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She looked so young, what was she doing inside the cave of the curse? She was just a child , how was she able to pass the spell placed at the door? She walked up to me, raising her small tiny hand to touch me. I back away immediately glaring at her thinking that it will scare her away. "It's okay, you don't have to be scared. Am not going to hurt you. My name is Elena and I am six years old, what's your name?" She asked, smiling at me. Why would the moon goddess let a six year old Inside a beast cave? Is she trying to test me? "You don't have a name? Then I will call you Snow since you look so white and beautiful as the snow" she said, reaching out to touch me again. Then something caught my attention, she was wearing the moon necklace, the only thing that consists of the power that can let me out of here. I tried moving close to her but the chain around my neck was preventing me. I started drawing back and she followed me in, she was just one step away from me. Is time for me to get away from this pit of hell. Once she was closer to me I pounced on her. Her scream filled the cave, but all I wanted was my freedom, my revenge. Am going to destroy the world, I will burn it down.


What have I done? What was I doing here in the first place? That's it, I think I just made the worst mistake ever?

Mum said I should always listen to the moon necklace but see where it landed me. I was vibrating, if I don't calm myself down he is going to find me in no time.

He tricked me into using the Moon backlace to let him out. I thought he was just an ordinary werewolf trapped inside the cave. But I failed to see what was written on the wall of the cave.

It was no ordinary cave, it was the cave of the cursed. But who cursed him? What type of curse was placed on him?

To lure people in and kill them?. I really don't know how I ended up here but Tasha always said to me. The moon necklace will lead you to your path.

But am I on the right path?

Most princesses have their life all planned out and perfect. A charming prince, a cattle, a lovely kingdom.

Mine wasn't close to being like that. It was the opposite. Being born a werewolf but never getting to have my first transformation. I feel like I am also cursed.

"There you are!" I screamed the moment I saw the face of the beast I let loose myself. I started drawing back.

"Stay away from me" I was shaking.

"Do you think you can hide from me? No one I repeat no-one can hide from me"

"What do you want from me!. I just want to go home"

"Is either you come with me or I will make you"

Where is Tasha? She always finds me when I get lost just like now. Why is she not coming?.

I tried to escape but he beat me to it. Grabbing me by my clothes, he dragged me all the way to the exit.

"Make with the magic" he said looking at me with fury in his eyes. I haven't gotten a closer look at him since we met.

His eyes were of two different colours, just like mine. The moon necklace was made to cover mine off. Mum and Tasha said no one can see them or the person dies.

That's why I never take the necklace off.

"I said make with the magic" He said, coming close to me. I backed away from him immediately until I hit the wall.

"I don't know what you are asking me to do but I don't think I can do it"

"You let me out of those chains, you brought me out of that hell so do the rest"

"I can't " I refused to let him out of here. Am sure he was locked in here for a reason. I can't let him out.

"Fine, I mean I have been starved for a thousand years. You look quite yummy to me"

Is he really going to eat me? I should resist a little bit more, I can't let him leave this cave if he is going to eat people as food.

He pinned me down with his hands. I can't believe he is just holding me down with one hand and I can't move.

"Why don't I start with your head?"

"Fine, I will do it" I said, after seeing his mouth wide open I decided to do as I was asked. Am sure Tasha will find me soon.

I didn't need to do anything, just standing close to the exit. The moon necklace lifted the curse placed at the exit of the cave.

Bardulf's POV

I felt the air hit my face, it was a nice feeling. The one I haven't felt in a thousand years. I smiled to myself knowing fully well that the moon goddess would be in panic right now.

Just like this little creature In Front of me. I couldn't tell if she was a demon or a werewolf. I couldn't smell her.

It was like she had no scent of her own. She was still shaking at the spot.

I wasn't expecting her to run away again. She should know better by now. I let her run a bit into the woods before going after her.

Even without her scent she was too easy to find. Her breathing is so loud and fast. Her heartbeat is as loud as a drum.

"I told you can't hide from me" I said after finding her hiding behind a rock.

"What do you want from me?"

"Something very valuable, give me that necklace"

"No I can't, I won't survive a day without this necklace"

"It seems you like doing things the hard way, but believe me you don't want to see me angry"

She swallowed hard, she was still shaking. All I want is the necklace, I don't have interest in a powerless demon like her.

"Take it off!" I barked at her.

"Fine, I will take it off"

"I'm waiting"

She took the necklace off and dropped it on the ground. But something strange happened, she changed.

Her once brown long hair turned into white . It became longer and floated around her. Her skin became pale.

And then her eyes, her eyes changed. Her eyes were of two different colours. Who is she? Is she a demon?

How was she able to control the moon necklace? How did she find me? Why did the moon goddess send her to me?

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