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"Will you reject me?" I asked lowly, ignoring the huge lump that had formed in my throat. I could only fight back my tears as they burned my eyes. His green eyes were like orbs of ice, piercing into my soul. It was glazed and cold, yet seemed to have a lot of secrets hidden in it. "Reject you?..I am cursed. You won't survive being my mate. I advice you kill yourself before I do it myself." He muttered silently and walked away immediately. Ella was the alpha's daughter. She was the supposed heir and first female Alpha of the pack after her parents failed to bear another child, but her life went sour. She was abhorred, rejected, and termed a demon by her father and entire pack after she committed a grievous crime on the day of her supposed first shift. Ella believed that meeting her mate would bring the end of her suffering, but when she was faced with her fated mate, the cursed Lycan prince who stared back at her with contempt, irritation and hatred, her last hope became bleak. She was thrown into his arms as another prey to be devoured and everyone knew it was a death sentence to be his mate. She was his third mate and next to get killed by his beast just as his curse demands. But when no one expected it, the unimaginable happened.

Chapter 1 Ella's POV

My head banged wildly against the alarm beside

my bed, causing my heavy eyes to open slowly as I

grunted angrily under my breath. The noise jolted

me out of my slumber so violently that I had to

rush at the devilish instrument, turning it off

roughly as if it were the source of my problems. I

wish I could smash it on the floor, but I dare not,

knowing the punishment that would follow.

My weak eyes trailed through the walls up to the

slightly opened window in my room, and I could

see it was dawn already. It was too early in the

morning for anyone to get out of bed except for me.

A loud hiss slipped from my lips as I hung my head

low, feeling the heaviness of my heart. A rush of

both anger and sadness was sweeping through me

as my eyes burned and I struggled to keep my tears

at bay.

Even when it had been barely two hours since I

went to bed, it still felt like a second as my eyes

were both heavy and fighting to close. I was very

drowsy, and all my body badly craved was to lie

back on the bed and go back to sleep. I was sitting

up on the bed, leaning against the wall, while I

repeatedly yawned and rubbed my eyes.

I was too weak to move my body away from the

bed. The house was silent, as if no one lived there,

but that wasn't the case; they were all asleep. All

were enjoying their sleep while I was forced to

wake earlier and do the house chores, even though

I was always the last to go to bed.

I yawned for the umpteenth time and stretched

with a wince of pain as I felt the burning sensation

of the welts from whips running along my upper

arms and back, which were yet to heal. My eyes

glanced through the clock, and my teeth gnashed.

It was past a minute already, and I dared not linger

on the bed after the alarm went off or they would

turn me into a beating statue for being lazy and


The thought of being beaten up again after all the

maltreatment yesterday made me jump out of bed.

Hot tears warmed up in my eyes as my head ached

with banging pain.

My legs also hurt with throbbing pain and wouldn't

stop hitting me with spasms so hard, reminding me

of how bad my health was. Every part of my body

cries out for rest, but I can't offer that.. I felt

drowsy and so heavy for my scraggly legs to carry,

and the bed was just staring back tauntingly at me

like a dreadful trap set to destroy me.

I could feel my baggy eyes struggling to close while

I fought back to keep them open, as I felt so sleepy

and at the same time exhausted with an aching

back and spasming legs.

All I want is to lie back on my bed, but I am wiser

than that. I know the torment I will put myself

through if I ever lie back and sleep after the alarm

clock has rung. The last time I tried it, I got an

everlasting mark along my back from the slash

from my stepmother's wolf's claw.

You must be curious about who I was and what I

did wrong to get through all of this. Let me

introduce myself.

My name is Ella Damon, and I'm the daughter of

the Alpha King, Darren Damon - one of the most

powerful Alphas, respected and feared by other


History had it that he never lost a war and had

waged war and extincted the Pack that killed his

parents when he was a child. He grew and suddenly

became unimaginably powerful in the face of war.

No one knew how he got those mysterious powers,

which enable him to fight like the wind and strike

like unseen forces. His wolf beast was also greatly

feared, as it was ranked as the most dangerous and

heartless, devouring its enemies so easily and


Being the only child from his Luna should have

earned me such dread and respect from everyone

for the rest of my life, but that did not happen.

Instead, I became a slave, abhorred and spurned by

everyone, and was banned from mentioning the

Alpha as my father or adding his surname to my


Everyone, including my father, had rejected me

and also stripped me of my royalty. They made me

lower than the omegas with a slave status. My

father has also publicly disowned me in front of the

entire pack and has repeatedly threatened to expel

me from the pack. He had been torturing me and

making my life a living hell. All this was because I

did something no one had ever done before. An

abominable and horrendous act.

I killed his mate, the Luna. I killed my mother, but

that was because she almost got me killed. It all

happened three years ago, when I was 15 years old.

I can't really explain how I could do that with the

strange, overwhelming power that had strangely

taken over me. That night, in her room. I brutally

ended my mother's life with my bare hands,

gashing her chest with my claws and devouring her

heart, which I suddenly craved like a bloodsucking


All I could recall was that I got possessed by an

unknown ferocious beast spirit that rose within me,

and it took control of my mind, body, and soul just

when she almost murdered me. The strange beast

was what saved my life from coming to an end.

Before I could hold myself together and stop it

from going mad, I had murdered the woman who

bore me. Everyone had it imprinted in their hearts

that I had killed the pack's Luna before torturing

the daylights out of me; weakening my wolf with

wolfsbane, and ripping me off my royalty, thereby

demoting me to a slave.

No one cared to listen to my side of the story. They

never cares to know why I did that.

I could have died if I didn't fight my mom back, as

she had transformed into a bloodthirsty demon and

attacked me. I really tried dodging and escaping

from the room so I wouldn't hurt her, but it was

impossible; she was swift, dangerous, and

determined to end my life.

I had no choice but to fight back, and I still

wouldn't have succeeded if not for that

extraordinary strength.

I have no idea what that mysterious power that

suddenly took over me was, nor do I know how it

came forth from my body. I had felt the sudden

presence of a strange creature inside me and could

tell clearly that it wasn't my wolf, as I wasn't yet 16

years old. Because of the beast's unusual strength, I

savagely attacked my mother.

I figured it would be that a demon had possessed

my mother; I knew she wasn't doing all that with

her right senses, but I couldn't stop her or find the

cure at that moment as everyone was at the royal

palace for the Beta's daughter's birthday.

Either I fought back and killed her, or I was killed.

I could still vividly remember how it all started.

Mom had suddenly taken me to her room while the

birthday party was going on, and I thought she had

a message to pass on to me.

I never realized she was already being controlled by

a demon spell and wasn't in her right mind.

"Mommy, why did you bring me into your room?" I

had asked but couldn't get a reply before I noticed

her eyes turn dark and foggy and her canine teeth

grow into long, sharp fangs.

I became so afraid and tried to run away through

the door when she pounced on me and dug her

sharp claws deep into my back. I have cried out in a

loud voice for help as the pain has taken over me. I

had also pleaded and struggled to free myself, but

none of that could save me as she sat on my belly

with those scary eyes, that horrifying snarl, and the

demon scent that was emitting from her body.

"Mommy! Mum! What are you!..." I was struggling

to breathe as I shook in great fear, but she blindly

leaned and sunk her fangs into my neck, slurping

my blood while her right hand claws traced my

chest like she was searching for my heart.

The severe pain was consuming me, and I was

losing my breath. My ability to howl and cry for

help again faded as my strength drained from my

entire body like a wisp of smoke.

For real, my mom was about to kill me that night,

and literally no one came to my rescue. No one

noticed or heard my voice in the room, since the

sound of my screams was muffled by the deafening

noise of drums and the musical material used to

celebrate the birthday.

She yanked her bite away from my neck and made

dreadful guttural sounds.

"You have to die, so the demons can rule!!" That

was the next thing I heard my mother

unconsciously utter, as if someone were talking

through her.

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