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Be With Me With Love Or Hatred

Be With Me With Love Or Hatred



Leon couldn't believe there was genuine love. Leon thought he could get the woman he wanted because he had everything. However, his opinion does not work when he meets a woman named Nina, a girl who replaces the heavily pregnant Nora as a model. Will Leon be able to conquer and get Nina's love when there are so many beautiful women around him?

Chapter 1 1 The first

"Nina! Hither!

The beautiful girl called Nina walked over. He was only 17 years old, and he looked pale.

"You know I'm a photographer, right?"

"I... Yes."

"I talked to Nora, and she agreed that you will be a model this time," Sena said softly.

"But Nina is not a model, and you must lose a lot if Nina is the model," Nina replied nervously.

"You doubt my judgment?"

Nina shook her head, but what did Sena see in her? Her face is beautiful, but her body is not attractive. Her friends even scoffed that Nina's face was misplaced.

"Hey! Why daydream? Let's get closer!"

Nina's body trembled as Sena approached so that Nina could smell the expensive perfume Sena was wearing.

"What are you doing!" shouted Nina moving back.

"I'm interested in the shape of your breasts. It's very challenging and challenging," Sena said without distracting himself from Nina's chest.

Nina, here are all girls. You don't have to be ashamed," Nora said, walking over.


"How about me taking off your clothes while Sena takes pictures?" suggested Nora smiling.

"It doesn't matter."

Nora, pull Nina's t-shirt back, and your other hand presses against her breasts!"

"Like this?"


Sena catches Nina's surprised expression when Nora more than presses her breasts. Nora's mischievous hands had already made Nina react.

"Nina is still innocent. Good! I can sell his expression expensively," Sena thought cunningly.

Various honest and innocent expressions were shown, and Nina and Sena immensely enjoyed it.

"You've been kissed, Nin?" Nora whispered behind Nina.


"I want to kiss you. Your lips are so tempting."

"You're crazy, Nora," Nina snapped quietly.

"I'm not crazy, and I love the taste of your breasts in my hands," Nora replied.

Nina gasped when Nora's palm squeezed her breasts roughly, but why didn't she refuse?

"Nina, now lie down and let Nora help you let out your wild expression!" Sena ordered.

"Does it have to be?"

"It should be, Nina!"

Nina started lying on the chair while her chest was exposed freely because Nora had already put away her t-shirt.

"Nora, touch Nina's breasts!"

"I can do it myself," Nina refused.

"You can, but I can't get your expression, Nina," Sena replied.

Nora is very good at driving Nina crazy. Nora not only touched Nina's breasts with her hands but also with her mouth.

"Good. You guys are doing well!" exclaimed Sena.

Today Sena is delighted because his arrival at the Basil family home was very beneficial.

Still vividly remember when Matt, his Boss, yelled at him because Nora couldn't do a good job. Nora has already made Sena disappointed because of her pregnancy.

Who would have guessed that the Basil family still has such a beautiful daughter who is still innocent and so outstanding?

"Is Nina a virgin?" muttered Sena.

Sena has returned to the office, and Matt immediately calls him to leave without permission.

"Where are you? Hurry up and meet the big Boss. The Boss wants to know the model who replaced Nora this month!"

"The Boss wants to see me? Why don't you?" asked Sena.

He's been trying to get the best photo, and now Matt tells him to face his ruthless Boss.

You made trouble yourself. It's normal for you to deal with it. I've had enough of dealing with the Boss when you're gone," Matt said smugly.

Sena is quite an experienced photographer, and he has often encountered various temperaments that make him sick, but facing a notorious boss like Leon, Sena is quite reluctant as well.

Between fear and confidence that he could face him, Sena knocked on Leon's study door and heard a deep voice telling him to come in.

Sena walked through the door and was transfixed when her ears heard a sigh from Leon's rest pour.

The room door opened, and the view before her spoiled Sena's eyes. Spontaneously, Sena picked up the camera and photographed it greedily.

What are you doing, Sena!" snapped Leon, and Sena responded by giving him a thumbs up.

"Yes, it's perfect, boss!"

Leon was angry, but his passion and lust couldn't be held back anymore. Leon makes brutal love under the flashes of Sena's camera lights, and the woman enjoys it immensely.

Leon's voice shouting with satisfaction was loud in Sena's ears, who was sitting sweetly on the sofa in Leon's office. Sena is delighted with all the drawings he obtained today. Sena didn't even care if Leon was angry with her actions.

Give it to me!"

Sena raised his face, and a satisfied grin made Leon furious.

"I give, but you know every wish is always through sacrifice. All is not free. There is a price to spend," Sena said.

"You work for me; why do you have to pay? You haven't even completed the task well," Leon said sharply.

"I'm done. I don't ask for payment for work, but that was outside of work. You invited me in and gave me a performance I couldn't miss," Sena said.

Leon looked at Sena's resentment. He knew Sena had a deviant sexual orientation, so Leon intended to test him.

Unfortunately for Leon, Sena enjoys taking pictures when he attacks Matt's sexy secretary in various ways.

You know, your expressions are so incredible, and I'm so surprised that you're affected by my presence. Do you want me to join?"

"I will pay three times your salary. Now give me the camera!"

"Three times is too short for an amazing result. You're too degrading your quality, Boss. How about ten times?"

"1.5 or nothing!"

"Fuck. You're even more pitiful than I thought." Sena cursed harshly.

"You think I can succeed if I don't have a jerk mentality?" asked Leon with a mocking laugh.

Sena did not answer but walked towards the screen commonly used during impromptu presentations.

You can get it for free if the results don't satisfy you, but in return, we forget that you're a boss to be proud of," Sena said as he prepared his camera.

"As for the best results, you must be willing to pay 20 times more," Sena teased.

A glance and a sharp grin were seen on Leon's lips as if doubting Sena's skills as a photographer.

Slowly the screen in front of them showed a slide of Sena's shots. Unbelievable, even Leon couldn't help exclaiming in a satisfied tone. They are not like enjoying a perverted photo but a beautiful and extraordinary work of art from a master.

"It's amazing. I want you to publish some of your best pictures exclusively. Remember, exclusives are not cans," Leon said firmly.

"Of course, after we agree."

Leon laughed and then took out a checkbook from his desk drawer.


Sena looked at the writing on the paper and couldn't believe it. "This... the amount is not up to my offer, boss."

"Then you should be more respectful and proud of the skills I have," Leon replied dryly.

"Thank you. I salute you because you are not a boss with no expertise other than the wealth inherited by your family," Sena replied, smiling with satisfaction.

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