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Outline Hostage The young famous model who was a guru in her career got engaged to the love her life, the son of a billion and CEO of a great company. She goes to visits her soon to be in-laws in preparation for their wedding but things turned sour when she accidentally finds out about her soon to be father in-law's dark secrets which he had planned to take the grave. Her father in-laws didn't want her to spill a thing so he kidnapped her and took her to his secret hideout where no one could find her. He thought she was too beautiful to be killed just like that, he abuses her sexually planing to kill her when he was satisfied but unfortunately for him she managed to escape making the old man crazily angry. It took her days before she finally got home and was welcomed by the cold bodies of her lovely family. "Run! Run!". Was all she could hear in the lonely house, in fear a guilt she ran away wondering in lonely places. She met an odd old woman who gave her an address telling her to go there only when she was ready for revenge. Without hesitation she went there with anger in her heart and became a part of "The Blood Seekers". She was doing very well in preparation for her revenge, but somehow things took a new shape when she finally learnt to love again. She fell for her master, her mafia master in charge of their gang. Their love might be toxic but it's not something anyone wants to miss out on. Together they joined forces and stopped CEO and many other evildoers.

Chapter 1 No 1

Caramel's alarm rang loud, disturbing her beauty sleep. She stretched her hand, reaching out to the the alarm, she turned it off. She smiled when she could no longer hear the sound of the alarm again, she drifted into the dream land again but it didn't last long this time, in less than thirty minutes the alarm began ringing again.

"Ahhhh," Caramel cried giving up. It was a new day and another day to work. Caramel wished she could sleep some more but that was impossible, Jerry will be at her house in no time. Caramel dragged her feet as she walked into the shower, she allowed the water soak her long hair before standing straight as the water ran down her white skin, she took her time in the bathroom before she she was finally done. She strolled our of the bathroom and went to seat on her dressing table. Caramel ran her soft hands on her flawless face, applying her facials care. She did her makeup herself before the artist would arrive, she wanted to look simple today.

She was finally done dressing, she stared at the mirror in front of her and smiled in satisfaction. Ignoring the door bell, she picked up her bag and walked out all dressed, surprising her assistant.

"Let's go," she said as she wore her sunglasses, walking ahead of them. She was always late for every shoot because she never wakes up on time, they thought maybe it was a new year revolution.

"Miss Caramel, are you okay with your makeup or you want an extra touch?," Jerry asked running up to Caramel who was about getting into the car that was held open for her.

"No I'm fine. Are we having any shoot today?," Caramel asked her assistant who shook his head in response.

"Let's go," she ordered and Jerry dismissed the crew members before joining her in the car.

"I'm free this week right ?," Caramel asked when Jerry boarded the car. Jerry scrolled through his per-pad before he responded by nodding his head.

"Oh thank God, this week was really so stressful."

"And one of the best weeks also, we made so much money, your face is fucking everywhere," Jerry bragged and Caramel just scoffed.

Caramel might be very rich and popular but she was just so humble, she joked around with her employees as if they were her friends.

"This is my last meeting for the month right?," she asked and Jerry nodded.

"Ma'am what will you be doing during the weekend? Do you have plans?," Jerry asked.

"Yeah I'll be returning back home, and maybe go to my finance's place. His mad at me that I couldn't make it last month, which was last year," Caramel narrated and Jerry nodded looking ahead, because he was sitting beside the driver.

"Jerry," she called and he turned around. "Uhmm please tell Kenna to go get groceries, I'll be taking them home."

"Are you going home today?," Jerry asked.

"Yes, I'll going be spending today and tomorrow with them, then a day after tomorrow I'll spend it at Fortune's place, then next week I'm back to work."

"Really, which means you're leaving immediately after the meeting?." Jerry asked and Caramel nodded.

"Are you ready for Damiz Bank?," Jerry asked making Caramel smile.

"That's going to be my biggest contract in my whole life of modeling," Caramel commented.

"Your enemies will now multiply," Jerry said making Caramel gasp.


Fortune held a serious face as he listened to the his colleague, Canice , who was giving his presentation. The board members listened attentively to him.

"It's not like I want to be a Judas, but I hope you all have seen my reason for opposing the project," Canice concluded and everyone clapped, excluding Fortune and the CEO.

"Very good Canice, i like how you do your research and give a better view of things," the CEO praised. "So we'll all vote for the final decision, if you support Canice's project please raise your hands," The CEO muttered in his baritone voice.

Hurriedly without hesitation all the members of the board raised their hands up, the only hands that were down was that of the CEO, Fortune and Canice. "So that's means you all want to go with Canice's idea, meaning Fortune's own should be aborted?," the CEO asked and they all nodded in agreement.

Fortune tried his best to avoid an eye contact with Canice because he could tell how victorious he'll be feeling by now. The CEO was about saying something else when Fortune angrily picked up his cellphone and walked away. His assistant was taking aback by his action, she hurriedly gathered his files and ran off to catch up with him. The CEO suddenly went quiet, as the staffs began murmuring amongst themselves.

"This meeting is over," the CEO suddenly dismissed them, as he stood up and left immediately.

"Nice job Canice," some of the board members congratulated, exchanging hand shakes. ******************

"Who does he think he is?," Fortunate yelled slamming his laptop close. The actions made Mara who was standing close flinch.

"You have to calm down, now we understand how Canice operates, we'll do more research before presenting any other project," Mara advised.

"Son," the CEO called walking into Fortune's office.

Fortune released the knot of his tie and turned around, facing the transparent wall of his office. Mara bowed to the CEO and quickly hurried out, leaving Fortune alone with his father.

"You look like a hungry lion," the CEO teased taking a seat.

"Dad if you're here to rub it on my face please leave," Fortune angrily said.

"Rub? It's already all over your face," his father mocked. "I've always told you didn't I? Always do your research before submitting any project, imagine how much money we would have lost if Canice didn't intervene."

"What bullshit, I did my research you can asked Mara."

"That's what makes Canice smarter than you."

"He isn't smarter and I'll prove it to you, all I need is time," Fortune said making his father laugh.

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