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The True Quabrids

The True Quabrids

Diana Hutchinson


We will follow twin sisters who have no idea that they are twins. Their mother left them on neighboring human houses so that they would know each other growing up but never realize that they are twins or even sisters follow along to see this amazing story unfold.

Chapter 1 The Surprise Birthday

Bridget ( Bridge) invites Issabella (Bella) for a sleep over.

"Issabella why dont we have a slumber party tonight?" Asks Bridge with a smile.

"Yes!" Issabella exclaims "Where will it be?" Asks Bella.

"My house of course" says Bridge.

"The last one was at your house Bella" says Bridge.

"Right" Bella agrees.

"Our birthday is in two days" says Bella.

"Lets make it a birthday slumber party" Says Bridge.

"Agreed" says Bella.

Unbenounced to Bridge and Bella that night was their actually birthday.

"What are we going to do games and movie night? asks Bella.

"Sure and we will stay up all night long" says Bridge.

The two best friends stayed up playing monopoly chess and even the game of life.

Then they started in on the movies. "What movie should we watch first?" asks Bella. "How about we start off with Twilight." says Bridge.

Issabella starts off with a yell of excitement.

"Yay lets watch it then" yells Bella from excitement.

Midnight hits and all of a sudden Bella looks at Bridge and says "What's wrong with your eyes?"

"What do you mean my eyes are the same color they have always been one bright red and the other a silvery grey." says Bridge.

Bella replies "No they are not the just changed your red eye is glowing like the blood moon and your silvery grey eye got brighter and started glowing too.

Bridge looks at Bella and says "Your eyes have changed too.

Your eyes are normally like a mix of greens and now they are glowing like a dark blue." Bridge then screams "MOM!!!!"

Bridget's mom comes flying into the room where her daughter and her best friend are at and says "What's wrong darling girls?"

Bridge looks at her mom and asks "Mom what the fuck is going on?

Both of our eyes have changed and I'm hearing two different voices on says that they are my wolf and the other that they are my Lycan and they are telling me that Bella here and I are fraternal twins. What the actual hell is going on?"

"Issabella please go and wake up your parents but do so without scaring them to death please" says Bridget's mom.

"Mom, Dad, please get up we need you at Bridge's house asap" says Bella.

"Princess what is wrong and what is going on?" asks Bella's parents.

"Just come on Bridge and I are hoping for some kind of explanation as to what we are going through right now, so if you wouldn't mind getting up and getting dressed then coming over we will explain what is going on, and then hopefully get some answers as to what the actual fuck is going on.

So Bella's parents head to Bridge's house and they have the following discussion.

"Our eyes have changed colors, and we each have two different voices in our heads saying that they are our Lycan and werewolf and they are also telling us that we are fraternal twins and that we are also witch and vampire, and that you four are not our biological parents." say both Bridge and Bella at the same time and in sync with each other as they are saying this.

Bella's father is the first to speak.

"Bella, Bridge it is true we are not your biological families, though one night you girls were dropped off at this house and mine and we had no idea who dropped off two gorgeous girls.

We thought that you were not wanted by whomever dropped you girls off.

We meaning both sets of us parents decided to raise you separately and wait.

See the day that you girls got dropped off we figured that was the day you were born but unfortunately we were wrong because apparently you girls were born on February 28th.

We had heard something along the lines of werewolves and Lycans are considered full grown at 16 years old.

We never had any suspicions that you girls had either werewolf or Lycan because you were just so tiny.

If you girls need anything filled in we can not help you.

You girls are going to have to shift into your wolf forms and sniff out other werewolf packs to see who you actually are, or you could lay down let sleep take you and hopefully you can talk to your goddess about who you are and where you belong.

Why you were dropped off to be taken care of by humans and why that happened.

If you decide to do that we will be right here watching over you. Its your decision though."

"Bella" asks Bridge "Do you want to do that?"

"Hell yes" says Bella "Hopefully we can find out some answers.

Do you all promise not to leave us while we do that and try to get some answers?"

"Sweetheart we promise" said all of their parents.


Bella and Bridge come to in a nice big field of daisies, daffodils, tulips, and lilies, looking around in complete and utter shock. When their wolves walk up to them and give them their names.

"Hello Bridget I'm your wolf my name is Ashina and your Lycans name is Amaork."

" And I am Sassaba little Bella I am your wolf.

And your Lycans name is Faoiltiama."

"And I daughters am Selenee the moon goddess and your mother.

I figured you would have some questions and would eventually find a way to come talk to me yourselves.

What is wrong daughters you seem very troubled as you don't seem to know who you can trust?"

"Well mother you have that right you see we had to find out that we are not human because our eyes started glowing then to find out that not only have we been best friends our whole life but we have just found out that we are fraternal twins and we look nothing like each other and we still have no idea who it was that actually birthed us or how we have four different beings.

Not only that but the fact that we were raised by humans who somehow have heard of our moon goddess.

What do you say about that dear mother of all wolves?" asks both Bridge and Bella at the exact same time.

"Well my dear children its because your actual mother found out that there were people who were going to try to kill you before you came of age which is 16 and now that the two of you are now sixteen if they try to hurt you your wolf and Lycans can now be brought to the surface to fight and train." said Selenee the moon goddess.

"How would we go about finding the woman who gave birth to us mother of all wolves?" asks both Bella and Bridge

"Well from what I know that woman was killed by rogues and the man who is your biological father is from a pack directly in the woods behind both of your houses about 300 yards back.

The pack name is The Forest Ones"

"So are they still surviving or what? And who exactly is our father?"

asks Bridge and Bella at the same time.

"Well your father is the Alpha and being as you both are twins and its your first shift after we talk you will find out what you are if your Alphas Betas or Omegas.

Omegas are small bettas are mid sized and Alphas are huge.

So little ones I suggest you go back and shift and after you shift you will know.

Good luck my daughter's."

Bridge and Bella wake to find everyone staring at them so they walk to the back yard and hear their wolves " relax dont fight let us do everything it might hurt you so please do not fight it."

The girls don't fight and they do not feel any pain at all.

They are in the back of their minds with their wolves at the front and they say to their wolves "Lets go find our father.

Wait tho what are we?" They look at each other and notice their sizes.

"Oh my goddess we are both Alphas."

"Bella your colors are bright brilliant green one of a kind.""

"Bridge your wolf is magenta in color Holy hell I knew we were unique I just didn't know how unique.

Lets go find our father and our pack."

They start traveling and the way that would take most wolves at least 20-45 minutes only took them ten minutes.

They make it to the boarder and run into the boarder patrol.

"Who are you and what do you want?" the boarder patrol asks them.

"Get us your Alpha" they say together pushing their Alpha aura forward and it makes the boarder patrol wolf submit to them.

"Alpha there are two female wolves here who want to speak to you, oh and they are huge Alphas."

"Alright I'll be there momentarily."

The Alpha replies back through the pack link.

He finally gets to the boarder and looks at them and says "Shift to your human forms" using his Alpha tone but it doesn't affect them.

They look at him and say "You shift" pushing their strong Alpha aura towards him.

He submits and shifts, they then shift to find that they haven't torn their clothes when they shift and that they are still fully clothes but when they look at the Alpha of the pack he was fully nude.

They look at each other and say at the same time "What the fuck are we?"

The Alpha of the pack asks "Who are you?"

The girls reply "Are you our father?"

He looks surprised he knew his Luna had been pregnant with twins but he didn't know that she had them or where they were.

" Wait a minute" he says "how did you know about me?"

"Well Selenee the moon goddess told us that our father was the great alpha of The Forest Ones pack.

Is this The Forest Ones Pack?" they ask simultaneously.

"You have indeed reached The Forest Ones pack may I have your names?" said the Alpha.

"Our names are Issabella spelled with two s's and Bridget.

What is your name sir?" said the girl together.

"My name is Ryan and I am indeed the Alpha and your father.

I knew my Luna was pregnant and I never got to see my children because she decided that they would be safer if I never saw them atleast til they reached age and had their wolves and came to find me.

It broke my heart to not have you girls with me.

I had to respect her decision and couldnt look for you."

"Well father we are of age althought we also have a Lycan a witch and a vampire how is that possible?" they asked.

"Well my darlings you have a Lycan because I have a Lycan and the witch and vampire is from your mom as she was born with both."

"How is that possible I didnt think that anyone could have all four of the creatures we have?" asks Bridge.

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