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The Doubled Deal

The Doubled Deal



Helma found herself torn between debt and betrayal as her life takes an unexpected turn on her 23rd birthday. She watched her boyfriend walk out of her life selling off their future home. Fustrated and heartbroken,she seeks a new job to pay up her debts. But when she discovers her one night stand is her future boss, who offers her a deal to earn twice her salary which includes moving in to his mansion and enduring his younger sister's torment and constant troubles which might cost her job and opportunity to a better life. But will she accept the opportunity to repay her debt and a build a new life for herself realizing that a job offer from a one night stand might mean more drama.

Chapter 1 One

It was bright Saturday morning, Helma woke up in her one bedroom apartment excited .She hummed a song softly while made her bed. She walked to the kitchen and microwaved a cupcake, she lit a candle on it and wispered "happy birthday Helma". In her pjamas, Helma did a small happy dance.

Helma cleaned her small apartment and got ready for work. She worked at a coffee shop to support her sweetheart Kelvin pay for a house, so they can start a life together. She picked her phone and texted Kelvin "did somebody forget my birthday? See you later baby. You owe me dinner". She picked her purse and went to the coffee shop down the street.

At work, Helma received gifts from her colleagues. Helma's smile lasted throughout her work hours. She had hopes and expectations from Kelvin. He gifted her a bracelet last year and she couldn't wait to unbox her present this year. After work, Helma stoped at a store to get a new dress.

The green dress rested on her body perfectly. It was everything she imagined in a dress. It highlighted her curves and her brown hair gave the dress more credits. Helma has been saving for months to get a new dress for her 23rd birthday despite her tight salary. She paid 100$ for the dress and went home excited to get ready.

Helma texted Kelvin after getting home and waited for his reply. After waiting for two hours, Helma thought he was too busy planning a surprise for her. She dreamily imagined how Kelvin had put in so much work just for her. She showered, wore her special dress, and wore the only white heel she has. She picked a white purse to match her heel.

With excitement, Helma knocked at Kelvin's door. She inhaled again and knocked, but there was no response. She pressed the door bell several times but there was no response. She finally allowed her self in. She got inside his apartment and saw few bottles of liquor and cigarettes on the table.

Helma's smile faded immediately. "Does this mean Kelvin drank the whole day and forgot about my birthday?" She thought. She cleared the sitting room and took out the bottles of liquor that littered the sitting room. She yelled "Kelvin" and her response was the tickling wall clock. Helma began her search in his apartment.

After searching every room in his apartment, she found her sweetheart in bed with an unknown woman. Helma screamed her lungs in disbelief "Kelvin! What is going on here?". Kelvin turned to Helma and felt no remorse. Putting on his shorts he said "What happened to respecting the privacy of others" in tears, Helma yelled at Kelvin. " Are you serious! Kelvin today is my birthday and this is the best gift you think I deserve? ".

Kelvin walked out on Helma and went to the kitchen to drink water. Helma chased after him and kept yelling. " Kelvin what haven't I done for you, for us. How could you be this evil?". She bursted in tears. Kelvin walked to the sitting room with his face impassive , as he listened to her outburst. The looks on his face shows that he wasn't moved by her actions. " Helma, it is time to call it quit" he said without emotions on his face.

Helma gave a mocking laugh with tears running down her cheeks. She walked toward Kelvin sobbing "what do you mean? What about our house. We were to move in together next weekend and pay up the balance in two months. Kelvin this is an expensive joke. Please stop! I forgive you already" she sobbed loudly.

Kelvin lit up his cigarette and gave her a stern look " Helma, I sold the house. And there is no us moving in together. Who wants a virgin flatmate?". Helma couldn't believe her ears. She bent down and hugged his legs in tears pleading for an explanation. Helma had sweats on her dress and her perfect makeup ruined with tears.

Helma left Kelvin's apartment devastated and in tears. She walked the lonely street alone in the dark. She thought about her life, her student loan that she hasnt been able to pay up and now Kelvin has sold the house they were paying for, putting her into more debts. Helma broke down and sobbed loudly in the street. She stopped a taxi and asked him to take her to the nearest bar.

Sitted in the bar, Helma ordered the strongest cocktails. She had shots upon shots of vodka. "Why would a beautiful lady be drinking too much" a calm voice said beside Helma. She looked towards him, and saw a walking god! Helma drolled. She saw the most handsome man she has ever met. He looked like he walked out of a model magazine.

He chuckled and sat opposite her. Helma inhaled his strong perfume. She looked at his perfect jawline, broad shoulders and smiled sheeply at him. She sipped her cocktail looking into his eyes. The man ordered a vodka and smiled back at Helma. In her drunken state, she asked him "do you think I am not enough?". He smiled back touching her hand, "princess, you are extremely beautiful. You are soft like a fruit pup, delicate and precious. You are enough".

Helma laughed and sipped her drink." You are flirting with me, Mr. You know, I want to fly, I want to be happy, but it is so hard. Nobody loves me" she said amid tears. The man, gave her his handkerchief and consoled her." I know a place we can go. You will feel better". He paid for their drinks and led Helma out holding her hand.

They walk through the streets of Big heart city holding hands. Helma found solace in this stranger. She looked at him boldly after killing all atoms of fear, she kissed him passionately. His breathe on her face sent electric shocks to her spine. His masculine hands curbed her small waist. She felt safe and at the same time vulnerable with this stranger. The moment got intensed, and Helma wanted more.

The stranger kissed her neck and wispered "we should get a room" Helma nodded like a lamb about to be slaughtered. He stopped a taxi and they headed for a hotel at the heart of the city. Helma thought about Kelvin's betrayal and how easy it was for him to sleep around while she kept herself for their wedding. She made up her mind to cheat back.

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