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Taming The Grumpy Boss's Heart

Taming The Grumpy Boss's Heart



Olivia Davis is a dedicated and hardworking employee at Reynolds Enterprises, a prestigious multinational corporation. Despite her exemplary performance, she finds herself on the receiving end of her boss Ethan Reynolds's constant grumpiness and criticism. Their contentious relationship makes every workday a struggle, as they clash on almost every decision. However, everything changes when Olivia discovers she is pregnant with Ethan's child. Overwhelmed by the weight of the secret, Olivia is torn between revealing the truth or keeping it hidden. Determined to create a stable environment for her baby, she decides to approach Ethan and disclose her pregnancy. To Olivia's surprise, Ethan's initial gruff demeanor softens when he learns about the impending arrival of his child. Though skeptical at first, he gradually becomes more supportive and involved in Olivia's pregnancy journey. As they spend more time together, they discover a deeper connection beyond their professional lives. As their feelings evolve from animosity to affection, Olivia and Ethan's journey to becoming a couple is filled with ups and downs. Their budding romance faces obstacles as they confront their pasts, insecurities, and the complexities of their hidden affair. Additionally, their colleagues and friends add fuel to the fire, either supporting their relationship or trying to tear them apart. Amidst the chaos, Olivia and Ethan must learn to trust each other and communicate honestly. They embark on a rollercoaster of emotions, navigating the treacherous terrain of love and parenthood. Together, they strive to create a loving home for their secret baby.

Chapter 1 Olivia's POV

I groaned as I heard my phone beep; it was the Alarm I set yesterday; yes! Today is a big day for me, but for some reason, I wasn't pleased.

Memories I shared with Daniel came flashing, last night I wasted myself because I felt so heartbroken

I expected Daniel to cheer me up today, but no one was here, just me, in this house.

I dragged myself out of bed, reluctantly walked into the bathroom brushed my teeth and had a bath. I was feeling weak after yesterday's painful event. "Why," I said as a tear fell from my eyes

My head was aching after drinking so much alcohol yesterday. I found Daniel cheating on me with a blonde yesterday morning. Daniel knew how important this day was to me, yet he fucked me up

I was in so much pain and regretted ever going to his apartment to surprise him. I have an interview with a prestige company today. If I get a job in this company, I would never suffer again, and I and Daniel decided to celebrate it

"I promise to be there with you, and I will" Those were Daniel's words

"You're a total asshole; get your voice out of my head," I said as I stormed out of the bathroom and rubbed my lotion; I chose the outfit for the day.

"Ahhh, what exactly did Daniel want? I thought he loved and cherished me; I can't believe he did this to me,” I said.

I stared at myself in the full-view mirror, wearing a black skirt and a pink long-sleeve shirt. I was proud of how I looked

I had practiced what to say today in my interview; since I graduated from school, I have been job hunting, but most of the jobs I saw didn't pay well, and Olivia being Olivia, would never settle for less

I walked out of my room and entered my sitting room; the whole place was empty, just me. Millions of memories began to flash in my head

After I was done with breakfast,I left the house and locked the door behind me. Reflecting on my life. I only knew a few things about my parents; my mother died while giving birth to me, and my father lives in a big town with his other family.

"I wish you could see me, Mom," I said; although I never knew my mother, I respected her for one thing, I am alive today because of her

"Babe, this isn't what you think", I recalled my ex-boyfriend, Daniel telling me.

"I can explain," he said and trailed behind her, but I didn't want to listen to his excuses

"I'm not blind; I know what I saw, and you can't convince me otherwise," I said

"What did you expect" Those words made me halt; I didn't understand what he said

"What did he mean?" I thought

"You gave me no reason to be loyal to you, we are in a relationship, but I don't know the color of your pant; you're so uptight, so I had to find someone else who would satisfy my needs," Daniel said, those words made my heart hurt, I didn't expect what I heard from him.

I forgot how to breathe and just froze for a moment. It was as if time stopped, but then I heard Daniel's voice again

"I couldn't break up with you because I didn't want to break your heart" At this moment, the dam broke; my eyes betrayed and I began to cry. With my back facing Daniel

I sobbed and ran out of the premises. "So pathetic," I thought. I couldn't believe he didn't break up with me because he pitied me.

My life was a hot mess, and my world was ending. I loved Daniel so much and ignored all the signs I got because I was head over heels for him.

Between my sobs, I remembered when I cried on his shoulders, how he comforted me and told me how special I was, but all those memories are now in the past. The problem was that we shared too many moments, and it felt like Daniel was already an essential part of my life. Today I was shattered

My dreams were crushed, and the fantasy world I built with Daniel was destroyed in that minute

I checked the time so that I wouldn't be late for my interview and there was still time. So, I sat on the couch in the living room as I remembered how I had shamed myself that day

"My good God," I said out loud as I recalled those embarrassing memories. Yes! Daniel was right, their relationship was a strange one, but it was like that only because I refused to sleep with him

"Babe, I promise it wouldn't hurt" Those were Daniel's words, but I refused, and looking back now, I felt like I wronged him, but I brushed the thought away

I believed I was perfect the way I was, but deep down, it felt like I was lying to myself

I stepped out of my house and waited for a taxi.

The taxi stopped in front of a big company; the view was magnificent. I couldn't give up my dream because of someone; moreover, I saw this as an opportunity to get Daniel off my mind

So, it was a big step for me. I sat down at the reception for a while, but no one attended to me

"Please, isn't it time for the interview," I asked, but the receptionist ignored my question. The girl looked at me from head to toe before focusing on her laptop.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket; I picked up the call; it was my friend from school, Martha, the one that told me about the job

Martha works at this company, and so she wanted to help me get the job

Reynolds Enterprises, people find it hard to secure a job in a company like this, but luckily for me, if my self-confidence didn't get me into the company, my friend's influence would, but I didn't want pity, so I was determined to get this job

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