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The CEO’s Addiction

The CEO's Addiction



"You can't go in there", she gushes."I can go wherever I want" his eyes flickered to her body, a cruel smirk along his lips "Even inside you", Xander added and before anything else, she is giving him an hard slap across the face. *** Amelia Jameson works as a museum guide, and the little pay she gets she uses it to feed herself and her granny. When she meets Xander Sterling, a billionaire and the owner of the museum. Her world changes forever.

Chapter 1 I over slept

The morning sun cast a soft, golden glow across the small apartment as I slowly blinked awake. I fumbled for my alarm clock, squinting my eyes at the time.

Of course, I had overslept.

With a tug of panic, I tossed myself out of bed, my heart racing. I could hear granny's soft snores floating from the next room, a comforting sound that reminded me exactly why I worked my ass off.

The responsibility of caring for her had fallen on my shoulders after my parents' untimely death. Luckily... I got a job as a museum guide and though it was far from glamorous, but since it put food on our table, I managed to put up with.

I sprinted through my morning routine, my fingers moving over buttons and shoelaces. As I grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen counter, I shot a longing glance at the cold coffee maker and made a little pout at it.

There was simply no time for my usual caffeine fix today.

I darted into the cramped bathroom, splashing water on my face in a futile attempt to fully wake up. I could only hope that I didn't sleep off on the train.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror as I smoothed down my unruly auburn hair and adjusted my uniform. The museum's logo glinted on the lapel, and just a little above it was my deceased mother's, necklace. I wore it everywhere I went.

With a hurried kiss planted on Granny's forehead, I scribbled a note, assuring her that I'd be back soon. Grabbing my bag, I rushed out the door, nearly colliding with Mrs. Jade from the apartment across the corridor. She shot me a knowing smile, probably amused by my daily sprint to catch the train.

The city greeted me with its usual hustle and bustle, with so many noises coming from honking horns and hurried footsteps. I joined the crew, waking my way through the crowd as I raced toward the subway station. The train doors slid shut just as I reached them, leaving me with nothing but a gust of departing wind.

I leaned against the cool tile wall, trying to catch my breath. Another train would be along shortly, but every minute counted.

Crap. At this rate. I was almost considering running the way down to the museum but I couldn't. I would only faint in the process as it was a long mile from here.

Finally, another train arrived and I stood amid the crush of bodies, my gaze drifting to the window. Tall buildings high up in the sky, their windows reflecting the sun from outside there.

At the museum, I sprinted through the large door, my breath hitching in my throat as I saw the clock on the wall. Crap.

I was fifty-what! Minute lates? Double crap.

My supervisor, Ms. Jettison, caught sight of me and raised an eyebrow. She was seriously giving me the 'you're late again' stare. I quickly ducked into the employee locker room, tugging on my nametag, and evening out my uniform once more.

As I stepped out, Ms. Jettison was waiting with crossed arms. "Is this a regular thing now, Amelia," she sighed, her tone a mixture higher than usual and I registered that she was pissed.

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Jettison," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. "It won't happen again"

Her stern expression softened just a tad. "You're a good guide, Amelia. But this is your final warning."

I nodded, gratitude mingling with guilt. This job meant everything to me, and I couldn't afford to lose it. I really couldn't. With a final nod, I slipped past her and made my way to the main display gallery.

The museum was quiet at this early hour, its vast rooms were filled with artifacts ducked neatly in glass wares and others hung right on point. As I walked past complexly carved statues and priceless paintings, a sense of awe washed over me. My love for history and art had led me to this place, and I was ready to share that passion with others.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of tours, each group eager to learn from what I had to offer. I recited facts, stories, and legends with enthusiasm, hoping to spark a glint of curiosity in each visitor.

By the time the museum began to close, I was mentally and physically drained. I glanced at my phone, seeing a text from Granny, assuring me that she was doing fine and not to worry. Relief flooded through me as I made my way back home, the weight of the day slowly lifting.

Tomorrow would be another day, filled with new visitors and the same routine thing. As I settled into bed that night, I couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness. I was a small piece of a much larger puzzle, a puzzle that connected the past to the present-a puzzle that helped me provide for the ones I loved most.


She was everything to me. Even though she was old and could barely relate with me with her age. I didn't mind the constant silence. Everything was okay.


Yet still, I slept with a crease between my brows.


It was another day in the museum and I spent about twenty minutes, talking and conversing. the tour came to an end with cheering and appreciation nods everywhere and I smiled, thanking them for their attention, before making my way to the exit. My heart felt light after a good tour, and I couldn't wait to share the experience with Granny.

She was the only person that I knew.. Well, aside my co-workers here.

As I stepped out of the museum's door, my gaze soon locked on an arresting figure. A man stood there, tall and intimidating, his grey eyes sharp and distractive. I soon began to roam my eyes over him with a slight frown. He almost looked like something out of a novel.

He had perched nose, jet-black hair, perfect collarbone and a billion dollar suit, with an intoxicating cologne that hung in the air as he approached me.

I wondered who he was.

"You can't go in there," I said, blocking his path.

Because it was my job to do so but instead, he was looking down at me with almost a disrespectful gaze in his eye.

Before I could react, he spoke, his voice dripping with arrogance.

"I own this place. Of cause, I can go anywhere I want," he replied, his tone full of authority . "Even inside you," he added, a wicked smirk playing on his lips as his grey eyes drifted down my body, shamefully walking over it.

My cheeks flushed, feeling bubbles of anger and embarrassment floating inside of me at his inappropriate remark. Without thinking, my hand swung out, delivering a sharp slap across his face. His expression shifted from arrogance to surprise as the sting of my slap registered.


After few seconds, the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I think I've seen him before at some opening program. Wait! Does that mean that this man, with the audacity to speak so rudely, was indeed the CEO, Xander sterling who owned the entire museum? Crap.

Perhaps, my head was glitching from too much work these days and now, that I had him recognized. I knew that I was screwed.

Panic surged through me as my mind raced to grasp the gravity of the situation.

"I-I'm so sorry," I stammered, my face growing hotter by the second. "My shift is over, and I... I shouldn't have..."

Before I could finish my sentence, I turned on my feet and practically sprinted away, my heart pounding in my chest. Mortified and humiliated, I didn't dare to look back, fearing what I might see on Xander Sterling's face.

In the safety of the employee locker room, I leaned against the wall, trying to steady my breathing. How had I let my temper get the best of me? Slapping the CEO of the museum was undoubtedly one of the worst things I could have done.

As the embarrassment slowly ebbed away, replaced by a deep sense of regret, I changed out of my uniform and gathered my belongings. My interaction with Xander Sterling had shaken me to the core, and all I wanted was to escape the museum and put this embarrassing incident behind me.

This was probably the end of it.

Of cause.

He was a billionaire who had too many things on his plate, he couldn't have the time to come for me.


I uttered more firmly, trying to calm my nerves down in the process. With a heavy sigh, I slipped out of the locker room and made my way towards the exit.

The 'slapping thing' had cast a shadow over my earlier sense of victory. Granny's comforting presence was the only thing that could soothe my frazzled nerves and make me forget about the mortifying encounter with the CEO.

As I stepped out into the late afternoon sunlight, the fresh air helped to clear my mind. I promised myself that tomorrow would be a new day, a chance to redeem myself and prove that I was more than just a guide with a temper.

But for now, all I could focus on was heading home to Granny and seeking solace in her embrace.

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