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Taken by the Billionaire

Taken by the Billionaire

Sario Julian


Amara was upset when her parents told her that she would be married off to an arrogant and boastful billionaire, Gustavo Carrington. She tried everything to avoid marrying him, but the more she ran away from Gustavo, the more he pursued her. Gustavo took her forcefully for the marriage. During the time she spent with him, the hate Amara felt for Gustavo suddenly changed. However, Gustavo didn't feel the same way. He loved money more than anyone else.

Chapter 1 Arrange Marriage

"This can't be, Marie. They can't do this to me," she protested when her friend answered the call.

She had immediately called Marie when her parents informed her that she was going to marry a billionaire. She threw her bag onto her bed and sat on the couch.

"Calm down, Amara. What are you talking about? I don't understand," Marie replied on the other end of the line.

Amara sighed loudly and tried to calm herself down. She couldn't believe her parents.

Why were they doing this to her?

"My parents want me to marry the famous and arrogant billionaire, Marie."

"What?!" Even Marie was surprised by what she had heard.


"That's ridiculous! Have you told your parents yet? Tell them that you won't marry that man. You know there have been a lot of news stories about him, right? Do you want to be a victim of that coward?" she said.

Amara wanted to cry for a moment, but she stopped herself. She couldn't just cry about something that could be easily solved. There were many ways her parents' plan might not go through, even if she disobeyed them.

"I'll try to talk to them again later. There won't be any marriage," she said bitterly.

Her friend on the other end laughed. "You really hate him, don't you? I feel your annoyance, girl."

"Who wouldn't be annoyed? I truly despise them for this. I'm their daughter; how could they do this to me?"

Marie was silent for a moment on the other end. "Take your time first, girl. Think carefully and calm yourself before you talk to them. Ask them why they made that decision. Maybe they have a good reason."

"I don't know, Marie. Maybe there is, but I'm sure it's for the business."

The two of them talked for a while until the maid called her for dinner. Amara didn't want to go down, but she wanted to talk to her parents.

She quietly descended the stairs and headed to the dining area. Mr. Liam Courtney and Mrs. Sandra Courtney were sitting there, looking at her intently.

“Amara…” her mother called, "Are you still angry?" Sandra asked.

Amara didn't answer; instead, she took the cutlery and began to serve food onto her plate.

"Amara, your mother is asking. Are you being that disrespectful?” her father asked, his tone furious.

"I heard her, Dad. But I have no answer to that. I'm still furious. I can't believe you're marrying me off to that man. Why? For money and the company?" she asked them sharply.

The couple stopped and stared at her intently.

Liam closed his eyes, attempting to calm himself down.

"Our company needs an investment, Amara. We need someone with expertise to secure it, so we don't lose money or the company. Besides, you have no passion for furniture; your passion lies in fashion. This is the only way to repay the man who pulled us out of hardship."

"I'd rather be poor than marry that man. You know who he is. He's vulnerable and arrogant! I don't want to be subservient to him. I don't want to be like a servant! I hope you two understand!" She was vehemently against it.

Although the couple felt sorry and didn't want their daughter to marry, they felt helpless. They needed to be resolute. They didn't want Amara to suffer, and there was a deeper reason.

"It's final, Amara. You're getting married next week. Everything is already arranged. You must meet him later at the restaurant. He will call you, and you two will discuss your marriage."

"What?! Next week?!" she shouted, her eyes wide.

Amara nearly snapped the fork as she tightened her grip on it. She wanted to lose herself and cry, but she couldn't. She didn't want to show weakness to her parents. If they couldn't persuade the man to reconsider the marriage, she would have to speak to him herself. Perhaps she could convince him.

It was late afternoon when Amara received a call from a woman. The woman mentioned the time and restaurant where she and her soon-to-be husband would meet.

When she realized it was far away, she didn't rush; instead, she let it go. Amara intended to make the man wait for her. Maybe he could wait for her to be fifteen minutes late?

Amara had chosen a beautiful and sexy dress. Even though she didn't want to reveal the shape of her body to the man, she convinced herself to do so. Perhaps in that posture and appearance, she could manipulate the man into not agreeing to the marriage.

She arrived at the restaurant fifteen minutes late. Immediately, she looked at the unamused expression on the man's face.

Gustavo Carrington was mad at her, and she relished in that reaction. Somehow, it eased the annoyance and anger she felt for him.

Amara slowed down as she observed the man. Gustavo was busy with his cellphone, appearing as if he was engrossed in work.

Amara was startled when her cellphone suddenly rang. Gustavo was calling her! He looked at her and actually called her while maintaining eye contact.

Amara could hear her heartbeat pounding as she stared at him. Gustavo had blue eyes, thin red lips, thick eyebrows, and long eyelashes. In short, the man in front of her was incredibly handsome. But no! It didn't mean she would fall for him and agree to get married.

She blinked and made her way to the table. Gustavo stared at her. "You're late, or did you do it on purpose?"

Amara really couldn't help but feel annoyed with the man in front of her. Even after a few years, Gustavo still had a certain swagger. And even if he just stared, it brought a mischievous smile to his lips.

"Well, what about now? And why are you still here? Don't you hate waiting?"

Gustavo laughed slightly. He signaled the waiter and placed their orders. When the waiter left, he answered her. "Yes, I hated it, especially since I am waiting for someone like you."

Amara struggled with her emotions. She wanted to strangle him, but she couldn't. Amara needed to calm herself; she still needed to convince him.

"I know the reason for our meeting, so I won't hesitate anymore. I will not marry you. So I hope you feel the same way; let's not continue. Just tell mom and dad; maybe you can convince them," she said with a wry smile.

Gustavo leaned back in his chair and smiled. "Nope. I still want to marry you, Amara. Like your parents, I have reasons too. I need this marriage. Whether you want me or not, there's nothing you can do."

"You're all the same! All you have in mind is money," Amara exclaimed.

Unable to contain her annoyance, she cried uncontrollably. Gustavo averted his gaze from her and rose from his seat. He left money on the table. "I have to go. Just cover the bill for our orders. Let's meet at the boutique where we'll have our wedding attire fitted."

Amara could do nothing but watch Gustavo leave. It seemed there was nothing more she could do to convince him. His decision to marry her for the company and money was final; he had no heart.

Tears streamed down Amara's face as she left the restaurant. She knew she had to do what needed to be done, and when their wedding day arrived, she would make her escape.

The marriage Gustavo desired would not happen; she refused to bind herself to a heartless man.


Amara, in a drunken stupor, made her way to the boutique as Gustavo had instructed. She knew he would be displeased to see her inebriated, and that was precisely what she wanted.

When she laid eyes on Gustavo in his suit, she couldn't help but be impressed by his handsomeness. But she was determined not to fall for him again.

Amara staggered as she walked towards Gustavo. He noticed her unsteady gait, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"What the hell, Amara? Are you drunk?"

Amara sat on the sofa and burst into laughter. "You wanted a game, right? Then I'll give you one!"

She pulled him forcefully, causing him to fall into her lap. Amara quickly changed positions with Gustavo, now sitting on top of him, staring into his eyes. She didn't care if anyone saw what she was doing.

"You want me, don't you? You played with me before, Gustavo. And I won't mind if you want to do the same again now," she whispered, her gaze fixed on his crimson lips.

Without uttering a word, she leaned in and kissed Gustavo.

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