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How to turn yourself into a live breathing money machine

How to turn yourself into a live breathing money machine



How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine © 7Star Courses – All Rights Reserved www.7starcourses.com Page 16 of 99 SECTION ONE It All Starts With You and Your Belief System There are 2 ways people think when it comes to money. Some people think money is scarce, they think it is only for some special people and some other people think there is plenty of it to go around if you know how to reach out and grab your share. The unfortunate news is that the majority of people think that money is something that is scarce and that it is greed for them to even think of having plenty of it. On the other hand, a few set of people are the ones who don‟t just think that money is plenty. They also believe that they have the ability to attract as many as possible of it for themselves Which of these 2 groups do you want to belong to? Your answer is what is going to make the remaining contents of this report useful. Money is one subject that has a sense of irony attached to it.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine © 7Star Courses – All Rights Reserved www.7starcourses.com Page 17 of 99 People spend all their entire lives working to get money. Yet, they behave as if getting money is something that is either evil or is of little importance. Have you heard the saying before that "money is the root of all evil?" It is a saying that was developed and spread by people with a poverty mindset. Meanwhile, the real saying which comes from the bible is that "the love of money is the root of all evil" This means when you love money so much that you want to acquire it by any means possible, it drives you to pursue all sorts of evil means to get it. But there is also another side of the coin that is often not talked about and that is "the lack of money as well is the root of all sorts of evils" Think about it. A lot of people take to robbery, kidnapping, killing just because they lack money and the only way they think they can get it is by force even when it means attacking other people. Money Is Not Evil One of the beliefs you need to have about money is that it is not evil. Money can‟t do anything all by itself. It is the handler of the money who determines what it is been used for. For instance, one person might use his money to build hospitals and schools to help other people live better lives. Another person will use the same money to assassinate and harm other people. It is said that money brings out the deep heart desires of a person. In short, if you happen to be an evil person deep inside, you are likely to become more evil when you lay your hands on a plenty of money. At the same time, if you are a good person, you will definitely do more good in life based on your heart desires.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine © 7Star Courses – All Rights Reserved www.7starcourses.com Page 18 of 99 When you understand that money is not evil, you will feel confident in learning about how to attract more money into your life. Some several years ago, I attended a one-week boot camp and one of the highlights of the boot camp had to do with financial freedom. This single part of the boot camp is one of the powerful events that changed my life. The speaker who delivered the training for the financial freedom aspect of the boot camp happened to be a Polytechnic graduate who now employs a lot of polytechnic and university graduates. How? It was because he decided to figure out how to solve this mystery called "money" When the subject of money is raised, people suddenly freeze up and behave as if you just raised a topic that has to do with killing babies. One of the books he recommended to us during his speech was Napoleon Hill‟s first bestseller, Think and Grow Rich I quickly started searching all nearby bookshops to get a copy of this book after the programme. I eventually got one after about 3 months. I have now read Think and Grow Rich about 40 times but the first time I read it, I couldn‟t understand a word of it. Meanwhile, some of my friends and course mates started to "warn" me that I was thinking too much about getting rich. But really, is it a bad thing to think about getting rich and is not thinking about getting rich the good choice? Make no mistake about this – Thoughts are things. Your consistent thoughts eventually have a way of manifesting in your life. I could go on and on about this but the main lessons I need you to dwell on from this section are: 1. There are two types of mindsets about money and whichever one you choose eventually affects the flow of money to you. It is either youHow to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine © 7Star Courses – All Rights Reserved www.7starcourses.com Page 19 of 99 have a poverty mindset or you have a prosperity mindset. 2. People with prosperity mindset believe that there is a lot of money out there and they also believe that it is theirs. They treat money decently and appreciate other people. 3.

Chapter 1 Turn yourself into a money machine

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It All Starts With You and Your Belief System

There are 2 ways people think when it comes to money.

Some people think money is scarce, they think it is only for some special

people and some other people think there is plenty of it to go around if you

know how to reach out and grab your share.

The unfortunate news is that the majority of people think that money is

something that is scarce and that it is greed for them to even think of having

plenty of it.

On the other hand, a few set of people are the ones who don‟t just think that

money is plenty. They also believe that they have the ability to attract as

many as possible of it for themselves

Which of these 2 groups do you want to belong to?

Your answer is what is going to make the remaining contents of this report


Money is one subject that has a sense of irony attached to it.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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People spend all their entire lives working to get money. Yet, they behave as

if getting money is something that is either evil or is of little importance.

Have you heard the saying before that "money is the root of all evil?"

It is a saying that was developed and spread by people with a poverty

mindset. Meanwhile, the real saying which comes from the bible is that "the

love of money is the root of all evil"

This means when you love money so much that you want to acquire it by

any means possible, it drives you to pursue all sorts of evil means to get it.

But there is also another side of the coin that is often not talked about and

that is "the lack of money as well is the root of all sorts of evils"

Think about it.

A lot of people take to robbery, kidnapping, killing just because they lack

money and the only way they think they can get it is by force even when it

means attacking other people.

Money Is Not Evil

One of the beliefs you need to have about money is that it is not evil. Money

can‟t do anything all by itself. It is the handler of the money who determines

what it is been used for.

For instance, one person might use his money to build hospitals and schools

to help other people live better lives.

Another person will use the same money to assassinate and harm other


It is said that money brings out the deep heart desires of a person. In short,

if you happen to be an evil person deep inside, you are likely to become

more evil when you lay your hands on a plenty of money.

At the same time, if you are a good person, you will definitely do more good

in life based on your heart desires.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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When you understand that money is not evil, you will feel confident in

learning about how to attract more money into your life.

Some several years ago, I attended a one-week boot camp and one of the

highlights of the boot camp had to do with financial freedom.

This single part of the boot camp is one of the powerful events that changed

my life.

The speaker who delivered the training for the financial freedom aspect of

the boot camp happened to be a Polytechnic graduate who now employs a

lot of polytechnic and university graduates.


It was because he decided to figure out how to solve this mystery called


When the subject of money is raised, people suddenly freeze up and behave

as if you just raised a topic that has to do with killing babies.

One of the books he recommended to us during his speech was Napoleon

Hill‟s first bestseller, Think and Grow Rich

I quickly started searching all nearby bookshops to get a copy of this book

after the programme. I eventually got one after about 3 months.

I have now read Think and Grow Rich about 40 times but the first time I

read it, I couldn‟t understand a word of it.

Meanwhile, some of my friends and course mates started to "warn" me that

I was thinking too much about getting rich.

But really, is it a bad thing to think about getting rich and is not thinking

about getting rich the good choice?

Make no mistake about this – Thoughts are things. Your consistent

thoughts eventually have a way of manifesting in your life.

I could go on and on about this but the main lessons I need you to dwell on

from this section are:

1. There are two types of mindsets about money and whichever one you

choose eventually affects the flow of money to you. It is either youHow to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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have a poverty mindset or you have a prosperity mindset.

2. People with prosperity mindset believe that there is a lot of money out

there and they also believe that it is theirs. They treat money decently

and appreciate other people.

3. People with the poverty mindset believe that money is scarce, they

treat and handle money indecently and they hate people who are

wealthy which is why they remain poor.

ACTION PLAN – Make a decision today to make yourself prosperity

conscious. Get a copy of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and start

reading.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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Understanding Money and

Its Movements

One of the main problems that people have with money is that we often

think it is a bunch of special papers printed by the CBN.

Why is it that some people have a lot of money sometimes running into

billions whereas some other people struggle to even acquire tens of


The first thing that we should be looking at is the mentality of scarcity or

plenty but that is not all.

The other thing is what I call the law of value and that brings us to the real

definition of money.

I think if you are going to be a live breathing cash machine, you have to

know exactly what money is and how it works. Most people really have no

idea what money is.

So, what is money?

I wasn‟t a good economics student while in school but I remember that in

economics, they taught us that "Money is primarily a medium of exchange or

means of exchange.

It is a way for a person to trade what he has for what he wants"

That means the more exchange a person does to get other people what they

want, the more money you make.

In case you don‟t, this is what it means – "Money is a means of

exchanging what you have for what you need."How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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In short, what you want to use as exchange to get what you want has to be

something that is of value so that you can get value in return.

So, if you have a lot of lands for instance and you want money, all you have

to do is to sell the lands and get money for it. People who pay you money

are also getting what they want (the land) by using what they have (money)

If you want more money, then you simply sell more land.

Now, notice the way I used "land" in the illustration above to replace value.

This tells us that at any point in time, value equals money and money equals

value which gives us this equation.

Value = Money

It also leads to this understanding.

Small Value = Small Money

Big Value = Big Money

Plenty of Big Value = Plenty of Big Money

Let Me Explain Further:

Value is anything (either concrete or abstract) that can add value to the life

of another person by helping them to solve a problem or something that

helps them to enjoy and live a better life.

Let‟s say you discover a secret combination of chemicals for instance that if

mixed together in the right proportions and under the right conditions can

help cure breast cancer within 3 days of proper usage.

Now, that is value because there are so many people all over the world who

will give anything just to get over the pain of breast cancer.

You can sell this formula to a big pharmaceutical company who will pay you

millions of dollars for it.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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Why would they do that?

They will pay you such a huge amount of money because they know that

such a formula can be sold to millions of people all over the world.

Let me use another example that is not too crazy like the breast cancer

thing to explain this concept of how value converts to money.

Let‟s say you are a musician and you come up with a combination of lyrics

and beats that is so sweet to the ears and even reaches deep into the soul.

You can now package the music and sell it to millions of people and that will

result in getting you a lot of money as well.

In the 2 examples I have given above, you will find out that a common

element is that you exchange value for money by bringing something

valuable to the marketplace.

So, what happens when you bring it to the marketplace?

You have to sell it. In short, selling is how value is been exchanged for

money. Think about these different value items I listed below:

 You sell your products (e.g. clothes, electronics, books) to make


 You sell your skills and services to make money (e.g teaching,


 You sell your stocks, bonds, lands and other assets e.t.c to make


What determines what you get in return for the value you are

exchanging are two things:

1. The Quality of the Value

2. The Quantity of the Value

First, let‟s talk about the quality of the value:How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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This has to do with the ascribed importance that what you are offering has

as long as the buyer is concerned.

Here are some few examples:

o Why do people buy a particular brand of Champagne for N35,000 and

they won‟t even bring out N4000 to buy some other brands of


o Why do some schools charge as high as N700, 000 per year while

some other schools can‟t even charge up to N35, 000 per year?

o Why do some phones sell for as high as N300,000 while some struggle

to sell for only N15,000?

o Why does it cost N2 million to buy a plot of lands in some places when

you can buy a plot of land for N200, 000 in some other areas?

o Why does it cost up to N5million to do a heart surgery whereas you

may not pay up to N300, 000 for a minor surgery like when you want

to remove a lump on your back?

The difference is in the quality of

value that is been offered.

You need to understand this.

People will willingly pay a higher amount of money for something that they

perceive to be of higher value.

Secondly, let's talk about quantity:

The more quantity of value that you exchange by selling, the more money

you will make.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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It is simple calculation. Right? Yet, a lot of people do not realize this simple


If you happen to be a barber for instance, there is only a limited number of

haircuts that you can cut per day.

If one hair cut cost N300, and you can only do 100 haircuts in a day even

when you are working at your max, then that automatically puts a lid on

your income.

In order for you to increase how much you are making per day, you will

have to cut more and since you can‟t do that alone, you will need to bring in

other people to help you.

If you do that, your income will continue to go up until you can no longer do


That is usually the problem with people who make money by selling skills

and services that take a good amount of time to deliver.

If you are a teacher for instance, it is likely that your income won‟t be much

based on the quality or quantity of your service.

In order to increase your income, you will have to do any of the


1. Improve the quality of value you are selling to what your marketplace

can perceive and pay higher prices for it.

2. Improve your system of selling so that you are able to sell higher

quantities and therefore make more money.

Let me explain the 2 options above by assuming that you are own a barbing


If you charge N300 per hair-cut for instance and you want to improve the

quality of your service to make more money, you may find ways to do so

like changing the seats in your barbing shop, putting an AC, a better TV and

cable for customers to enjoy e.t.c

With that, you may bump up your charge per haircut to N500 based on

feedback from your customers.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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With this change in price, you will see that you only need 12 haircuts to

make N6000 whereas when you were charging N300, you would need 20

hair-cuts to make N6000.

Secondly, you need to sell more to make more...

Instead of improving your barbing services for instance and increasing the

price of your haircut to N500, you may increase the number of customers

that can be served at once in your shop.

So, let‟s say you spend 30 minutes on one customer, you can employ other

well trained barbers to help you so that that same 20 minutes can now be

spent on 3 customers.

At the end of the month, you will see that you have been able to make more

money that you were doing before and you have more money to invest in

your business just by increasing the quantity of value that you are selling to


Value Can Be Abstract or Concrete

In the olden days, value was usually attributed to concrete things, that is

things you can see and touch but all that has changed in today‟s world.

As a matter of fact, in today‟s world, abstract things even command far

higher value than things that are concrete.

Look at software for instance. You actually can‟t touch a software but they

sell for outrageous amounts of money based on the function they execute.

What about a company like NIKE?

If you ask most people what Nike does, they will tell you that they are into

the manufacturing and marketing of sport wears but Nike does not

manufacture any sport wears. The only thing they do is the promotion of the

Nike logo which is a powerful brand. Other companies manufacture the sport

wears and use the Nike logo to brand them and sell millions.

Smart concept. Isn‟t it?How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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As at the time of writing this report, one of the top news in the business

scene is that Facebook acquired a company known as Whatsapp for a

whopping $19 billion.

By the way, what does Whatsapp do? Whatsapp is mainly a mobile software

that allows users of different phones to chat. Facebook acquired it for $19

billion because they had already built a super system with a massive 450

million users.

The lesson here is that when you start to think of the type of value you can

exchange in order to be able to make a lot of money, you shouldn‟t be

thinking about physical products only.

Value can be abstract things like advice, concepts, codes, ideas, trademarks


I think I have been able to explain this money concept properly. Let us now

move to the next chapter to talk about more important things.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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Start At the Beginning

One of the questions people ask frequently concerning the world we

live in is when exactly was the beginning?

My personal answer to that is – the beginning was whenever the earth

was created.

What does this have to do with you becoming a cash machine?

Everything we do in life has a beginning.

There was a time you began to walk.

There was a time you began to go to school.

There was a time you began to read and write.

There is also a time you will begin to turn yourself into a live breathing

cash machine and that time could be now if you so desire.

In short, you have to start from somewhere and this section is all about

helping you to have a good understanding of where you are right now

and how to proceed from there. How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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Where Are You Now?

What are you doing at the moment to improve your financial life?

Are you in school studying a course with the hope of graduating and getting

a job in an oil company?

Are you an apprentice trying your hands on a skill that you hope to turn into

an income generating revenue?

Are you a small business owner hoping to grow and become big someday?

Are you an employee working at a job you do not like just because you want

to pay the bills with the hope that you will be promoted one day and earn


Whatever the case may be, I want you to observe a common word in all the

scenarios above?

That word is HOPE.

That is what most people do. They hope that things will get better and while

it is good to hope, the truth is that you need something better and stronger

than just hoping.

I have mentioned it before. You need a burning desire.

This is where you start from?

Here is a question you need to ask yourself right now:

"How bad do I really want to become a live breathing cash MACHINE?"

If your desire is not as hot as it should be, no problem. You can work on it.

You can develop a burning desire and that is where you should start from.

If you are reading this and you already have a burning desire to succeed,

then you need to move ahead with the rest of the things I will be sharing

with you.

What is Your Target?

There are various levels of live breathing cash machines. How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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Some people can generate up to N100m within a week when they need it.

Some can only generate N1m within a week.

Some can only generate N100k within a week.

These are different levels and each level is based upon the mindset,

understanding, network and skills of that person.

Which level do you intend to get to?

People who are able to generate up to N100m within a week operate at a

higher level than people who can only make N1m a week at their maximum


That means they put in more effort.

One of the things that would determine the kind of results you can generate

and how big you can think is your environment.

Back in 2010, I was living in my hometown, a small town where you can get

a comfy, 3 bedroom apartment for around N200,000 a year.

If you decide to eat outside, you can have breakfast, lunch and dinner for

about N1,200 in total.

If you use public transport, you can‟t spend more than N400 per day and if

you have your own car, you do not need more than 10 litres per day to run

your errands within the town.

People who earn about N200,000 and above in a month can live lavishly

based on what I just told you.

I knew what I wanted but my environment wouldn‟t allow my thinking to

enter that range so, one day I was reading a book authored by Rev. Sam

Adeyemi of Daystar Christian Centre.

In the book, he said something like this: "If you want to catch a whale, you

can‟t do it hunting in the stream around your house. You have to go out into

the sea where the whales are"

That was it.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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I packed my belongings and moved to Abuja. Living in Abuja actually

broadened my thinking. I saw life from a different perspective. My thoughts

began to change.

Where I only needed about N70,000 to pay for a year rent in a self-

contained apartment in my hometown, you had to pay about N200,000 for

the same type of apartment in Abuja.

That pushed me to improve on my money making skills.

Why am I telling you all these?

It is because your decision about how far you want to go is eventually going

to affect the types of plan you make, the people you meet and actions you


So, how far do you want to go?

How far do you want to develop your cash machine abilities?

Answer that question right now before you move ahead.

Learn to Be a Good Thinker:

Once you have been able to decide where you are right now in terms of the

level of your desire and how far you want to go, the next thing is to start to

work on your thinking immediately.


The most powerful part of your body is your brain but unfortunately, that is

the part that is usually under-developed in most people.

If most people will pay more attention to developing their brains the way

they develop their bodies by going to the gym, the world will be a better

place for them.

How do you develop your brain?How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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There is only one way to develop any part of your body and that is by

activating the law of use and disuse.

Law of Use and Disuse: This law states that any part of your body that

you stop using begins to die and any part that you use consistently

continues to develop in nature.

Think about it.

Look at the body structure of a carpenter for instance and a banker who sits

at his desk all day long and does not even go to the gym.

Over time, the body of the carpenter will become stronger and well

developed while the body and muscles of the banker will become weaker.

The same thing applies to your brain. If you consistently exercise it by using

it the right way, it will get stronger and will produce better results.

How do you exercise your brain?

By thinking of course.

Unfortunately, this is one activity that people avoid on a daily basis. Thomas

Edison, who is usually known as the greatest inventor of the new world we

live in said "There is no expedient to which a man will not go to avoid the

real labor of thinking."

The ability to think can help you get solutions to different kind of problems in

life. That is if you really know how to think because what most people refer

to as thinking is usually not thinking.

I think this is why Billionaires like Bill Gates all agree that one of the

important things that is not been taught to people in school is the fine art of



The reason is because programming forces you to think.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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Live breathing cash machines are people who know how to think and who do

a lot of productive thinking.

This should become one of your habits too.

How Well Can You Think?

I can never forget a time in my life when it looked as if everything was

crashing right before me.

It looked as if I couldn‟t move forward no matter what I did. All the money I

had was N5 which was carefully tucked in the middle of my bible and it had

already spent 3 months there.

It was around this time that I remembered a powerful statement I read from

one little book written by Bishop David Oyedepo of Winner‟s Chapel.

The statement says:

"If you can think enough, what you have is enough"

What do you think about that?

Does it sound powerful to you?

That statement is one of the most powerful statements I have ever come

across and it is 100% true.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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But how best it works for you is going to depend on the state of your brain.

That is why you need to start putting your brain to use in various situations

right now so that you can get it stronger.

You can‟t become a live breathing cash machine without the ability to think.

Thinking produces ideas and ideas are what eventually leads to plans that

produces money.

Also, the quality of the ideas you get is based on the quality of your


How do you get quality thoughts?

First Within, then Without

Like I said, the quality of the thoughts you think lead to the quality of the

ideas that come to you.

One of the common sayings in programming is GIGO which is "Garbage In,

Garbage Out" in full.

This means a computer will give you an output based on the data that you

put into it. If you put in invalid data, it is also going to give you an invalid


This is exactly how the human mind operates as well.

When you feed the human mind with high quality input, it will also give you

high quality output in terms of the thoughts you get which eventually leads

to high quality ideas.

So, how do you get high quality input into your mind?

There are various ways to get high quality data into your mind since

everything that enters into the mind is usually through the five senses which

are:How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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But how best it works for you is going to depend on the state of your brain.

That is why you need to start putting your brain to use in various situations

right now so that you can get it stronger.

You can‟t become a live breathing cash machine without the ability to think.

Thinking produces ideas and ideas are what eventually leads to plans that

produces money.

Also, the quality of the ideas you get is based on the quality of your


How do you get quality thoughts?

First Within, then Without

Like I said, the quality of the thoughts you think lead to the quality of the

ideas that come to you.

One of the common sayings in programming is GIGO which is "Garbage In,

Garbage Out" in full.

This means a computer will give you an output based on the data that you

put into it. If you put in invalid data, it is also going to give you an invalid


This is exactly how the human mind operates as well.

When you feed the human mind with high quality input, it will also give you

high quality output in terms of the thoughts you get which eventually leads

to high quality ideas.

So, how do you get high quality input into your mind?

There are various ways to get high quality data into your mind since

everything that enters into the mind is usually through the five senses which

are:How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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- Sight

- Smell

- Touch

- Sound

- And ...Taste

All these senses have a way of sending in data into your mind either you like

it or not.

For instance, when you taste a type of vegetable for the first time and it is

bitter, your mind stores that data so that when you come across the same

vegetable again, your mind quickly generates an output to remind you that

this vegetable leads to something uncomfortable (bitter in the mouth)

However, the two senses I want to talk about here are that of sight and



It is because these two senses are the main gateways that we use to get

information into our minds.

Sight – Take this book you are reading now for instance, you are taking all

this information in with the aid of your eyes before your brain interprets it.

The same thing happens when you read a magazine, a newspaper, an article


The same thing also happen when you see a picture of anything as well. As a

matter of fact, it has been discovered that in most cases, the mind is able to

easily interpret pictures than words.

Sound – how do you know when someone is calling your name? A particular

sound goes in through your ear and is interpreted by your brain.

The same thing happens when you listen to your radio, when someone is

talking to you or when you are listening to an audio recording.

Atimes, your sight and sound senses work together at the same time like

when you are watching the TV or looking at someone and listening to them

at the same time.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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Since information can be passed into your mind mainly via these two senses,

that tells us that you need to do two things if you want to increase the

quantity of quality thoughts that you get.

The two things are:

1. Reduce the amount of bad information that you allow into your mind

every second.

2. Increase the amount of high quality information that you allow into

your mind.

Let's talk about bad information – this reminds me of a story I read in a

book about when the depression hit the US hard around 1930. There was a

man who owned a bakery business and his business was doing so well. He

didn‟t listen to the radio and he didn‟t read the newspaper so he didn‟t know

there was a depression.

All was going good until his son came home from school one day and told

him something like "Dad, how come you are doing all these business when

the economy is bad? Don't you know people are losing their jobs and people

are going out of business?"

He then went ahead and exposed the man to all sorts of data about how the

economy was crashing and soon enough, the man started to think about

these things and his business started to decrease until he went out of


The best sources of bad information has always been from people around

you and the news.

If you have a lot of negative people around you, your journey to becoming a

live breathing cash machine will be a difficult one because these people are

going to influence you over and over with the negative data that they

consistently program into your mind.

The same thing happens with the news. While it is a good thing to have an

idea of things that are going on around you, you should limit the amount of

news that you feed on and you should train yourself not to dwell upon them.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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Feed Massively on Good Information:

You can program your mind in such a way so that it can always spit out high

quality thoughts and ideas.

You can do so by intentionally surrounding yourself with big thinkers, people

who consistently shower you with positive words and who believe in you and

let you know it.

You can do so by intentionally and consistently feeding your mind with

excellent and prosperity implying pictures.

You can do so by listening to audio recordings that are filled with valuable

information that can motivate you or help you get better in life.

You can do so by attending seminars, conferences and events where you are

exposed to information that help you think bigger, get better and do better

in life.

You can do so by reading books, reports and manuscripts that help you to

develop the mindset of an unstoppable live breathing cash machine

Become a Reader

Let‟s talk about reading.

About 10 years ago, I heard the following statements I am about to list

below for the first time and these statements affected me deeply:

Statement One – Readers are Leaders and Leaders are Readers.How to Turn Yourself Into a Live Breathing Cash Machine

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Statement Two - The more that you read, the more things you will know.

The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." ― Dr. Seuss, Author of

I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

Statement Three – If you want to hide anything valuable from a black

man, hide it in a book because he won‟t read it.

If you look closely at men who have succeeded greatly, one of the things

you will notice about all of them is that they usually have a library filled with


They are always book junkies.


Let me give you a quote from Joseph Addison to answer why.

Some months ago, my very good friend and mentor, Akin Alabi just bought

a big house worth millions of naira.

I and a few friends went over and he was showing us around the house. One

thing that caught my attention was his huge library of books. Only God

knows how much this man has spent buying all sorts of books on success,

motivation, leadership, business and marketing.

No wonder he is a multi-millionaire and no wonder he is a rare live breathing

cash machine.

Apart from thinking, another productive activity that people avoid is reading.

Reading expands your mind. Reading strengthens your imagination...and

reading helps you to understand and master a lot of things.

If you want to become a huge live-breathing cash machine, you can‟t do

without reading.

Continue Reading

Other books by Donzeko925

How the rich think

How the rich think



Contents Acknowledgments...................................................................................III Introduction..............................................................................................V 1 Middle class focuses on saving… World class focuses on earning............................................................. 17 2 Middle class thinks about money in linear terms… World class thinks about money in non-linear terms....................... 18 3 Middle class believes hard work creates wealth… World class believes leverage creates wealth ...................................... 20 4 Middle class believes money is the root of all evil… World class believes poverty is the root of all evil............................ 22 1 Middle class focuses on saving… World class focuses on earning Driven by the fear of loss and uncertainty of the future, the masses focus on how to protect and hoard their money. While world-class thinkers understand the importance of saving and invest- ing, they direct their mental energy toward accumulating wealth through serving people and solving problems. When an economic correction occurs, the fear-based saver suffers catastrophic losses that may take years to recover. While world-class thinkers suffer similar losses, they quickly turn their attention to financial opportunities that present themselves in a society of suddenly terrified people. While the masses are selling for short-term survival, the great ones are buying for long-term success. One group is operating from fear, the other, from abundance. The self-made rich aren’t afraid to take calculated risks, because they know if they lose they can make it all back. While the middle class is always looking for the home run investment that will make them wealthy, the world class invests wisely, knowing the bulk of their fortune will come from the service they provide. Most people are more concerned with the modest gains they accumulate from their savings and investments than they are with using their billion dollar minds to create a fortune. The masses are so focused on clipping coupons and living frugally they miss major opportuni- ties. Even in the midst of a cash flow crisis, the rich reject the nickel and dime thinking of the masses. They are masters at focusing their mental energy where it belongs: on the big money. How about you? Are you more focused on saving pennies or building an empire? Your current financial status will give you an idea of your past thinking. If you’re rich, keep thinking the way you’re thinking. If not, maybe it’s time for a change. “Money is power, and you ought to be reasonably ambitious to have it.” — Russell Conwell ᏷ Rich Resource: The Rich: A New Study of the Species by William Davis ᏶ Critical Thinking Question: Based on your past behaviors and results, are you thinking big or small? ᏸ Action Step: Make a decision today to think bigger and maximize your money potential. 2 Middle class thinks about money in linear terms… World class thinks about money in non-linear terms The masses trade time for money. This creates the belief that making money is a linear process directly connected to time. The average person believes the only way to earn more money is to work more hours, with the exception of raises and bonuses. The wealthy know big money requires thinking about it in non-linear terms. Thegreat ones are masters at generating money through ideas that solve problems. They realize since there is no limit to ideas, there is no limit to how much money they can earn. So while the middle class is scram- bling to survive and frightened for their financial future, the world class is capitalizing on their elevated level of awareness. The masses waste a substantial percentage of their mental energy worrying about money, while the champions are fearlessly directing their focus to becoming wealthier every day. Fortunes can be created almost overnight with the right idea at the right time, but only if the performer understands this non-linear phenomena. Since most people think of making money in a linear fashion, they never invest the necessary effort to create high impact solutions. The truth is, people who educate themselves in this philosophy have the potential to become as wealthy as they wish. And while this has been proven again and again, the average person’s refusal to believe this holds them back from ever getting started. This is another reason on the long list of why the rich get richer, and the poor, poorer. “The entire essence of America is the hope to first make money—then to make money with money— then make lots of money with lots of money.” — Paul Erdman ᏷ Rich Resource The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham ᏶ Critical Thinking Question: When you’re problem solving, do you spend more time looking for the obvious answer or the non-obvious answer? Linear think- ing is the obvious and non-linear

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