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Surrogate Mother

Surrogate Mother



Tricked by someone, Audrey had a hot night in a hotel with Daniel Anderson, CEO of Anderson Corporation. To maintain his good name, Daniel is forced to marry Audrey. Their marriage was far from happy. Audrey was only considered by Daniel as a lust-fulfiller in bed. Not only that, Daniel also always accused Audrey of being the one who had trapped him all this time. To prove that Daniel's accusations were not true, Aydrey tried to find out what happened that night. However, she found herself pregnant. Not only that, she was also slapped by the shocking fact that the child she was carrying was the result of embryo injections from her husband and someone else. Which is the person closest to Audrey! So, what is the fate of Audrey's marriage to Daniel? What will Audrey do with the fetus in her womb?

Chapter 1 The Heartbreaking Reality

"Someone who your husband loves is me," Patricia said with a wicked smile, looking so satisfied.

Audrey jerked awake, her breath catching with a racing heart. The words were so real to her ears.

She remembered how Patricia, her sister, had met her earlier in the day and said that. Audrey's chest felt tight hearing it. She refused to believe what Patricia said, even though Audrey could see how her husband had treated her.

It was so painful. Considering she had loved Daniel since childhood. Eleven years have passed and the feeling is still there for Daniel, but that man...

Audrey held back tears every time she remembered Daniel's treatment of her. Generally, married couples will love each other and share their attention, especially when they are newly married, but that is not the case in Daniel and Audrey's marriage.

It was as if she was a pest and Daniel was always trying to get away from her.

They were like water and oil that couldn't mix. Daniel was always cold and rude to Audrey. He did not hesitate to show his dislike for Audrey and it made Audrey's chest feel like it was being slashed.

Audrey turned her head as the door to her room opened from outside. Daniel had returned with reddened eyes. Walking in with an unbalanced body.

"Daniel, you…"

Seeing Audrey sitting on the bed in a seductive nightgown made Daniel's desire rise.

He finally pushed Audrey onto the bed so that Audrey's body was underneath him. Quickly, Daniel tried to tear Audrey's nightgown by force, making a loud ripping sound very loud. His eyes looked savage staring at Audrey's innocent body.

Audrey gasped and immediately struggled to resist. Her husband was drunk, as evidenced by the smell of liquor that pierced Audrey's nose.

"Daniel! Let me go!" Audrey struggled again, not wanting to be treated like a slut who was fucked only when the man was drunk.

Suddenly Daniel pressed a pillow against Audrey's face, covering her face, then explored all parts of Audrey's body.

With all her might, Audrey pushed Daniel's body hard until the man moved away from on top of her. Audrey quickly got up and backed away.

Audrey's breath caught in her throat as she looked at Daniel with pain.

In that terrible state, she remembered Patricia's words that Daniel liked Patricia. Audrey was jolted by reality, looked at the pillow Daniel had used to press her face, and finally concluded something.

"You purposely covered my face so you could imagine making love to Patricia?" Audrey's voice trembled as she asked. Don't ask her heart which was already shapeless at the moment. Enduring the pain of her fallen pride.

Daniel was silent. Instead of answering Audrey's question, Daniel just waltzed away from there. Ignoring the woman who had been holding back the tears from behind her corneas.

Not accepting Daniel just leaving, Audrey quickly caught up and pulled Daniel's hand back until the man turned to her.

"Your legal wife is me! Only me, Audrey Larson! Not Patricia!" Audrey screamed with emotion mixed with frustration. She had loved Daniel all this time, but Daniel had never considered her love at all.

His eyes were only filled with hatred. Staring at Audrey with a look of disgust.

Hearing that, Daniel laughed coldly. "Legitimate wife you say?"

Daniel laughed lightly again. "You just want the position as Mrs. Anderson, right? Making plans to trap me into marrying you. Wow, sneaky!"

Daniel remembered very well how Audrey with her cunning plan set a trap for him. Two years ago, Audrey must have had someone else put stimulants in Daniel's drink and made him hook up with Audrey at the hotel. Not only that, Audrey also cleverly called the reporters to confront them the next day.

It became busy in the news. On online media and television broadcasts. With the headline 'A successful CEO named Daniel Anderson was caught leaving a hotel with Audrey Larson, the daughter of a successful businessman named Bryan Larson'.

To clear his name, Daniel was demanded by the Larson family to marry Audrey immediately. It was a well-thought-out plan, so Daniel could not move. It was clear that the brain behind all these events was Audrey Larson. Daniel believes that.

Since then, Daniel hated Audrey to the bones. He did not hesitate to show his hatred. Daniel never treated Audrey like a wife.

Not once in a sober state did Daniel want to touch the woman. Only when he was drunk would he have anything to do with Audrey, and even then he never saw her face.

"Yes, you're right. I do love Patricia. Not a cheap woman like you!" Daniel said later.

Like getting hit by a big rock, Daniel's sentence broke Audrey's heart to pieces. All this time Audrey rejected any thoughts that Daniel saw Patricia as more than a sister-in-law, but now the man's mouth said it directly.

The tears she had been trying to hold back were now unstoppable. His defenses collapsed instantly. Audrey was destroyed and she had lost the fight for her household. Even before she went to war, Audrey had already lost.

Audrey stared wide-eyed at Daniel who was still standing in front of her. It felt like her defense had been in vain. The love she always gave to Daniel was never reciprocated. Audrey was tired of always being blamed and underestimated by her husband.

With a deep heartache, Audrey decided to leave there.

She walked out of the room to leave Daniel, but before she could reach the doorknob, Daniel's hand pulled her away. Audrey gasped.

Her body was lifted up and without a signal, she was thrown back onto the bed. Audrey winced as she felt the impact on her head.

"We're not done yet, I won't let you go just like that!"

Daniel pulled out the remaining clothes that were still attached to Audrey's body. Removing them one by one until Audrey's body was bare without a single thread.

With the last of her strength, Audrey continued to rebel against Daniel's body. She punched, kicked, and even swore at him to get him to stop.

However, Audrey's strength was still inferior to the man with muscles. Audrey limped until finally, she could not move anymore. Daniel controlled her hard without feeling.

There was no seduction or even tenderness there. Audrey suppressed her aching heart. The man just channeled his lecherous lust without caring about Audrey's feelings at all.

Daniel ended the action after he managed to get a release. Picked up his clothes again and started to put them on.

While Audrey sat down while tightening the blanket on her body, tears falling down her cheeks while looking at the heartless man in frustration.

"I want a divorce."

The words finally escaped Audrey's mouth.

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