Can you blame me? I just wanted to sit next to my love.

My eyes were seriously scanning the room, looking for one particular handsomeness but he wasn't there yet. My excitement started fading when I couldn't find him but it quickly washed up on me again when I saw him at the entrance.

He was walking towards where I was seated and I immediately offered him a seat next to me. He flashed his sexy smile at me and I could feel the adrenaline rush to my face.

He sat next to me and I saw Sophie giving me an I'm proud of you smile, right behind her were the glaring faces of Tara and Aria and I gave them a tight fuck you bitches smile.

The seminar went well, I think. I couldn't focus on the lecture, all of my thought was with Dylan's beautiful blue eyes as I tried to overcome the burning urge to ask him out.

'What, am a bitch that loves getting what she wants, life's too short to be waiting around for these guys to ask you out, just ask them and if they turn you down, use these three healing steps.

Step 1: Have it at the back of your mind that he is the biggest idiot, not you.

Step 2: DESTROY....HIS....CAR!! Not like the deflating his tires destroy or the breaking his the windows destroy, nah, we could get arrested. It's the glitter spray kind of destroy, nothing is more annoying than having glitters all over your car. It may seem like a petty bitch move but it's all part of the healing process and it is totally harmless and fun. Imagine the look that will be on his face when he sees glitter all over his car, Hmmm, satisfying.

Step 3: Which is the final step, move on to the next guy.'

Those were Sophie's words and it echoes in my head anytime am about to do some dumb shit, like asking a boy out.

"Hey," Dylan's sweet masculine voice brought me out of my thoughts about him.

"Huh? Uhm, h....h....hi" Here I was, stuttering like an idiot, he has that effect on me.

"You dropped your pen," He said handing the pen to me.

"What?" I was still under the hypnosis of his eye

"Oh, thank you" Thank God I snapped out of it before I made a complete fool of myself, again. He smiled and turned his back to leave when

"You maybe wanna hang out later" 'Stupid, stupid, stupid' I mentally beat myself up. I bit my lips so hard, I could almost taste blood. I waited for him to speak but after the longest one minute of my life, I broke the silence.

"Know what, scratch that. Of course, you'd made plans with your girlfriend, it's Valentine's. That was stupid of me" Here I am again, making a fool of myself on Valentine's, Day.

"It's fine, I don't have a girlfriend. We could hang out. Text me the details, I'll meet you." he turned to leave but stopped and said, "Don't call yourself stupid, you're very smart and beautiful." He said and winked before he left. I was left standing there, grinning like an idiot, thinking about the beautiful words Dylan just said to me, words I had wanted to hear for a long time. Am I dreaming?

As usual, Sophie ruined my happy moment but I am used to it. I've ruined hers too. Countless orgasms I interrupted, unintentionally.

"How was it, What did he say" Sophie looked super excited like I won the lottery excited.

"We're going on a date," I said, merely whispering.

"OMG!! YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE WITH DYLAN" Sophie screamed, having the people remaining in the hall look at us. My eyes flew wide open and Sophie was quick to realize her mistake.

"Sorry, that's the game we're playing today. We yell a random guy's name and say we're going on a date with them. Fun right?" Sophie explained.

"Yeah," I seconded we gave an awkward laugh as we made our way to the exit.

"Fuck you, we both know Dylan ain't no random guy" I whispered

"Sorry," she whispered back. I rolled my eyes at her.

"See, I told you you'd find true love today. We need to get you ready for your date," She said with her original excitement.

"Yeah, yeah but I need to drop by somewhere first. I'll meet you back at home."

"Okay, but hurry back, you don't wanna be late to your date with your crush"

"Ya bet. See you later Bish" I bade her goodbye and she threw a flying kiss my way.


I was taking a stroll in the park. I usually come here when I need some alone time. Living with Sophie requires you to conduct regular sanity tests to make sure you're still sane.

"I am going on a date Dad. Remember that guy I told you about, he finally asked me out. Well technically I asked him out but who cares We're going out." In case you were wondering, yeah am talking to myself.

My dad died a long time ago but it gives me some kind of solace to just talk to him, even though he's not here.

Told you living with Sophie can make one psycho.

It was getting late and it was almost time for my date with Dylan. I better get home now or Sophie is going to bombard me with a dozen calls.

I was about to turn to our street when a black van suddenly stopped beside me. Before I knew what was going on I was being forced into the van, I tried to resist and screamed, but my mouth was quickly covered with a handkerchief.

'No, no, no. I have a date' I screamed in my head and blacked out.


Just when I thought Valentine's was looking up for me, the universe decides to fuck me in the face, so much for finding true love.

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