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The Heart Dilemma

Ava Mitchell's life takes an unexpected turn in a world of luxury when her father's successful business empire collapses due to an overwhelming burden of debt. With limited options, he forges a malicious deal with the captivating and enigmatic billionaire, Nathaniel Brooks to marry Ava. Despite her initial reservations, Ava strives to make the most of the circumstance, even as her heart remains entangled with her former boyfriend, who unexpectedly resurfaces as a manipulative third party. A second chance at love becomes possible as their chemistry returns. Ava faces a critical decision – whether to follow the desires of her heart or honor her duties to both family and husband. Ava was faced with betrayal by her father as she discovered a secret about him. What is this secret ? Will she uncover true love amidst this arrangement? Will she rekindle her past romance? Will her husband ever find out about the ex-boyfriend? Will she ever forgive her father?

Chapter 1 Hidden Desire

Ava summoned the courage to confront the undeniable tension that hung thickly in the air between them. She lifted her gaze to meet Nathaniel's intense stare head-on.

"Nathaniel," she began, making an effort to control her emotions, “it’s been days since you mentioned having something to discuss regarding our marriage.”

He shunned her.

Her curiosity grew, and moisture gathered in her palms, causing her hands to tremble. “Does it go beyond just the arranged marriage?" she questioned.

An awkward silence lingered between them.

“Okay! This arrangement feels suffocating. We barely know each other, and yet we're expected to act as if we're in a genuine relationship. How do I achieve that when the so-called husband is cold to me?"

Nathaniel raised an eyebrow, his confidence unwavering in his expression. "It was your father who pushed for this arrangement, not me. I have my benefits, and he has his," he replied coolly.

Ava's heart sank at his unapologetic response, but she refused to back down.

She giggled.

“You are callous. Do you have human feelings at all? What about me? What would I gain from all of these?" she inquired, trying to convey her discontent.

Nathaniel's response was filled with arrogance as he said, "You have the honor of being associated with someone of my figure. Do you know what that means? I doubt you know how much influence and power I control. I can provide you with a life of luxury and comfort that you could never have dreamt of."

She shook her head in disgust and disbelief. Her frustration grew, like a brewing storm eager to be unleashed.

“But I had a life before this,” she insisted, her voice a crescendo of emotions breaking against the shores of his indifference. “Dreams, plans—they all vanished into thin air.

Nathaniel leaned back in his chair, stretching forth his legs.

"Sometimes in life, sacrifices must be made for the greater good. Your father made his decision, and now you must live with the consequences," he stated firmly.

Her eyes widened "Consequences?”

Her fists clenched tightly with her face showing how frustrated she was. She wanted to scream at him, to tell him that she was more than just a puppet in his business game.

She unfisted and calmed her nerves, she knew deep down that her efforts would be in vain.


Under the gentle moonlight that flowed through the room, Ava lay there, her heart heavy with the weight of an arranged marriage.

She had married Nathaniel out of duty and structure, but deep down, her heart yearned for something more profound.

Love was what she truly desired. It consumed her thoughts, this longing for intimacy and a connection that transcended the formalities of their marriage.

"Nathaniel," she whispered, her voice barely audible, her vulnerability laid bare. "Can we talk?"

He turned to her, his eyes meeting hers with a distant look. "What is it again, Ava?" he replied, his tone guarded.

Taking a deep breath, she felt her fingers glide over the smooth silk bedspread, tracing invisible patterns. “I… I know this marriage was arranged. " she began, her words hesitant. “Something beyond a mere transaction."

Nathaniel let out a sigh, his face displaying traces of frustration. "Woman, we knew what we were getting into when we agreed to this marriage," he said, his voice tinged with detachment. "We have our roles to fulfill."

"I understand," she said softly, her voice carrying the weight of her emotions. "But I've always yearned for a marriage filled with love. A marriage where I truly feel cherished, where I'm not just a presence or commodity, but genuinely seen and heard."

She felt her throat tighten, and she swallowed hard.

"The truth is, we barely even know each other. All I want is to be seen. You don’t talk to me. You don’t even see me. It’s as if I exist in your world as nothing more than a shadow.

Her words hung in the air, vulnerable and raw. But he chose to ignore her, his attention fixed on his phone, dismissing her feelings without a word.

There was a moment of silence, heavy with her words hanging in the air. Then, without looking up, he muttered, “You’re exaggerating.”

She turned to face him, an expression of pain and annoyance visible in her eyes. "Can you even deny it?"

Her voice wavered slightly, but her resolve held strong. "I'm here, right in front of you, and yet I feel invisible. It's like my feelings don't matter."

He finally tore his gaze away from his phone, a mix of irritation and frustration. He responded dismissively, "This is pointless,” his tone dismissive. "We have more important things to deal with than your emotions."

Her heart sank at his words, the weight of his arrogance and indifference pressing down on her.

“Remember, this is an arranged marriage. Your dad exchanged you.”

“I wonder if there’s even anything special about you for your father to have traded you” he mumbled.

Tears welled up in her eyes, her heart aching for his statement and for a connection that seemed out of reach. “I heard you. But that does not mean we can't have a real partnership, a genuine connection?"

He looked away, avoiding her gaze. "I don't know, Ava," in Insolence, his words heavy with uncertainty. "Perhaps it's better this way, to keep things separate."

Her heart sank, and the ache of longing grew stronger. "But I want more," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I want to know you, to be more than just a stranger in your life."

The arrogance in his conduct was obvious as he scoffed. He responded dismissively, "This is the way things are, we’re bound by duty, not by some romantic notion of connection."

A profound sense of longing enveloped Ava as if the connection she so desperately desired was slipping forever from her grasp.

"But what about my happiness, your happiness?" she asked, her voice filled with desperation.

"Don't we deserve to find it together? Maybe we can find a way to make this work, to find some common ground." Her voice was desperate. "To have some understanding, some vulnerability between us?"

Nathaniel's expression remained unchanged, his walls seemingly impenetrable. "I do not need vulnerability," he stated coldly. "It's a weakness I don't indulge in."

She felt a pang in her chest as if her heart was on the verge of bursting out. Amid her astonishment, an inner thought reverberated “What sort of a man is this?”

With a fire in her eyes, she uttered, “Nathaniel, you may view vulnerability as weakness, but I believe it is the foundation of true connection.

Nathaniel’s gaze bore into hers, “‘You’re more daring than I thought,” he mused, his usual composure faltering momentarily.

“Ava met his gaze, her heart throbbing with a newfound strength. ‘I refuse to be a puppet in this marriage,’ she affirmed. ‘If we’re going to make this work, we need to find a way to bridge this gap, to understand each other beyond our roles.’”

“Nathaniel’s lips curved into a faint, almost imperceptible smile. ‘Very well,’ he said, his tone carrying a hint of challenge. ‘Let’s see if you can truly handle what you’re asking for.’

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