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The Lunar Curse: Bloodline of the Howling Moon.

The Lunar Curse: Bloodline of the Howling Moon.

Elijah Bams


Amelia was born into a family with an ancient Curse and in order to protect her family, she became a guardian of the night. She had a charming encounter with Ethan that led to a relationship. Their relationship was going smoothly until Amelia was forced into marriage with Alpha Ezra, the formidable leader of the night Howler's pack, by her parents. Sooner, Amelia grew feelings for Alpha Ezra............. Will Amelia be honest about her feelings and let love triumph, or will she choose to perform her duty as the guardian of the night?

Chapter 1 The Awakening.

The lovely light of the full moon coming through her bedroom window caressed Amelia as she dozed off in bed. Her regular breathing caused her chest to rise and fall, but her mind was everything but at ease. She had been plagued by vivid dreams for weeks, and tonight was no exception.

She was standing at the edge of an old, deep forest in her dream. Unsettling shadows were produced on the ground by the silver moonlight. Except for a faraway owl's hoot, the night was strangely quiet. Unbeknownst to herself, she felt the impulse to continue exploring the woods.

She paused for a moment, casting a quick glance at the security of her house and the comforting yellow light streaming in through the windows. But there was no escaping the draw. The environment around her appeared to change with each step she took into the jungle. Growing larger, the trees' branches twisted and extended like skeletal fingers. The air grew cold and began to smell of something she couldn't place.

Amelia moved further into the woods, her delicate footfalls crunching on the blanket of leaves. The enormous dream forest seemed to go on forever. The silver moon cast a strange, almost magical aura over everything as it hung low in the sky. An unsettling sensation started to creep up her spine as she continued. She wasn't by herself.

Slowly, with her heart thumping, she turned. She noticed movement in the tree shadows there. In the shadows, she could see a pair of glowing golden eyes observing her. The air was filled with a rumbling growl. The thing was large, with a threatening form.

Amelia was overcome with fear, but she was also overcome by something primordial. She howled instinctively, her voice blending with the night, her teeth bared. It was a powerful, wild sound that was simultaneously strangely familiar and unfamiliar.

Amelia was left standing there, gasping, with her pulse still thumping, as the monster in the shadows hesitated before slinking away into the depths of the woodland. She was unable to understand what had just occurred, but she was oddly elated, as if a dormant aspect of herself had come to life.

Amelia jolted out of her dream, her heart still beating. The moonlight outside her window had changed to a delicate, silver glow when she sat up in bed. Every night, she had the same dream, which left her with more questions than answers.

Nearly three in the morning, she noticed the clock on her nightstand. Amelia chose to get up and make some tea after realizing she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep. She couldn't shake the impression that her dreams were more than just fantasies as she descended the rickety steps of their old farmhouse.

She turned on the kettle in the kitchen after filling it with water. Her mind wandered to her parents, who had never been open about the past of their family. It appeared as though they were hiding some sinister information from her.

A drowsy voice from behind her asked, "Amelia, what are you doing up at this hour?"

She turned to see Liam, her younger brother, squinting as he walked into the kitchen. He was just twelve, four years Amelia's junior, and he had a habit of appearing at odd hours.

She gave him a little smile, "I couldn't sleep," in response.

On one of the kitchen stools, Liam climbed. "One of those dreams again?"

They sat in friendly silence for a time as the kettle whistled after Amelia nodded. One of the two mugs of tea she had made was placed in front of Liam.

Whispered softly, "You should talk to Mom and Dad about it.

The girl sighed. Liam, I've tried, but they keep changing the subject. It appears that they are keeping something from us.

Liam gave her a wide-eyed, innocent gaze. Do you believe the curse is to blame?

The phrase had a heaviness about it. The wrath. It was a family lore, a sinister story that had been passed down through the ages. According to the legends, every member of the family was destined to transform into a werewolf on the night of a full moon because their ancestors had been cursed by a spiteful witch.

Despite the fact that Amelia had previously brushed it off as superstition, she now found herself wondering whether there might be some truth to it. Her weird feelings and dreams seemed to indicate something she was unable to explain.

The farmhouse and the secrets that were kept inside its walls were illuminated by the silvery light of the moon as they sipped their tea in solitude as it began its leisurely ascent across the sky.

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