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anima mante


Lucy has a tough life and it all got even worse when her dad returned from his trip He has sold her to the Reynolds family for money How could he do such a thing? Will she ever feel happy again?. Being forced to marry the one and only Rexford Reynolds .One of the greatest mafia out there ,of course she isn't going to be happy . It all feels like a never ending nightmare Knowing all the rumors about him is enough to know that he is a cruel monster. His only mission in life is to take revenge and kill people Are these rumors true?is he as bad as Lucy thinks ? Lucy (FL)is a kind and strong girl who knows how to smile through pain.She had dark brown eyes and a curvy body.Her bubbly personality is what Rexford Reynolds hated about her.But somehow he likes being around her Rexford Reynolds (ML) he is a boy following his father's orders his whole life he knows only how to be cruel to people and therefore doesn't let anyone close to him.He had never met a girl her and it drives him crazy he can't stay away from her

Chapter 1 THE DATE

Just put on the blue one, Juliet says, tired of me changing my outfit for the sixth time today."it just a dinner"rolling her eyes

Just for dinner I said opening my mouth in shock. I put my hands on my hips

*It's a date with the handsomest man I've ever known " l say smiling. Juliet just laughed at me. I get it. I really like this man and sometimes it can sound as if I am really obsessed . Well I am most of time

He is not handsome "Juliet says and I rolled my eyes

I put on the blue dress and put on some makeup and my hair in a high ponytail.

It's almost 8pm and I can hear the cars pull up outside . I looked out the window and saw Jayden waiting for me. I scream out of joy." Could u get out already" Juliet says with eyes closed. I really didn't let her sleep all day.

Poor thing.I give her a kiss on the forehead "bye little one" lsay then leaving the room

As I walk down the stairs Alex catches me.

"Where are u going young lady" he says smiling. Alex is my older brother. He's 24. He has as long as I can remember made me and my sister smile.Not once has he ever hurt anyone because he wants to . Only when father forces him.

I don't want to lie to Alex but I feel embarrassed to tell him am going out with a guy

"Eee...going out with friends" I say trying to sound calm but when he smiles I know h

I had failed. "Oh right that's why a man is standing outside picking you up, u can't fool me Lucy ".He comes and hugs me and I give him a nervous smile as I walk out the front door " have fun he yells after me".

I mean I've known Jayden for a long time but recently I have started to feel something for him. More than a friendship. And today he wanted to take me on a date.

Jayden is really handsome.he had blonde hair with the bluest eyes. He is in his car waiting for me to get in.

We are driving to a restaurant. I don't know which one but he said he would surprise me. I'm happy to have him, really he takes good care of me. Where are we going? " I say. "You will soon see," he says, looking at me with a smile.

We talked the whole ride and when we arrived it's the big sushi restaurant.

We step out of the car and start walking "I'm sooo hungry" as I hook my arm in his. He looks down to me and said u will love this place

It's 10pm and we had a good time. I really needed this.We haven't done something like this for ages. The waitress comes with the check. "Would u like to pay together or separately.she asks. Jayden answers "separately"


We pay and head home. I had so much fun thanks for tonight" I said, stepping out of the car. He stepped out walking up to me. We face each other "me too" he says as he leans.And we kiss.

My hands panic, I don't know where to put them . It's slow and soft. It's easier than I thought." Want to head to my place instead" he asked, breaking the kiss.

"I would if it wasn't for the house rules" I say laughing. Nobody leaves the house after 10pm" I say imitating my father's voice. We both laughed and said good night. I walk in my and Juliet's room. She is sleeping, thank God. I have to be so quiet not to wake her up.

I'm finally in my bed. Thinking about our kiss as I fell asleep.


We are all sitting at the table. Me ,mom, Juliet and Alex. Dad is gone for work

He's been gone a lot lately and that's for the best. He's scary when he's with us.

Suddenly Alex says " How was the kiss" I got embarrassed and he knows it.I hit him with my hand under the table "What" did u guys kiss" Juliet says all happy "No" I say "stop making it a big deal"

Mom smiles too but doesn't say much about it. She is a very quiet woman but loves and cares for her family."It's a big deal Lucy. It's your first kiss"Juliet keeps going like a 10 year old. She is 14." Oh my god" I say as I get up and put my plate in the sink." How was it!"My brother shouts as I walk the stairs to my room." Fantastic"I shout back at him and they all laughed


Hours pass by when Juliet and I talk about our lives. And suddenly the doorbell rings. We jump out of our beds and head down stairs. Mom opens the door and there stands father he's grown older since the last time. Everyone stands in place as we just say hey father". I guess we are all terrified now.

Oh I have missed you all so much. How isy family? He says stepping inside. "Never been better".I say sarcastically as we all walked inside.

We all take a seat in the living room. How has the trip been honey? Mother asked father.

There's a lot I am dealing with right now.

He pauses and looks at me

"Lucy we need to talk later," he said with a smirk. How I hate this man, nothing good could ever come out of his mouth

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