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White as Snow

White as Snow

Sam Shelly


Never did I think that my life could take such a huge turn. But they didn't know that it takes more than a few to take me down for I am the White Wolf who has survived all on her own for all these years and was not ready to give in just yet. Catch me if you can. ------------------------------------------------- " You don't understand anything," I gritted out . " Then make me understand, I'm willing to do anything for you. Just please stop fighting this alone. Just let me in. Let me take this pain away. Please, " he whispered while looking right in my eyes. He held so many emotions in those blue orbs that held me captive all this time.

Chapter 1 Prologue

In the darkness of night, where the moon shone as bright as it could, ran the White Wolf into the deep forest. Paws thudding against the wet soil, she whipped passed the familiar trees cutting through the sharp wind. These little moments of freedom was what she was always hungry for. Others had heard about her, but none had seen her. It was as if she was nonexistent and just a part of a tale. They had heard about her beauty and the gift she possessed. A gift so unreal that it could make or break ones future. She held a power, so great she could have people groveling at her feet.

But with great power power, came great responsibility and choices.

Many searched for her, many tried to hunt her down but it all went in vain. Because she was only to appear when someone really needed her. But they continued the search, only to end up giving in and declaring that she is not real, but just a part of some tale. Little did they know, she was watching them with amusement dancing in her eyes, in the dark of the night casually hidden, where the mountains met the sky.......

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Enchanting Royalty



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Theodore's Regret

Theodore's Regret



Theodore Maxwell, a ruthless business tycoon driven by vengeance, plots to marry Alina Roosevelt, to kill two birds with one stone; get revenge on her father and, to inherit everything that was rightfully his. Alina, a budding author with a heart as pure as her prose, was blissfully unaware of Theodore's ulterior motives when she said "I do." As Theodore's cunning plan unfolded, he found himself captivated by Alina's charm and kindness. Despite his initial intentions, he couldn't help but admire the woman he had married. But just as unexpected love began to blossom, everything crumbles with Alina’s father, who devised a cunning scheme that shattered the fragile peace in their marriage. Consumed by rage and betrayal, Theodore divorces Alina, blaming her for her father's deceit. It's too late to realize that Alina was a mere pawn in her father's malicious game. Regret gnawed at his heart as he desperately searched for her, but she had vanished without a trace. Haunted by the memory of his cruel actions, Theodore is set to find Alina and make amends. And he will stop at nothing. How long will Alina be successful in keeping her little secret hidden? ----------------------------------------------------- “I’m not your wife anymore, Theodore!” I yelled, shoving him away from me. He had absolutely no right to march back into my life. “Here’s where you are wrong Alina,” he took dangerous steps towards me until I was pushed against one of the walls, as he held me captive. “You were mine, then. You are mine now. And you, most definitely, will stay mine in the future. Not even you can separate yourself from me Alina, because you were born to be mine!” And that's when he smashed his lips against mine in a furious kiss.

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