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Alpha Luna

She was found in the woods abandoned by her old pack with no memories. They took her in but at a cost. She was traumatized and then used as a maid. On her 18th birthday, her mate rejected her and she was cast out of the pack. She wants revenge but would that be stopped when she meets the alpha brothers

Chapter 1 SYPNOSIS

Darcy, with no last name that she can recall, was found in the woods at age 3 by a moonlight pack member with no memories of her past. She was put into the orphanage and at age 10, she became a punching bag, sex you and a slave for the pack’s alpha. On her 18th birthday on the full moon, she shifted. She was an alpha wolf and her mate was Jackson Drewman, the alpha’s son. The pack members locked her up in a cell, she stayed for days without food or water, when she thought all hope was lost, the old woman who took care of her in the orphanage came to set her free.

She roamed the forest for days and then she stumbled upon the forbidden pack members. She met the 3 alphas of the pack. They took her in and nutured her. Her plan was to take her revenge on the moonlight pack, but how would she do that when she discovered that she has started having feeling for not one but all three of the alphas


~10 years old~

Not knowing where I came from or how I ended up in the woods when I was three made me the the abnormal one in the pack. Girls my age made fun of me and boys my age bullied me. It became the norms that when they see me, they make jest of me or my clothes, they insult me and they call me names. I got used to it

My physical appearance was also different , where they all had dark hair, I had a white hair. Where their girls and women were tall and willowy, I was short and curvy, where the color of their eyes were brown or black, mine where two different colors, blue and green and finally where most of my age mates had shifted by the age of 13 I was a dud.

I was the abnormality of the pack.

I was their punching bag.

I was their sex slave and now I am their maid

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