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Book Description and Teaser. Discover the irresistible world of 'Stimulated,' a captivating Romance novel that will set your heart ablaze. This scintillating series revolves around the tempestuous relationship between a fiercely independent young woman, Elena, and her enigmatic boss, Ezekiel, who is notorious for his unwavering dominance. Prepare to be enthralled as their journey takes unexpected turns, blending desire, emotion, and undeniable chemistry. Intriguingly, Elena, scarred by a previous heartbreak, has sworn off men, focusing solely on her quest for independence. Meanwhile, Ezekiel, a commanding figure in the corporate world, believes that his employees and those beneath him should unquestioningly follow his every command, dismissing their emotional needs. Sparks fly when fate brings them together, defying all odds. Brace yourself for an intense rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected twists and turns that will leave you breathless. Immerse yourself in a world of seduction and sensuality as 'Stimulated' entices you with its scorching scenes that will undoubtedly make your pulse race.

Chapter 1 The CEO's Secretive Seduction

Chapter 1

Standing in front of the mirror in her room, Elena shook her head not believing that she actually resorted to trying out a job opportunity based on unreliable gossip from the loud ladies in her neighborhood.

She dressed smartly, smiling at her beautiful self but frowned again on remembering that she now had a lot of bills waiting to be settled including her expensive rent.

"Good lord!" She took a deep breath and stepped out of the house, flagged down a cab and prepared herself mentally for any embarrassment.

She stepped out of the cab after paying the driver. Though she had seen the building in front of her a few times before, she had never been so up close. It seems that the rumors about the beauty of the company were true after all.

"Excuse me, ma'am! Are you here for the interview?" A tall and domineering-looking man asked and he seemed to be on his way out.

"Yes sir" she bowed slightly, thinking that he was the famous bossy man she had heard of through gossip from her neighbors. The man smiled as if pleased by her and took out his phone.

"Hey man, I know you don't like the stress but there's one more lady I brought as a surprise. She's coming in!" He said and cut the call before the person at the receiving end could reply.

"I just did you a favor since you're polite enough. But beware of him since he might be pissed right now, keke" he waved to her and left.

Elena just stood there listening to him without uttering a single word till he left. She wondered if he just did her a favor or made things harder. She couldn't completely process what had just

happened but she carried on.

As soon as she stepped into the building and asked about the interview, she was directed upstairs to the exact office of the CEO.

"Please come in," a decisive voice said as soon as she knocked. Upon entering, what she saw was the man's back. He sat on an executive chair tilting himself ever so slightly, he gave off a feeling of someone who does what he wants however he wants.

"Please have your seat, I know Brian didn't bring you here. I was watching from the CCTV but let's get it over with" he turned to face her.

"Thank you sir for the opportunity" Elena gave a gentle smile.

" You've already passed the first test and for the second criteria, fill in this form" he tossed it to her.

"I'm done, is that all?" She wondered if the first test was about her dress or looks.

"You're the third and last lady I'll pick today, I can't drag things for too long. My last secretary got fired since she dared to go against my command, "If you're applying for this job then you had better have it in mind not to go against my wishes" he flashed her a stern look and added that she met the requirements for the job after checking the form she filled and handed her document.

Elena was startled but tried composing herself and quickly browsed through the document waiting for further instructions from the pissed-looking man who seemed about the same age as her.

She wanted to leave his presence as soon as possible, it seemed what Brian- his friend did pissed him but all he had to do was just decline, so why was he now behaving so pissed?.

On the last page, she saw his name as Ezekiel Rudolf.

"Leave immediately, you'll get an email with further instructions," he said in a commanding tone.

"Alright sir, I'll be expecting" Elena carefully stood up not letting the chair make much movement since she was so nervous.

As soon as she left his office, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She then remembered his facial features, very calm and charming face but what an intense demeanour.

"I don't blame that former secretary," she said after she had gone downstairs. The cleaners, receptionist, and other staff she could see apart from the executives who were in various offices stared at her as she exited the building as if they expected something depressing to have happened. She just ignored their stereotypic reactions and went home.


Ezekiel heaved a sigh of relief, preparing himself mentally to test different ladies hoping that he would get what he wanted. Raising his hand-buried head, he made a call to send some details to the applicants.

"Luckily, there are no meetings this month. Should I be happy all my executives are currently tied up with this huge contract or what? Haha, anyway. I have a chance to carefully pick a new secretary, the three ladies aren't bad at all" he smirked and stood up to leave.

Ezekiel left the office, ready to go home. As he walked past everyone, no one dared to speak carelessly lest they would be handsomely dealt with.

He was well aware that they all were wary of him but he cared less as long as they always do his bidding without objections. His company's manager Mr.Bernard was a smart man with patience and had his way around words but Ezekiel would rather attend all the big and small business meetings himself, leaving other things to Bernard.

Ezekiel started using his car's horn even before getting close to the gate. The gatekeeper opened the gate swiftly as his boss drifted in.

"No one is to bother me for the rest of the day except it's necessary" Ezekiel commanded and left without awaiting any response.

Kenzie opened the door and welcomed him with a kiss as they exchanged pleasantries.

Ezekiel looked at her with impatience written all over his eyes, he felt like devouring her right there.

"I'm hungry, what did you cook?" He asked trying to get to the kitchen.

"Wait! Hold up, are you hungry or are you hungry!!" Kenzie flashed a lustful smile that made him almost lose it.

"Erm both" he replied with brevity.

"Uhn un.. You always try your best to hold back even though you still come to me. Don't worry, I'll give you a good time" She hung her arm on his shoulder caressing his face from the side.

"Hmm, I'm going to eat first. Get me a bailey while you're at" he said decisively not wanting to display the boiling desire that shone straight out from his eyes as he lavishly consumed her with his gaze.

"I'll bring your food then" She smiled at him slowly brushing her hands down from his shoulders before leaving for the kitchen.

Ezekiel rushed to his room for a quick shower. He came to the dining to meet his food already served warm.

He ate slowly as Kenzie thoroughly watched him eat, admiring his facial pulchritude, salivating over his broad shoulders and fit stature.

"It seems your impatience has become one with you," He said, standing on his feet and cleaning his mouth after taking two full glasses of Baileys at a go.

"Alright, I'll clean up here first" she smiled owing to what he just said.

Ezekiel went to the bathtub again for a shower as per his habit. He stood there under the shower for a few minutes thinking of how to test all three ladies who applied for the job.

Water droplets splashed all around him and he seemed to have calmed down a lot until Kenzie unexpectedly hugged him from behind.

Don't you know that your clothes will get wet?" He turned around to see her and she was naked.

"See?" Now just relax and be entertained.

Ezekiel didn't look like he would reject her so she made her move.

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