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Elf : Secret Life

Elf : Secret Life

Crown Princess


Alissa Freeda went to the human world of her own free will to save her fairy friends who had been kidnapped by humans. Edwyn, who is an ordinary human, meets Alissa in the form of an Elf, they finally interact with each other and work together to save Alissa's friends. Both of them fall in love with each other, but their different worlds make it difficult for them to be together.

Chapter 1 Begining Part 1

Thousands of years ago, before humans were born into the world life was started by the Valar, a race of elves, fairies, giants and dwarves. They live in the middle of the earth where all races have united and lived together for so long.

One day the Valar (Gods) who ruled Valinor decided to invite the Elves, who were the strongest race of all the races in Middle Earth to live in Valinor.

"I refuse, how can we leave Middle Earth to move to a safe place when other nations here need our strength, the Elves to protect them?" said the Elven Leader Eldar (Star).

"I agree with Lord Ares." Connect with Helena, leader of the Elf Calaquendi (Light).

"But this is our chance to live there, you know Valinor? the place of the great gods. " continued Eren, leader of the Elf moriquendi (Darkness).

Discussions about changing residence continued for days and finally a decision was made, of the three Elf races that were invited, two of them answered the call except for the Eldar (Star) race, they refused to leave and remained in Middle Earth.

Finally, the only people who left Middle Earth were the Elven races of Calaquendi (Light) and Moriquendi (Darkness), and upon their arrival in Valinor they were warmly welcomed by the supreme leader of the Valar.

"Welcome to Valinor, we are happy with your presence even though not all of you are here." Said the leader of the Valar, Manwe.

"We are also happy with your invitation to a race like ours." Helena replied on behalf of all the Elves who came to meet the highest Valar.

The determination of residence for the Elf Race itself is divided into two places, the Calaquendi race will be placed in the east along with the Valar who rule the forests and seas at the request of their leader so that they can see the middle of the earth at all times.

While the Moriquendi race was placed in the residence of the Valar and became the most honorable Elf race there, this did not make the Calaquendi race feel jealous because their decision remained the same from the start.

Living together in the same region made the Valar, ruler of the forests and seas, fall in love with the leader of the Elf race Calaquendi, they married and had unusual children. The calaquendi and valar Elf races are two strong and intelligent creatures. If they are united they will produce offspring who have great strength.

After many years of the two Elven races living in Valinor, they heard that Central Earth was in big trouble due to the actions of the Eldar Race, but the only ones who cared more about Middle Earth were the Calaquendi race. Their leader, Helena Freeda, came down to middle earth to straighten out the problems that were occurring. Helena's arrival made the Elf Eldar leader immediately intervene to deal with it.

"I didn't expect you to go this far, Ares."

"What is this, why did the honorable Helena come to this place? Was it boring in Valinor that you came here?”

"Enough, I already know your cunning by choosing to stay in this place."

Ares then approached Helena with a sly smile, this look did not make Helena afraid and she still wore a serious expression like a leader.

"We are the strongest race, the weak must submit to us."

Helena could not control her emotions and was forced to wage war on the elf race itself. Helena's camp and Ares' camp began to prepare to defend the right to rule Middle Earth for the safety of other living creatures and for Ares's own satisfaction.

The battle between the two Elven races ended after three days and three nights without a break, all were won by the Eldar Elves and the Elf leader Calaquendi was killed at the hands of Ares. This brought immediate anger from the Valar of the forest and sea as Helena's husband until the war continued and the Valar won victory.

The highest leader of the Valar Manwe, heard that the Valar of the forests and seas had completely slaughtered the entire Elf Eldar race along with his wife Helena.

The news that Manwe heard was not the real news, but that someone had made a scapegoat between the Elf Race and the Valar. Therefore, the Valar of the forest and the sea were sentenced to death by Manwe before he could tell the truth to the highest Valar.

All of the Elf Calaquendi race were expelled from Valinor and exiled in the Middle Earth in a very distant and urban place. Since then, Elf Calaquendi has lived in peace and started life as it should be. The children of Helena and Valar of the ocean forest grew well, they started life and looked for partners until they produced many offspring.


Times have changed, humans have almost conquered the earth and eliminated the Elf population and others. Humans are very cruel to the Elf nation because they sadistically kidnap the Elf race, dwarves and fairies to be used as experiments.

To prevent this from continuing to happen, the leader of the 50 Calaquendi Elves, Narnia Freeda decided to close the world of the Elves with magic power so that humans would never interfere with the Elves again.

Helena's generations now live peacefully in the country they themselves created, the country of Sandora, which is safe from enemy attacks and far from interference from the Valar. However, those who still hold a grudge against the Valar for the death of their ancestors make them want to reveal the truth about what happened in the past because until now the Calaquendi race has always been called cold-blooded killers by creatures in middle earth.

"We have to do something, I will not accept us living in humiliation like this." Said Winola, who is the eldest child of the queen of Narnia.

" But how.?" Ask Haila The second child of the queen of Narnia.

"Stop your nonsense sister, we already live peacefully here so don't make a fuss by meeting the highest Valor." Aiden continued, their youngest brother.

“I will go to Valinor and meet the supreme Valar.” Winola continued seriously.

"You're crazy, we can't even leave Sandora."

"That's why I ask for your help, so that mother doesn't realize where I am so that I can go to Valinor."

Winola secretly left Sandora with the help of her brother and sister without their mother's knowledge, to arrive in Valinor of course it couldn't take just one day. Winola, who is known to be kind and friendly, received help from the goers and monsters.

During the journey to Valinor, she was accompanied by them as a guide and friend to chat with during breaks. After traveling for about two days to Valinor, Winola has now arrived in the middle of Earth where the Elves previously lived.

In that place, her grandfather and ancestors were killed and suffered humiliation for the rest of their lives. Until now, Winola vowed to erase the bad name of the calaquendi race no matter what.

Valinor is in the first heaven in the middle of the earth, access to that place can only be done by Valors with the power of their gods, but Winola is a different Calaquendi Elf because Winola's type of magic power is the power that came down from her great-grandfather who was a Valar.

The Valar of the Forest and the sea are the rulers of the living creatures there. In the forest in Valinor lives a half-bird and a giant horse named Aerox who are loyal followers of the Valor of the Forest. With her strength, Winola managed to summon Aerox, but who would have thought that Aerox would come with a blonde haired man with bright blue eyes.

"I didn't know that the Elf race could summon Aerox here, who are you to have the audacity to call Valar's followers to this earth?" the man asked coldly.

"I should be the one asking who you are." Winola's mind looked at him sarcastically.

"Black hair with blue eyes, are you a descendant of the previous Elinio Valar of the forest and sea?" The man continued, immediately making Winola look at him confused.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, finally you came." The man got off the Aerox and grabbed Winola's hand impudently.

"Let go, I haven't even answered your question just now." Winola said curtly.

"Sorry, I was too enthusiastic that's why I acted like that." he continued quietly.

" Who are you? Why are you suddenly acting as if you were waiting for me to come?”

"I have been waiting for you for a long time. Let me introduce myself, I am the third generation of the Valar of the Forest and Ocean, my name is Fanwe."

"Oh, so you are the son of the Valar, are you going to kill me because I have summoned your father's loyal followers?"

"Of course not, I was just having fun playing with Aerox but suddenly he got restless and wanted to come down to earth so I came along to find out what made him like this, I didn't think I could meet a Calaquendi like you." It was clear that Fanwe was making Winola even more confused.

"Come with me, we'll meet someone who might help you." Fanwe invited Winola to climb on Aerox's back to go somewhere, the curious Winola just complied and immediately got on.

They arrived at a high place but not Valinor, the place was very beautiful and grew many colorful flowers and animals were allowed to roam freely. Winola was still confused about why Fanwe had taken her to that place, a cone-shaped house with unique decorations was their final destination after arriving at that place.

“Come in.”

" I don't want to."

"Don't think anything strange, I just want to take you to meet someone." Fanwe continued, making Winola's face blush.

Now Winola and Fanwe entered the house and inside they met an old man with long hair just like Winola's great-grandfather from the painting that was still kept in the palace by his family. The man looked at Winola very surprised and then approached her as if Winola was the man's granddaughter. the old man who had left home a long time ago.

"Finally you have come to clear our names."

“Fanwe, I don't understand, please explain to me why you brought me here to meet this old man?” Winola whispered, glancing at the man who was looking at her with a smile.

“He is your great grandfather's.”

Winola was very surprised to learn that her great-grandfather's family was still alive today. Winola's confusion was further increased by Fanwe's previous words as if his presence had been waiting for a long time.

The old man named Eldric was the older brother of Elinio, the first generation valar. Eldric then told Winola and Fanwe what happened in the past. Hearing the story directly from Eldric, who witnessed his sister's defense for Helena, made Winola even more eager to clean up the Calaquendi Elf Race, meanwhile Fanwe, who really admired Eldric, was interested in helping Winola even though he knew the consequences he would receive if he helped the lower Elf race.

"Leave everything to me, I will clear the names of my grandfather and great-grandmother from those annoying Valar." Winola said seriously.

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