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In a world where dreams are hidden behind melodies, Eliza, a church singer with a secret passion, embarks on a daring journey against her grandmother’s will to join the band, The Rhythm Rebels (TRR) of billionaire music mogul, Alex Sterling. After which she faces an unexpected obstacle, the auditions are open to males only. As Eliza defies all odds and risks it all to follow her dreams, the question lingers: What will she eventually decide on? Will she survive the high-stakes gamble and face the challenge of competing in a world that expects only men?

Chapter 1 Life changing decision

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the quaint town of Sainthood. The sound of church bells echoed through the peaceful streets, calling the faithful to the evening service. Families gathered, chatting and laughing, as they made their way to the small, white chapel that stood at the heart of the community.

In a modest cottage nestled among the trees, Eliza stood before a simple wooden mirror, adjusting the delicate lace collar of her dress. Her grandmother, Margaret, walked around the cozy kitchen, the scent of a freshly baked apple pie wafting through the air.

“Eliza, dear,” Margaret called with a gentle and soft smile on her face, “It is time to leave for church. Our voices are needed in the choir today. You know how heavenly the atmosphere of the church gets each time you minister.”

Eliza nodded, her hazel eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and reverence. She carefully tucked a strand of chestnut hair behind her ear before joining her grandmother to leave for church.

Together, they stepped out into the warm embrace of the evening, their footsteps carrying them toward the chapel where their voices would join others in songs.

As the church service came to a close, the congregation slowly dispersed, sharing smiles and pleasantries as they made their way home.

Eliza and Margaret lingered for a while, exchanging greetings with fellow parishioners who admired Eliza’s angelic voice, including giving different compliments and sharing testimonies.

With the sun now lower in the sky, Eliza and her grandmother made their way back to their cottage. Margaret’s kind eyes held a serene joy as she looked at her granddaughter.

“Eliza, you sang beautifully today,” Margaret praised. Her voice filled with maternal pride and joy.

Eliza blushed modestly, her heart warmed by her grandmother’s words. “Thank you, Grandma. It’s a blessing to be part of the choir and to further share this blessing to the congregation.”

As they entered their cottage, the aroma of the apple pie that Margaret had prepared earlier filled the air, adding a touch of sweetness to the cozy home. They sat at the kitchen table, sharing a slice of pie and savouring the moment of togetherness.

After enjoying their slice of pie, Eliza helped her grandmother clear the dishes. As they worked side by side, Eliza couldn’t help but feel a mixture of gratitude and restlessness. She knew that her love for singing extended beyond the hymns of the church, and she yearned for something more than that.

“Grandma,” Eliza began tentatively, “I’ve been thinking about music a lot for a while now.”

Margaret turned from the sink, her eyes filled with gentle understanding. “Music is a beautiful gift, dear. It’s a way to express the feelings deep within your heart.”

Eliza nodded, her chestnut hair falling gently around her face. “I’ve been dreaming, Grandma, of being part of something bigger, of singing on a grand stage filled with diverse audiences asides the church.”

Margaret’s smile never wavered, but there was a hint of concern in her eyes. “Eliza, you know our church is a special place, and your voice is a blessing to all who hear it. As you have witnessed and heard, there are testimonies.”

Eliza sighed softly, the weight of her unspoken desires pressing on her heart. She didn’t want to disappoint her grandmother, but the longing for something more was undeniable.

As twilight settled over Sainthood, Eliza gazed out the window, the distant sounds of laughter and music from the town square filtering through. In that moment, she couldn’t help but wonder if there was a world beyond the chapel’s walls where her voice could reach new and greater heights.

The following Sunday after church, Eliza overheard a conversation among a group of townspeople discussing an up and coming audition. It wasn’t just any audition; it was for a chance to join the band of her dreams, the band of the famous billionaire music mogul, Alex Sterling.

Excitement filled the air as they shared the news of the audition’s grand prize which is the opportunity to sing on a global stage.

Unable to contain her excitement, Eliza rushed back home to share the news with her beloved grandmother, Margaret. She found Margaret in the cozy kitchen, tending to a pot of simmering soup.

“Grandma, I heard about an audition,” Eliza began, her voice trembling with anticipation. “It’s for Alex Sterling’s band. Can I please go to audition?...I ...I am certain that my voice could reach new heights, grandma.”

Margaret turned from her cooking, her expression a mixture of concern and deep-rooted faith. “Eliza, you know our faith is our guiding light. The path of that world may not align with our beliefs and values.”

Eliza’s heart sank as her grandmother’s words washed over her, with her eyes deeming from a place of excitement and anticipation to that of disappointment. She understood Margaret’s concerns, but the allure of her dreams was too powerful to resist. That night, after Margaret had gone to bed, Eliza made a decision. She couldn’t let her dreams slip away, not without at least trying.

The next morning, the sun cast a gentle glow over Sainthood, illuminating the cottage that had been Eliza’s sanctuary for so long. Today was different; today, the weight of a life-altering decision rested on her shoulders.

With a heart filled with both trepidation and determination, Eliza rose from her bed, her chestnut hair cascading in disarray. She dressed in her Sunday best, just like any other day, but today held the promise of something extraordinary.

As she stood before the wooden mirror, she whispered a heartfelt prayer, seeking guidance and courage. Her grandmother’s words echoed in her mind, a reminder of the love and faith that had always been her anchor.

Leaving a note for Margaret, Eliza set out on a path she had never taken before. The journey ahead was uncertain, and the town square beckoned like an uncharted territory, filled with the melodies of dreams yet to be sung.

As Eliza ventured deeper into journey, she successfully reaches the audition location. The vibrant atmosphere of the auditions surrounded her. A stage had been set up, and aspiring musicians from all walks of life gathered, their hopeful faces reflecting dreams of living in the spotlight and being celebrated by the public.

Eliza kept to the edges, her heart racing very fast and pounding with anticipation. She couldn’t help but feel like an intruder in this world of aspiring musicians. She watched the auditions unfold, the music filling the air with a vibrant display of emotions.

Then, the moment of truth arrived. A poster on a nearby bulletin board announced the rules of the audition, and Eliza’s heart sank as she read: “Auditions are open to male participants only.

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