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Behind The Billonaire's Mask

Behind The Billonaire's Mask

Onyedika Samuel


"I am Isabella Sterling, and I'm telling you right now, Dad, that I'm not going to spend even a day with that monster, let alone marrying him." Isabella walked out of the house. ------------------------------------- After Mr. Charles had lost all his wealth and was at the verge of loosing everything he had, he had to force his daughter to sign a contract with her ruthless CEO. After persistent persuasion from her father she agreed. At least it was just till she bears him a child. But unexpectedly, Alexander's behaviour changed from being ruthless to being kind. Could Isabella really trust this change, or was there more to his character than met the eye? Although Isabella had no choice but to become pregnant with Alexander's kid due to necessity, did this choice have any unintended repercussions that she had not foreseen? If the rumors about his erectile dysfunction were true, would she be forced to stay with Alexander forever? Was Isabella able to differentiate her genuine emotions as the line between love and infatuation grew more hazy, or was she caught up in a storm of feelings?

Chapter 1 Unforseen Crossroads

Isabella Sterling, the raven-haired senior developer of Luxe Tech, strolled confidently out of the lift. She was dressed stylishly in a Janice cutout lace jumpsuit and a brown blazer.

Her flawless style was rounded out by a Marc Jacobs purse casually hung over her shoulder. She walked into her office with an air of obvious refinement, with lovely blue eyes that could equal the heavens and skin as flawless as Snow White's.

But as she walked, she noticed that the office was unusually quiet; everyone was busy with their systems and their work.

Out of curiosity, she increased her pace and began to head to her department, the software development department.

Her colleagues didn't react as if they saw her; it was as if no one had walked in.

She quickly sat at her desk and logged in. "Omg!" She exclaimed softly. "Hey, Catherine, what happened?" She called the attention of one of her colleagues in the development department.

"You missed quite a scene," Catherine said, her eyes meeting Isabella's.

"What happened? Why would Diana Rozz want to resign?"

"Who wouldn't? Ever since Mr. Richard Gentry handed this organization to his son, Alexander, who wouldn't?" Catherine stated and immediately went back to work.

Catherine had just spoken everyone's mind. If the pay wasn't good enough, there would be no reason why someone would still work for Alexander Gentry.

Just two months ago, Mr. Richard walked in and called for an impromptu meeting where he appreciated all his workers.

Everyone wondered why he was sounding that way, until he mentioned his son as the new CEO of Luxe Tech. At that point, everyone knew that their lives were over.

Everyone in New York City knew who Alexander was. He was very proud and arrogant, and he wouldn't tolerate you shortening his name to Alex.

His father hadn't even driven off when he started making new rules. His first speech after his introduction was about the increase in everyone's work hours.

He threatened everyone that he would fire them if they weren't productive enough. And right there, when someone interrupted him with a question, Julius Covada, he fired him on the spot.

"You only ask questions or suggest when I ask if you have any." And that was when everyone knew that their company culture had changed.

After his first week in the organization, he implemented cost-cutting measures, eliminating employee discounts and streamlining performance bonuses.

He had to force Isabella to share an office with Catherine, Daniel, and Christopher, even as the head developer.

Even though at some point while Bella, as she was fondly called, was working with Richard Gentry, he had mentioned he wanted to leave his business for one of his sons, little did she know that it wasn't Sebastian, the one who helped to run the organization while Richard attended business meetings; it was the devil reincarnate.

Well, another reason Bella kept her hopes up for Sebastian was that she had a tiny crush on Sebastian Gentry.

"Hey Bella, how's the update on the link?" Sebastian walked in.

A big smile spread across Bella's face, and she gladly replied, "I just added the update as we've discussed."

"Cool, besides, you look stunning in that jumpsuit of yours."

Bella's cheeks bloomed like freshly picked roses.

"I always love your outfit," he added. Without waiting for her to reply, he continued, "Do you mind having dinner with me this evening?"

The fact that he boldly asked her out in front of her colleagues, knowing full well that it was against their business ethics, made her like him even more. She loved his open spirit.

"Yes, I don't mind."

"I'm sure you'll be working late today, so let's say after work?"

"Sure, after work," Bella replied.

Sebastian winked at Bella and turned to leave. And for the first time that day, Daniel, one of Bella's colleagues, spoke. "What the heck just happened?"

"She's been asked out by our handsome senior product designer," Christopher added.

"I have some clothes in our restroom in case you want to change into a dinner gown," Catherine teased.

"Why would you have a dinner gown in the restroom?" Bella asked, not surprised, actually.

"You don't know? Catherine can't say no to a handsome guy," Daniel teased.

They all bursted into laughter, wondering how good Daniel was now at coming up with his jokes. With their faces still lightened, their door was flung open.

Standing in front of them all was a man with a striking figure of power and allure. His tall, imposing frame and meticulously tailored suits accentuated his broad shoulders, exuding an air of authority that demanded respect.

His dark, perfectly groomed hair framed a face that seemed sculpted by both angels and demons, featuring sharp cheekbones, a strong jawline, and piercing gray eyes that could penetrate your soul.

An intoxicating fragrance of subtle sophistication and power seemed to accompany him as soon as the door flung open.

His choice of cologne was a carefully curated blend of woody and musky notes, with a hint of spicy undertones.

The top notes of his cologne danced with the freshness of bergamot and citrus, leaving a crisp, invigorating impression.

"What is happening here?" Alexander Gentry demanded.

Their once happy faces turned emotionless. "Shouldn't you all be working? The next time I hear such sounds coming from this office, it might either be you or your salary that will feel the heat."

He fixed his gray eyes on Bella, and she hated it; she hated him. If it was in her power, she would have picked up her pencils and driven them into his eyes.

"Miss Sterling, report to my office. The rest get back to work." And he left the room.

"If only Sebastian was as handsome as Alexander." Catherine was daydreaming.

"You need a psychologist, Catherine," Christopher laughed.

As Bella stood up to go and answer her boss, six notifications came into her phone simultaneously.

It was her siblings; they sent her a distress message. She was yet to understand what, "Trouble at home, SOS, HELP, DISTRESS BUTTON, COME NOW," meant when Nicholas, her brother, decided to call.

"Hey Nick, what's..." She paused.

"Slow down, Nick..." She strained her ears to hear him better.

"Is everything okay?" Catherine asked.

"Dad did what?" Shock etched lines on her face, creasing her brow with the weight of the news.

"Call 911; I'm on my way."

"What's happening, Bella?" Daniel got curious.

Bella wasn't able to hear them. She quickly packed up her bag and ran off. "I'll text you guys later; there's an emergency at home." She managed to say before she bolted from the office.

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