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Billionaire's Daughter

Billionaire's Daughter



Lilian George and Daniel Liam’s relationship vanished after a one-night stand. Daniel did not know that the sizzling one-night romance led to a child, and Lilian certainly didn’t want him to find out about it. Daniel is a billionaire businessman. One day, Daniel Liam shows up and reveals that he is the father of her six-year-old daughter, Ava. Lilian is a single mother struggling to make ends meet. Daniel is determined to be a part of Ava’s life. Lilian and Daniel also begin to fall in love, but they must overcome the challenges of their past in order to be together. Will Lilian and Daniel be able to overcome the challenges of their past and build a future together?

Chapter 1 The Ballet Dance

"Mommy, I’m ready for the ballet dance. Are you coming with me?" "Ava baby, you know." I said as I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears as the 6-year-old girl stared at me with her hands clasped and a pleading expression. But she stopped me and said, "Mommy, no! you missed my rehearsals. Today is my dance! I sighed, and said, "Ava please!”

"Baby, you know I have a work to catch up with and you know I do this for us, right? I slowly questioned her, stroking her cheeks.

She gave me her puppy dog eyes as she nodded and continued, "But please, mommy, just this once, I need you, because it's a big play and many important people are coming and I want you to be there to cheer me up."

I yelled, "Alright, baby, I'm coming," as she screamed.

"THANK YOU! Many thanks, Ma. As she gave me a bear hug, she shouted.

"Mama, I love you!" She proclaimed this while kissing my cheek.

"Oh, baby, you know I love you more, Ava." As I said, "Now get ready, love."

As soon as we both entered the room, I helped her remove her clothes, and she did so while grinning at me and going to the restroom.

After getting ready, Ava and I left the house.

As I always do, I whispered, "Ava, stay close."

As I locked the door, she exclaimed, "I know, ma," grabbing my dress. I held her hands as we exited in front of onlookers.

The area where we resided wasn't ideal at all; there were fights and instances of males raping girls, and they frequently sit outside staring at girls as though they were the prey.

Although neither Ava nor I felt safe in this neighborhood, it was the only house I could currently afford.

I was now coping with a number of issues.

I held Ava's hand as we both entered Ava's school after taking the bus and stopping at a few locations.

"Nervous?" As I held her hands, I questioned her.

She said, looking up at me, "A bit, because it's a big event, but I'm really excited since you're here."

I tearfully said, "I'm sorry, baby."

Although she is only six years old, she said, "I know, ma, it's alright," and I smiled. I have no idea how she has developed into such an understanding person.

"AVA!" As they were hugging, Olivia yelled and ran to her.

What's this! Today, Mommy's here," Ava exclaimed with a big smile.

Olivia remarked as I hugged her, "Hey auntie Lilian."

Where are your parents, little one? I prompted her

She said with a smile, "They're waiting there, with the audience."

"Baby, I'm going to leave right away, okay?" As Ava nodded, I said

I gave the top of her head a kiss and wished her luck.

"Thanks, ma," she said.

They both grinned and waved me off. "Good luck to you too, Olivia; you both will do a good job," I remarked.

When I entered the theater, it was really crowded; there were cameras all over it, and there were VIPs sitting in the top rows.

I scanned the auditorium before spotting my two closest pals seated together.

I smiled at them and said "excuse me, may I pass" before they both turned to face me with wide eyes.

"Lilian!" Theo and Isabelle both stood up and turned to face me.

"bitch! You didn't let me know you were coming. Isabelle said as she gave me a hug.

I hugged Theo and said, "Change in plans; I couldn't miss it; she wanted me here."

Theo added as he sat down, forcing me to sit between him and Isabelle. "Lilian, you missed many plays; you did right today by coming here, and hey, it's about time since the three of us are together, without the kids and outside of our house or yours."

Before Isabelle gave me a look, I sat in between the two of them.

"Hey! I would have suggested that you sit next to your spouse in my place, but you may excuse me because I'm the reason you both are here today. I stated, poking out my tongue.

Oh my God, Lilian, you have a child. Isabelle chuckled.

I joked, "I'm 24, babe, still a child."

Before I could respond, Theo slapped his palm over my lips and said, "Attention ladies, the dance is starting."

Ava was the first to have her ballet dance and the crowd cheered her for a beautiful performance and the entire audience came up to applaud her. She also received an award for the dance performance

Moreover, the show made a surprising amount of money, all of which went to charity.

The kids quickly descended and ran to their parents; Olivia made her way to us before being embraced by her parents.

Salutations to Olivia! You excelled in Avary way. I said this as I gave her a hug.

I appreciate it, Aunt Lilian. She commented while grinning.

The question "Have you seen Ava?" I inquired as I perused the area.

She pointed and said, "Yeah, she was talking to a man over there."

"A man?" I inquired as I saw Theo and Isabelle.

Isabelle remarked to Olivia, "Let's go congratulate her," as they followed me to go meet Ava, I sighted a man who hurriedly entered his car and zoomed off.

The dude was giving me his back, so I couldn't see him.

I breathed out "Ava baby" and started talking.

"MA!" Ava shouted, then rushed over to me and gave me a hard hug.

"Baby, I'm so proud of you! Thank you," I said.

“Who’s the man you were talking with?” I queried. “He’s one of the top VIP that supported our dance play

Suddenly, out of nowhere the mystery man arrived again, and I heard a call out from behind

"Baby?" I looked back and saw someone I hadn't seen in about 7 years, I heard a voice say:

His features didn't alter much, and he was still attractive despite having grown up.

"Dan?" I remarked in shock.

"Dan!" Isabelle remarked with her mouth gaping and her eyes wide with concern.

I felt someone grab my waist right away, and I immediately recognized Theo.

"Lilian?" Dan said it hesitantly.

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