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Touch of cinnamon

Touch of cinnamon



I couldn't believe my eyes. I knew Martel would be married again, I expected him to be, after all, I left a long time ago. But to my sister?! It felt like someone beat me up and asked me not to cry. How was I going to tell him about our kids, kids he doesn't know about, kids he's never met now that I know that my sister is practically their step mom? I turned around to look at Naomi and her expression said it all, it was real.

Chapter 1 One

Rsmeralda's POV

I have been wandering in this dense forest for what feels like an eternity. Not because I was lost or unsure of where I was going, but because of how unforgivingly thick the foliage was. The towering trees loomed overhead, their branches entwined like ethereal banshees against the daytime sky. Despite the sun's attempts to pierce through the canopy, its light barely filters down to the forest floor, leaving me to navigate through shadows and dimness.

Yet, I trudged on, my determination fueled by the faint scent that led me forward. I could sense that I was getting closer. With every step, the aroma grew more potent. My heart quickened with anticipation, and I doubled up my pace as if my life depended on it,my feet moving as swiftly as my pounding heart. Scratch that!!!!My life did depend on it. My kids were my life and loosing all three of them at once?!!! I sighed.

In that moment, time seemed both endless and fleeting. My mind raced, filled with thoughts of what I might find at the end of this pursuit. I couldn't help but think of my precious children, the reason I ventured into this perilous forest in the first place.The mere thought of losing them all at once was unbearable and incomprehensible, and it sent shivers down my spine.

With that realization, my sigh carried the weight of the universe. I'm reminded of the stakes, of the lives that hung in the balance. My heart clenched, and a mixture of fear and determination intertwined within me.

The most unfathomable part of this whole nightmare was grappling with the inexplicable truth of how my precious children were snatched from under my nose and whisked away from Alabama without a trace. And yet, my mind struggled to comprehend how the perpetrator managed to achieve this audacious feat.

With conviction, I knew that their father wasn't behind this heinous act. I had personally woven the intricate web of protection, casting the elusive "Veil of Shadows" spell upon them. This enchantment was meant to render my children invisible, untraceable by anyone except me. It had been my sole lifeline, the reason I was able to track them this far.

But as my heart raced with fear and desperation, a sliver of doubt gnawed at my thoughts. How could they have been taken without my spell offering any defense? My mind raced, contemplating the possibilities. Had they found a way to counteract the magic? Had I underestimated the strength of their captors?

In my desperation to protect my beloved children, I had gone to even greater lengths, weaving the formidable "Boundaries of Vigilance" spell around them. This potent enchantment was meant to create an invisible barrier, alerting me immediately if they ever attempted to cross it. And so, it was with a bittersweet mix of relief and despair that I had received the heart-wrenching alert of their departure from Alabama; heart wrenching because my heart kept beating like it'd fly out of my chest, a sharp pain emanating from it each time they tried to exit Alabama and failed.

Questions haunted me like relentless ghosts. Why did their kidnappers refrain from nullifying the other half of "Boundaries of Vigilance" spell? Why grant me the knowledge of their departure, as if taunting me with their twisted game? It was as if they reveled in this malicious charade, wanting me to follow their torturous trail, like a puppet master leading me deeper into the shadows.

As I ventured forth, my heart pounded in my chest. My senses were on high alert, scanning for the faintest clue, the tiniest glimmer of hope. The forest around me seemed to close in, its shadows deepening with each passing moment, mirroring the darkness that now enveloped my heart. In this treacherous journey, I braced myself for whatever lay ahead, clutching to the memories of my children's laughter, their tender embraces, and the warmth of their love. My world had grown colder without them, and I was determined to bring back the light, whatever it took.

I took a turn and almost immediately I perceived a smell wafting through the air. I immediately turned my head, following the direction of the scent of smoke that filled the air. My heart pounded in my chest as I heard the cries of my children calling for help. Panic and an overwhelming sense of urgency welled up within me, fueling my determination to reach them.

With every step, I could feel my body responding to the situation. The hybrid nature within me stirred, awakened by the adrenaline coursing through my veins. As the air crackled with tension, my senses heightened, transforming me into a formidable force of nature.

My ears, attuned to even the faintest sound, honed in on the urgent calls of my children, guiding me like a compass pointing north. The cacophony of the forest fell away, replaced by their familiar voices, a lifeline in the darkness that threatened to consume me.

As I pushed forward, my vision shifted, allowing me to perceive the world in vivid detail. The once-veiled forest now revealed its secrets-the dance of the leaves, the subtle sway of branches, and the slightest disturbance in the undergrowth.

My feet moved with a newfound swiftness, propelling me forward with a grace and speed that defied human limitations. The ground beneath me became a blur as I navigated the terrain with the agility of a wolf, each stride taking me closer to my children and further from the fear that gripped my heart.

The scent of smoke grew stronger, fueling my determination. I could almost taste the acrid tang in the air, a bitter reminder of the danger that loomed ahead.

As I neared the source of the smoke, my hybrid senses detected the faintest movements among the trees. With a deep breath, I gathered my strength, and in a blaze of raw power, I transformed into my wolf form. My skin shimmered with a faint iridescence as wolf-like features emerged-my eyes now golden orbs, my canines sharper, and my senses heightened to an extraordinary level. A low, fierce growl emanated from deep within me, a warning to those who dared to stand in my path.

I burst into the clearing, my heart pounding like a war drum in my chest, only to find a quaint cottage already engulfed in roaring flames. The desperate cries of my children pierced the air, igniting a frenzy of panic within me. Without a second thought, I lunged into the inferno, my instincts overruling any fear for my own safety, driven solely by the primal need to rescue them from the jaws of peril.

Yet, as I ventured deeper into the heart of the burning cottage, my hope turned to disbelief. The rooms were empty and desolate, consumed by fire and chaos. The crackling flames danced mockingly around me, their sinister laughter echoing in the air. It was then that I realized the truth-a "Veil of Illusion" spell had been cunningly cast upon me, ensnaring my senses in a web of deceit. This spell makes you hear things that aren't there. I have been tricked!

With a swift motion, I shifted back into my human form, my trembling hands reaching for the enchanted necklace adorning my neck. It was a potent artifact, a gift passed down from my mother to me, and it held the power to unravel deceptive magic. My heart raced as I closed my eyes, summoning the strength of my ancestors, whispering ancient words that resonated with raw energy.

As I opened my eyes, I could feel the magic take hold. The once-standing cottage was no more; it had been reduced to ashes, a haunting testament to the treachery that had befallen me.

My eyes welled with tears as I surveyed the remnants of what once possibly held my kids.My heart pounded in my chest like the beat of war drums, each thud echoing the desperation and anguish that had consumed me.With a trembling hand, I reached for the enchanted necklace around my neck, seeking solace in its familiar presence. Clutching it tightly, I immediately closed my eyes and summoned the depths of my magical abilities, trying to see their current location but the void that greeted me was a crushing blow to my hopes. Fear gripped me, its icy fingers creeping up my spine as I tried again and again to pierce through the darkness. Nothing. My heart sank further into the abyss, the weight of uncertainty threatening to consume me. At that moment it became clear to me that whoever I was dealing with was either a witch or had a strong tie to witches. Whoever had orchestrated this nightmarish charade possessed a potent mastery over dark magic, weaving enchantments that left no traces for me to follow or only leaving those they wanted me to find.

The words echoed in my mind-"Veil of Concealment." It was a spell of concealment, designed to obscure and cloak the magical signatures that would reveal my children's location. They had used their malevolent craft to cover my own spell, a twisted game of magical cat and mouse.I tried again, holding the necklace firmly and chanting spells but despite my efforts, there was nothing-no glimmer of their essence, no sign of their presence.

Amidst the charred ruins, something caught my eye-a glimmer of familiarity amidst the devastation. There, in the center of the scorched earth, lay a single hairpin belonging to one of my precious daughters. It was a poignant reminder of their presence; a hope that had slowly begun to fade away.

"Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" My anguished cry tore through the forest, its echoes rebounding among the trees like a haunting lament. My heart pounded in my chest, the emotions threatening to engulf me like a tempestuous wave. I felt the tears gather in my eyes but I pulled myself together almost immediately. Not now. Not when every second counted. I took a deep, steadying breath. There was no room for tears, no time to waver in the face of adversity. I had a mission to fulfill. With resolute determination, I bent down to retrieve the delicate ribbon that lay at my feet. Its familiar touch sent a shiver down my spine, evoking memories of happier times, before the darkness had descended upon our lives.

My mind raced, contemplating every possible move, every clue that might lead me to my children's whereabouts. I knew what had to be done. I knew where I had to go. It was a place that I had promised myself that I would never return, that I would bury the memories within the deepest chambers of my heart. But now, the promises were futile in the face of desperation.Desperate times called for desperate measures. I turned my gaze towards the path that led me to the cottage and let out a sigh. "North Carolina, I thought, here I come".

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