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Marlene felt helpless in the hands of a man she knew was dangerous. She watched as her quiet and peaceful life took a turn for the worst ever since she let him in. Intrigued by her innocence, Mr. Alexander Stone found her so fascinating. He could control everything and everyone around him but this time, he found it hard to control Marlene, his worker and it made him feel so powerless, a feeling he was not used to. He saw her as a conquest and was determined to have her as a trophy. Marlene on the other hand never felt seen until she saw him. It was so difficult for her to trust Mr. Alexander but after much effort, she began to fall slowly. No one has ever touched her the way Mr. Alexander did. She has never been sexual with anyone, but Mr. Alex was able to touch her in ways she never imagined.

Chapter 1 the beginning

It was a calm sunny day in Chicago. It was not just a regular afternoon for

Marlene, for the first time in her life she would be leaving her parents' house to

her apartment for the very first time. She was excited and anxious at the same

time. She had checked her bag several times to make sure all her belongings

were packed. She would miss her room, her Maroon five stickers on the wall,

her Teddy Twinkle. She had dreamt about leaving and having her own place

for years and now it was happening in a few minutes, the reality finally sets in

and tears fill her eyes. "Hey honey, the cookies are ready, we are all set!". The

voice of her mom brings her back to reality. "I'll be right there mom". Marlene

packs her carryon and walks down the stairs. "Are we all set? Uh, Samuel, I'll

need you to help me with those bags". Marlene said. "Sure, that is why I am

here in the first place ". Samuel said. He had such curly hair that it made him

look Arabic. This was a feature Marlene admired about him. "I'll be at the door

transferring the bags, you know your old man can't do much". Patrick,

Marlene's father said. "It is okay Dad, you are driving, that evens out the

chores!". This made everyone laugh. "Okay honey, I have your snacks and a

few condiments well packed. You can always call me, we can go grocery

shopping together, it will be so fun! Oh, my Mar, I already miss you". Her mom

Janet said. "I know where to find you, I think I'll be fine", Marlene said. Samuel

calls from the garage, " I think we are set, time to go now!". Marlene whispers

to herself, "wow, this is actually happening".

The journey to her new place was exhilarating though accompanied with fear

of the unknown. Her parents made sure to make her feel comfortable by

singing her favourite childhood songs, dishing out words of encouragement

the slightest chance they got. She looked at the neighbourhood she grew up

with having it in mind, coming back will take a while. She was ready for life,

she was going to be responsible with her new found freedom

Patrick, pulls on in her new neighbourhood. Everything seemed right to her,

she loved the environment and so did her parents. Packing in and settling into

her new place was not difficult, it was all exciting. Now, it was time for her

parents and Samuel to leave. She was eager to be alone in her place. "I'm

going to miss you honey and I want you to know we are proud of you. You

have your key if you ever want to come back home", her Mom said. "Thank

you Mom". They kissed each other goodbyes, her mom crying. This was

something she did regularly. No event in their family was complete without her

Mom shedding a tear or two.

It was two in the morning, Marlene was finally left alone. This was something

she yearned for. The reality sets in, she feels alone and begins to cry. She

knew she was going to miss home and getting used to her new bed was going

to take a while. "I'll be fine". She whispered to herself and she fell asleep


The next morning, Marlene woke up very early to make herself breakfast and

also prepare for the day ahead. It was her first day at work and she was going

to make everything perfect. She put on her best outfit, a green short flare

gown with panty hose. Her makeup was natural and fitted perfectly on her

glowing skin. In her tote bag was her laptop, jotter and few personal


Mr. Alex had barely woken up when his butler called out to him. "Sir, Mr.

Jeffery is here to see you". "Urgh, tell him I'll be down soon". Mr. Alex said

sleepy. As usual, it takes Mr. Alexander time to get ready because looking

good was never an option for him, it was compulsory. "Looking smart as

always Bro". Jeffery said, " Thank you, my man. What is the plan for today?

Mr. Alex said. "Well, we have a few papers and agreement to go through at

the meeting, nothing much". Jeffery said. "Also, I think we should check out

some new suits. You know you can never have enough suits". Alex said. "Not

a bad idea, I could do some shopping, bills on you though". Jeffery said. "As

always". Mr. Alex said.

There was tension in the whole building the minute Mr. Alex and Jeffery

stepped into the building. The ladies made sure to readjust their blouses,

maybe they could just get lucky.

Marlene on the hand just got into the building, trying to hasten her steps to her

desk to settle down with a hot cup of coffee in her left hand. She became even

more nervous, as she got closer to her desk. She knew she was a good fit for

the job and wanted to make a good impression. Still in a rush, she bumped

into Mr. Alex who wasn't aware of his environment because he was trying to

adjust his sleeves. She lost control and the cup of coffee poured over her

laptop. "Why?!" She yelled at Mr. Alexander. "And who are you?". Mr.

Alexander. "Well, I am the lady you bumped into and now I have to see if my

laptop still works because there's coffee all over it". She snapped. "Watch your

mouth young lady". Jeffery said. "And watch your step!". She left disgusted.

"I'm not gonna lie, I kinda like her". Mr. Alexander said as they watched her

leave angry. "She must be new or clearly don't know who we are". Jeffery


It was much later during the day. Mr. Alexander had a series of meetings to

be, he was getting tired but the thought of the young lady he met earlier could

not leave his head. He knew he had to reach out in some way.

Marlene on the other hand was enjoying her day and trying to learn as much

as she could. She just finished a call with her mom when she received a

package containing a cup of coffee, card and flowers. "This must be from

Samuel, such a lovely boy," she thought. She got a note saying, sorry your

coffee spilled earlier. Let me make it up to you. "Whatever". She murmured.

Why did they wait hours to apologise, she thought to herself. She settled in

and continued working.

She had a beautiful day and was happy with the amount of work she was able

to accomplish. She got into the elevator and was surprised to see Mr.

Alexander. Alone, comported. His perfume smelt so expensive and she knew

his suits should cost a fortune also. "Hey, you're the coffee guy", she said

awkwardly. He nodded his head with little to no reaction on his face. "By the

way I apologize for the way I snapped earlier and also thank you for the gifts.

You shouldn't have though". She tried to compensate him. Mr. Alexander was

a man of little words all of a sudden. He nodded in response. It was time for

Mr. Alexander to exit the elevator, he steps forwards and suddenly turns back

at her to say this. "I've never been put in my place by a worker of mine.

Clearly you don't know who I am". He adjusted his suits and left. Marlene was

a little perplexed. Was that her boss?

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