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Beneath the scandal

Beneath the scandal



Irene has lived all her life learning and training to take over her father's company. But her life takes a drastic turn after her father's surgery. Dave willed his company to Cole, his illegitimate son who drove the company to bankruptcy in weeks. Irene is faced with redeeming the company's image and playing mom for Chole, the five years old daughter of the prince of Cabin city. Will she be able to finally get rid of her pestering father's mistress and brother, who is hell bent on reclaiming the company and kicking her out of the family? Will her life remain the same as the wife of Damien,the mean prince of Cabin city and step mother to Chole? Can her sweet nature be enough for her to win on every side or will she make it through this heavy storm that changed her life in a day?

Chapter 1 Damien’s baby

"Your meeting is scheduled for 11am ma'am" Madison reminded trailing behind Irene as faster her legs could carry her. Irene was going through the monthly report sent to her mail by the company's accountant. Tony, her driver, quickly opened the car for her and rushed to the driver's seat to begin their day. Madison scheduled Irene's activities for the rest of the Monday morning on her computer and cleared her throat to get Irene's attention. "You have a coffee date after lunch with Mr Felix" Madison chuckled, flicking her tongue. Irene hissed trying hard not to laugh at the idea.

Mr Felix has been her father's business associate for years. After his divorce two years ago, he suddenly found interest in Irene. Irene got to the office and she started her day with her usual hot chocolate drink and a cube of sugar. After attending to other staff, Irene proceeded to the board room. It was a monthly ritual in the company to hold a monthly review meeting to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the company. The board members walked in one at a time and finally, the table was complete. Irene cleared her throat and began the meeting. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I will be representing the CEO in today's meeting" she announced walking towards the display board. Some of the board members nodded and the others whispered among themselves. Irene picked the cane attached to the board and the lights dimmed. "Last month's sales dropped by 2.3%. This is the lowest we have experienced in the last six months" Irene explained, capturing the attention of all the members. "We had new clients last month. How come the sales ratio dropped?" A board member raised his hands and asked. Madison turned to the direction the question came from and immediately turned to Irene. Irene smiled softly and nodded. "Apart from our new clients, we can all agree that we have been making sales to other companies and individuals for the past six months right? The 2.3% was not from our new clients, it came from our other customers we sell to" Irene explained, pointing to the pie chart on the display board. "I would say that we got carried away by our new clients and stayed out of our customers' faces. With our new clients, we should be celebrating 10% sales rise last month but it was not the case. Our publicity ratio dropped last month and we lost 2% of our customers to other competitors". The board members nodded in satisfaction and took notes of Irene's detailed explanation. Irene stated new ways to boost the company's sales rise and gave clear explanations to all their questions. One question took Irene off balance. "Miss, when do you intend to take over from your father? Rumor has it that his health is deteriorating" . The board members turned to the woman at the right who had asked a sensitive question at this point. Irene's heart skipped and her legs went weak. She immediately straightened up her head and smiled weakly. "That will be announced by the CEO as soon as he…" Madison walked up to Irene interrupting her. "It's a call from the hospital. Dad was rushed there by the butler this morning" Madison informed her. Irene's face changed in seconds. Her dad had just been discharged from the hospital last month and was placed on bedrest. Now, he has been rushed back in an emergency. The board members looked at each other surprised with Irene's and Madison's action. "We have come to the end of this meeting. Thank you all for your audience and participation" Irene announced, faking a smile. Irene exchanged pleasantries with some of the board members, faking a smile every time they approached her. Madison cleared Irene's schedule for the day and helped her move her documents to the office before heading to the last floor. Irene collected the car key from Tony and got into the driver's seat. Madison rushed after her and sat beside her in the front seat. "You need to calm down Irene. You are going to get us killed if you keep speeding like that" Madison frowned, helping Irene with her seat belt. Irene ignored Madison and prayed silently for her dad. "He is all I have got" Irene kept whispering to herself. Twenty minutes later, they arrived at the hospital. Irene packed at the garage and rushed to the reception without Madison. "I am Irene Swift. My father was rushed here thirty minutes ago" Irene panicked, waiting for the nurse who seemed lost in her computer. "Mr swift, was booked for an emergency surgery a few minutes ago. You can sit and wait in the waiting room over there" the nurse replied without looking away from her computer. "Oh no" Irene stood frozen at the receptionist space. She held her chest that threatened to burst out of her. Madison walked to her and held her hands. Leading her to the waiting room, Madison reassured Irene that her father will be fine. Irene nodded weakly, helping herself with a cup of water from the dispenser at the waiting room. Madison comforted Irene who was pacing nervously. "I don't want anything to happen to him. He is all I have" Irene broke down in tears softly in Madison arms. A little girl who had been in the waiting room with her teddy bear walked up to Irene and handed her her teddy. "Pumpum wants to hug you. She doesn't want you sad" she said softly leaving the teddy in Irene's hands. Irene wiped her tears with her hands and smiled at the little cute princess. She hugged the blue teddy and inhaled. "Pumpum is such a soft princess" Irene touched her cheeks, pulling the little girl over.

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