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Trapped jerk Boyfriend

Trapped jerk Boyfriend



Sania Veronique was just about to return to her campus parking lot when she was shocked by a sight she shouldn't have seen, a sexy woman now in the passionate arms of a man named Lucifer, tears welling up in Sania's eyes, a feeling of tightness hitting her chest. She didn't understand why she was still stuck watching that thing, Lucifer, the cold man she liked, was now breaking her heart. "Lucifer..." finally the lips spoke again and stopped their activities in the empty room. Lucifer's gaze clearly looked at Sania, the innocent woman who loved him was calling his name and loudly. Lucifer didn't care, he continued with his postponed activities. Her meeting with Sania was not something that Sania had planned, far from being a woman like Lucifer. Damn Lucifer is a cold man who doesn't know the word love, he only knows how to hurt a woman's heart and dump her after he gets bored. Will Sania be able to melt Lucifer's cold heart and change Lucifer's bastard nature? Copyright©2022

Chapter 1 ONE

Introducing me Sania Veronica, a twenty-two-year-old woman. I'm 175 centimeters tall and thin for Asians, but for Americans, my body is the ideal type.

Shutt! Stop praising yourself. But, don't we have to love ourselves first? Sania walked towards her new campus, she was supposed to finish her studies in America but her parents chose to move to the Netherlands.

How will Sania communicate? Of course, she used Indonesian, the first Sania who used to study at an American university. Fluently using both British languages.

How did she do it? Thanks to her mother, of course.

Sania was just preparing herself to meet Mrs. Rebbeca, a woman she said was about the same age as her mother. Maybe 47 years old, her feet had stopped at a classroom that looked empty.

It was only the sound of scuffling that made Sania feel curious and stop her steps. He peeked a little and saw a pair of humans kissing in an intimate position. Sania just rolled her eyes, this is common and may be a tradition in America but this is Indonesia! What the fuck. A little surprised but never mind, she came to her campus not to see people kissing.

"Shit! Wake up Sania, let's continue your journey to find Mrs. Rebbeca's room." Sania thought and continued the journey that had been delayed and even soiled her holy eyes.

Sania's eyes accidentally met a pair of blue eyes that were so cold looking at her. Sania quickly raised her gaze.

"Shit! Why is she looking at me like that." Sania increased her walking speed and fortunately, she quickly found Mrs. Rebbeca's room. Sania's small hand quickly knocked on Mrs. Rebecca's room.

"Come in."

Sania immediately opened the three-meter-high wooden door and went inside feeling a little scared.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Rebecca, I'm Sania Veronique, a transfer student." Sania smiled faintly as she met the woman who was about her mother's age.

"Sania Veronique welcome to this university. Alright, let me explain where your classes are." Rebbeca opened a folder containing the university regulations including the location of Sania's room.

Sania was majoring in Literature. After hearing Mrs. Rebbeca's explanation Sania continued her journey to the room where her class was located.

It was a little difficult to find the room which was quite far away. From Building A to Building C it took several meters to keep walking. It felt very strange when stared at by other students some looked at her with friendly views and others looked at her with cynical looks. However, Sania remained. Continuing her journey regardless of what was in front of her.

Until finally she found the class where she was. Sania entered the Literature class all her friends there were good, it's just that Sania met a friend who greeted her since they first met her Aleta.

A woman who looks fashionable with lipstick and also a chestanan which Sania finds very attractive. Even though Aleta's appearance looks bar- bar the woman is very friendly to her like this time.

They began to tell her all the things that were popular on this campus. Including one man named Lucifer, Lucifer is famous for his cold but playboy attitude on this campus. All the women were crazy about his good looks from what Aleta said, Lucifer was just playing with women.

"How does he look? Is he handsome?" Sania asked Aleta with one eyebrow raised.

"I think he's handsome. But then again, he's not my type." Aleta nodded her head.

"If you think he's not your type. Chances are, Lucifer isn't my type of guy either." Sania shrugged her shoulders she didn't care how handsome Lucifer was if he was an asshole and had no heart. What's the point of falling in love with that guy?

"I hope what you say is true Sania. I just don't want you to be his target either." Aleta gave a small nod as she hoped the pretty new kid's words would hold up.

"Aleta trust me. Many American men are also handsome but still can't capture my heart." Sania was being arrogant because, it was a fact that if she didn't fall in love first then, still no one could capture her heart.

"Wait. Do you want to accompany me to my friend's party?" Aleta suddenly remembered a party at a club.

"Where? But, I don't know Aleta." Sania tried to refuse.

"Sania. In America you don't have to know each other to go, after all, you're going with me." Aleta gave Sania a small pat on the shoulder.

"Yes, I know too. But where is the event?" Sania asked Aleta again.

"If I mention it, you won't know either. So you might as well prepare yourself, dress up as pretty as you can, sexy." Aleta blinked her eyes as she mentioned the last word in a slightly teasing tone.

"Damn it! Aleta, you give me goosebumps." Sania shook her head and couldn't understand what Aleta was saying.


Sania came out of her house in an almond-colored satin dress and a jean jacket that covered her other thong. According to Sania, this was already a closed outfit but still Formal because Aleta did not tell her where to go so Sania also did not know what to dress like.

Sania got into her car. Driving the four-wheeled speed through the streets that she saw from the GPS that Aleta shared because Sania went with Aleta. Of course, she would also pick Aleta up.

She arrived in front of Aleta's apartment. It turned out that the woman lived in the apartment, Sania's hand took out her cell phone and searched for Aleta's number. Contacting Aleta was a quick way to get the woman out of her apartment.

"Hello, Aleta. It's me Sania where are you?" Sania looked left and right, afraid that Aleta had come out.

"Wait a minute, I'm out."

Before Sania could answer Aleta had turned off the phone. Shortly thereafter, a knocking sound was heard on Sania's windshield, making her startled. Fortunately, she had no history of heart disease.

"Aleta! Good thing I don't have a history of heart disease."

"What's wrong with you?" Aleta showed an innocent face.

"What a surprise! Crazy sexy Aleta! Didn't you get the costume wrong?"

Sania's eyes were surprised when she saw Aleta's appearance with her skimpy clothes and not forgetting the net stockings attached to her smooth thighs. I don't know what Aleta was wearing, it looked like a gasper but it was tied to only one thigh.

"It's not weird Sania dear... We had that party at the club!" Aleta gave Sania a quick look before noticing the small glass in her hand.

"Seriously?" Sania was a little surprised she was going to a club. Even though it was already illegal for her age to go there, and it was already a thing in the western states. But it was different with Sania's species who was against it.

"Relax, it's safe." Aleta returned to answer Sania's words which sounded a little doubtful.


They arrived at a club 'NIGHT PRADISE' a club name that was so hybe among young people like Aleta who casually passed through the security access. I don't know what Aleta took out of her bag, maybe it was an invitation letter that they were invited to this party.

The sound of the music was so loud that it pressed Sania's ears, as her small body passed through the glass door. She hesitated to enter but the tug of Aleta's hand on Sania's wrist made the twenty-one-year-old woman hesitate even more. She went deeper until she passed people listening to the various smells of perfume that danced on the dance floor.

Sania's body stopped at a long bar counter, with two tenders making drinks that were shaken in stainless shakers.

"Hey, Baby. You want something to drink?" The bartender's voice asked Aleta.

"Yes Mark get a drink for my friend Sania her name is."

Aleta introduced herself to the bartender, Sania couldn't help but smile and wonder what to answer. Before she could speak, Aleta had disappeared somewhere. And damn it! There was only Sania left who was confused about whose party this was and what she should do.

"Baby... what kind of drink do you want? Would you like a heavy drink or a light one?" Mark looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, who was so sweet and sexy without having to dress up.

"Cocktail please." Sania only mentioned one drink name that was familiar to him.

"Good choice baby." Mark smiled and started mixing the ingredients to create a cocktail glass with a lemon slice on top.

A cocktail with a 30% alcoholic base with a touch of lemon juice that became a fresh taste sensation when it hit the tongue.

The pink drink was placed in front of Sania. Sania just smiled a little and began to lift her glass. Slowly sipping the fresh and cold sensation of ice cubes that instantly moistened her throat.

Sania's eyes accidentally met again, with a slice of blue eyes that looked back at her sharply and passed her by. Until the MC's voice made Sania stop drinking her drink.

DJ Devil's shout became a boisterous voice that filled the club. Sania's eyes only looked towards the stage where the blue-eyed were seen, climbing up and standing on the stage. Those hands skillfully played the Truntable, a box-shaped device with a black disk and various complicated buttons. It played a piece of music that instantly turned the atmosphere hotter.

Lucifer was busy playing his beat in between his loud music. For some reason, his focus was broken when his eyes accidentally met those light brown eyes again. This was their second meeting before, Lucifer also met the woman in the campus corridor.

Lucifer felt attracted to that woman. No woman had ever attracted his attention before. Before those who threw themselves at Lucifer. But this time was a little different, the woman had an appeal that attracted Lucifer's dark side.

Lucifer's jaw suddenly dropped. He didn't know what was going on with that woman, but the moment he saw her being forced by a man Lucifer didn't recognize made his emotions burn. Lucifer turned the Turntable into the automatic setting, his feet quickly descended the stage, and walked towards the woman.

The closer Lucifer got the more he sensed that the woman and the man forcing her were not lovers. Lucifer's hands clenched tightly and pulled the collar of the man who was smaller than him hitting him hard right on the man's torso. Not only once Lucifer hit him many times until his body was pulled by the club bouncer.

"Let me go, take this pervert out of the club!" Lucifer ordered the two bouncers to take the battered man away.

"Is he your lover?" Lucifer stared intently at the woman who remained silent.


Lucifer swallowed his saliva with great effort as the woman in front of him bit her lip. Of course, what she did drove him crazy and he ended up leaving her without a single word.


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