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Moonlit Deceptions: The Billionaire Werewolf's Secret

Moonlit Deceptions: The Billionaire Werewolf's Secret



In the heart of Northern Korea, a millennium-old Supernatural Werewolf exists among the country's wealthiest elite. With multiple degrees in law, surgery, business, and more, he stands out among all other beings, defending humanity from those in power who seek to do evil. His existence becomes increasingly difficult to conceal when the Korean billionaire Supernatural Werewolf falls in love with a stunning human. His romantic journey begins in high school, amidst a diverse group of people. However, his affection for the beautiful human is contested by a mere millionaire youngster, whom the girl regards as more than just a friend. The greater challenge lies in whether the billionaire can keep his true nature a secret from the entire world, especially from the human he has fallen for.

Chapter 1 The High School Encounter

The halls of Northridge High School buzzed with youthful energy, a microcosm of dreams and ambitions, as students hurried to their next class. Victor Parkwood, with his perpetually unruly jet-black hair, moved through the corridors, a stack of textbooks clutched against his chest. He exuded an air of confidence that set him apart from his peers, even at the tender age of seventeen.

Julia Adams, a vision of radiance and vivacity, was the center of attention, her laughter a sweet melody that echoed through the bustling hallway. Surrounded by a circle of friends, she twirled playfully and, in one ill-fated spin, collided with Victor. Books went flying, scattering pages and scattering notes like autumn leaves in the wind.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Julia exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine concern as she knelt down to help Victor collect the strewn literature.

Victor looked up at her with a disarming smile, his eyes locking onto hers. Time seemed to stand still for an instant as their gazes met. He couldn't help but be captivated by the warmth and depth of her hazel eyes.

"No need to apologize," Victor replied, his voice smooth and cultured. "I should have watched where I was going."

Julia handed him the last of his books, their fingers brushing lightly, sending a jolt of electricity through both of them. "I'm Julia," she said, offering a warm smile.

"Victor," he replied, shaking her hand with a gentle firmness that sent a shiver down her spine.

As they talked, they discovered an uncanny connection—a shared passion for literature, dreams of travel, and the yearning for something more than the ordinary. Their laughter harmonized effortlessly, and time seemed to slip away as they lost themselves in conversation.

In the weeks that followed, Victor and Julia's friendship deepened. They studied together in the library, swapped secrets under the guise of teenage confidences, and provided each other solace in the tumultuous world of high school. Victor couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt for Julia, both her inner beauty and the radiance that seemed to emanate from her.

One golden afternoon, beneath the sprawling shade of an ancient oak tree in the courtyard, Julia turned to Victor, her eyes glimmering with curiosity. "You know, Victor, there's something about you that's... different. Mysterious."

Victor's heart skipped a beat. He had to be careful, for he carried a secret deeper than any other. "Different? How so?"

Julia shrugged, her voice carrying the weight of her thoughts. "I can't quite put my finger on it. It's like you're hiding something intriguing."

Victor's smile remained enigmatic. "Well, Julia, maybe I just have a few secrets."

As Victor concealed the truth about his supernatural nature, their bond deepened, forging a connection that would endure the tests of time. Little did Julia know that the moonlit deception had only just begun.

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