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You are my Sun

You are my Sun



What happens when an introverted highschool boy meets a not so shy twenty three year old waitress??? Blaise is a seventeen year old highschooler with a very curious mind.He would much rather wander the city streets alone than go out partying with his classmates. On the other hand Emma is loud outgoing person who loves living in the moment and living everyday to the fullest. Could these two have something in common??


Blaise Thompson, a lanky 17-year-old with unruly dark hair and an insatiable curiosity, had always found solace in the bustling city streets. The vibrant energy and endless possibilities of urban life captivated his young mind. Every day, he would venture into the heart of the city after school, seeking inspiration and adventure.

One sunny afternoon, as the golden rays of the setting sun danced upon the towering buildings, Blaise found himself wandering down a narrow, cobblestone alley. The air was thick with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the tantalizing scents of exotic cuisines wafting from the nearby restaurants. It was in this unassuming corner of the city that destiny would reveal itself to the young dreamer.

As Blaise strolled past the quaint cafes and boutiques, he noticed a small, cozy diner nestled between the towering structures. Its sign, slightly faded but still readable, read "Café Serendipity." Intrigued by the name, Blaise felt an irresistible pull towards the establishment. Without hesitating, he pushed open the door, the tinkling of a bell announcing his arrival.

The interior of Café Serendipity was a delightful mix of vintage charm and modern quirkiness. Soft, warm lights illuminated the room, casting a comforting glow upon the mismatched wooden furniture. The air hummed with the murmurs of conversation and the clinking of cutlery against plates. It was a haven for those seeking respite from the outside world.

Blaise's gaze fell upon a young woman behind the counter, her hazel eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. Her name tag read "Emma," and she exuded an aura of confidence beyond her years. At 23, she was older than Blaise, but the age difference only intrigued him further.

Emma, with her wavy chestnut locks cascading over her shoulders, possessed an allure that captivated Blaise's attention. She moved with grace and purpose, attending to the needs of the customers with effortless charm. Her radiant smile seemed to illuminate the room, drawing Blaise deeper into the enchantment of Café Serendipity.

For hours, Blaise sat at a corner table, observing Emma as she navigated the café's demands. He marveled at her ability to effortlessly connect with each customer, making them feel at home with her genuine warmth. It was during this time that an unfamiliar emotion began to stir within Blaise's heart—a mix of admiration, fascination, and an inkling of something more.

As the evening wore on, the café gradually emptied, leaving only Blaise and Emma in the quiet space. Blaise mustered the courage to approach her, his heart racing with uncertainty. He took a deep breath and spoke softly, "Hi, I'm Blaise . I've been watching you work all evening, and I'm amazed by how effortlessly you connect with people."

Emma's emerald eyes met his, and a playful smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Well, Blaise, it's always nice to be appreciated. Are you a regular customer here?"

Blushing slightly, Blaise shook his head. "No, this is my first time here. I was drawn to this place, and I'm glad I found it. Your presence, your energy, it's inspiring."

Emma's smile widened, revealing a hint of curiosity. "Well, Blaise, I'm glad you stumbled upon Café Serendipity."

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