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Eddy. I


Brianna McAdams, young, uninterested in romance, and actively chasing a successful career, meets a man whose boyish charm tips her world upside down, and takes up more space in her head than her career does. Enrique Milano, orphaned at age 10, fears commitment; the thought of loving and losing brings back memories he would rather forget. When his return to US brings him in contact with a gorgeous redhead who is as feisty as she is beautiful, he starts to trade all his old plans for better ones. What happens when career, contracts, and a bitter friend/fling threatens to rip out the hearts they only just learnt to follow?

Chapter 1 PROLOGUE

I moan. Long, loud and sexy, as his powerful hips thrust in between mine; pushing me higher onto the cliff that promises a blissful freefall.

I bite my lower lip, my fingers clutching onto - and probably leaving behind evidence of intense passion - his shoulders in a desperate clasp; hoping it can serve as an anchor to keep me connected enough to reality. I can already feel myself slipping into the tides of eruptive oblivion, one cushioned by mind-blowing orgasms, and desire fueled excitement.

He hums appreciatively as my cries scale many octaves higher, sounding more breathless with each thrust. Fueled by my response, his rhythm is lost. Each jut of his hip is more frantic than the last, his eyes are squeezed shut, his lips parted on a silent groan and his head thrown back in ecstasy.

I feel my muscles clench down even tighter against his erection. I am on the brink of an eruption, just as heated and destructive as that of a volcano.

Oh! My! God!

My screams are wild and largely incoherent; each word ending in an exclamation. I sound breathy, I am choking from the building pressure between my thighs.

My head bobs from one side to the other, my fingers digging so much deeper into his skin that soon enough it will draw blood.

His head finally lowers, and with his eyes locked on mine, he brings his mouth to my ear and whispers; "Come for me"

That is my undoing. I do not wait any longer, I let go completely and I feel myself fall freely into the welcoming waves of ecstasy and satisfaction.

One.. two.. three… Crash!

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