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Escaping Destiny!

Escaping Destiny!

Lordess Vyne


Sierra's heart get broken when she finds out that the love of her life chose someone else to be with on the mated ceremony. Trying to run away from her destiny, she melts herself into human form and loses a bit of her memory due to the incident. With a new name and a new identity, she tries to restart her life again but fate has other plans for her. What would happen when her past starts to haunt her and she is the only one left to save the werewolf pack? Would she go back to her old life or will she choose to move on? There's only one way to find out...

Chapter 1 A Race with Sierra

Tribu Valiente

Sierra's POV

I walked around the Casa Del Alfa (Alpha's home), waiting for Alphonso to finish training. It was his last day of training, and once it was dawn, there would be sunrise and a new day. Not just any day, he would be the next Alpha of Tribu Valiente, the Alfa en espera/ Alfa para ser (Alpha in waiting). The Alfa en espara was a title given to the young Alpha-to-be. Once the Alpha retires, dies, or falls sick or bedridden, the Alfa en espara (also known as the Alfa para ser) would immediately assume responsibility as the new Alpha.

Alpha Xavier wasn't dead or bedridden or retired yet. But he may retire in five years. The ceremony was made just in case he died of any cause; the throne wouldn't be left idle for just anyone to take over.

We had anticipated the moment for a long time, and I could not believe the time had come and would soon be the Alpha. Alphonso has been my friend all my life, and seeing him grace the position was also a dream for me, though not just that. Although we were just friends, I fell in love with him for a long time, though I could not tell him.

To talk about history, I am Sierra of Tribu Feroz. I don't know anything else. First of all, I can't recall my previous life. Long ago, Tribu Valiente, the strongest tribe of werewolves, had a war with Tribu Feroz, another powerful tribe. So strong that to protect their tribe, both decided to wage war, which was a common thing between wolf tribes.

Now, I am not sure who won or lost, but people die during a war, do they not? I lost my parents that way. However, Xavier, the Alpha of Tribu Valiente, Alphonso's father, did not let me die amid the war. Instead, he took me in, and I lived as a citizen of Tribu Valiente. I was six when my parents died trying to fight a war. Though I grew up in Tribu Valiente, a werewolf's primary identity can never be changed. You don't have to wonder how my only friend, Alphonso, became the love of my life.

We grew up together, and I was his only friend. Why wouldn't I end up falling in love with him? He was my playmate, my best friend, my partner in crime, and also in punishment. We always got into trouble, even now, Twelve years after My Adoption

Finally, his training was over,. I could wait no more. Another reason I wanted to meet Alphonso was that, as per the traditions of Tribu Valiente, an Alpha must have a mate. Therefore, most times after the crowning ceremony was the Alpha's Mated ceremony (similar to the wedding ceremony for humans).

Most people would choose their fated mate for the ceremony because they do not want to argue with nature. Now, Alphonso and I weren't mates, but I was his only friend throughout his life. He could choose me. Besides, like me, he hadn't found a mate yet. Though most of the odds pointed to me, I still wanted an assurance that I'd be his mate. I would ask him who he'd choose. It was better hearing it from his mouth than just imagining.

Xavier, his father, beckoned Alphonso to come towards him for a short conversation. I strained my ears to listen to them.

"Dear Father," Alphonso said, bending to his knees.

" You have made me proud to this extent, Alphonso. I have trained you up to this point, and you fly high above all tribes, defeating everyone who comes your way. You are my priced possession. "

" Thank you, Father. "

" Tomorrow is your Crowning ceremony, and you do not need to train further. You can have the rest of the day to yourself. Go. Have fun, okay? "

" Thank you, Father. I will meet you! " Alphonso said excitedly, almost leaving his father behind.

" Wait! " Xavier said, making Alphonso turn.

" Don't go too far. I need to see you at dawn today to discuss some important things about your Mated ceremony. Do not forget! "

" I will not! "

With that, Alphonso turned and left.

Outside the Casa Del Alfa, I was able to locate Alphonso looking for something, or rather, someone. I watched his physique; he was a handsome fellow to behold. His long brown hair and perfectly sculpted abs, like the creator, took his time to make them perfectly. His training outfit made his muscles look even more extensive and mightier. His hazel eyes and super munchy pink lips were to die for... just looking at him would get one hypnotized. I was drooling over him.

Timing his location, I threw a stone in his direction, and he turned to find me. This has now become our signature act.

"Greetings Alphonso, the great Alpha of Tribu Valiente! Did you forget your eyes or something?"

We both laughed, and then he proudly answered back,

"You better watch your tongue, Sierra. I will soon be the Alpha of this tribe, and anything you say or do will be used against you!"

Then we turned and looked at each other for about five seconds, which gave way to uncontrollable laughter.

"You sure won't stop repeating that line since we heard it from the humans, would you?"

I asked, laughing in between. Werewolves could quickly go to the human world in disguise anytime they wanted, though it was prohibited. Any communication with the humans could arouse suspicions from them and, later, the discovery of the existence of werewolves like us.

"Why would I?" he answered. Then, he continued, "Humans are amusing animals."

"You think? Silly costumes all day long!"

We both laughed, then wandered into the forest.

"So, I have the rest of the day to myself; what should we do?" asked Alphonso.

"Why don't we snoop around the human world and watch them a little?"

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